Project Section Environmental Documents
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 U.S. Code 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated July 23, 2019, and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the State of California. Under that MOU, the Authority is the project’s lead agency under NEPA. Prior to the July 23, 2019, MOU, the FRA was the federal lead agency.
This Final Supplemental EIR/EIS was prepared as a supplement to the 2012 Final EIR/EIS for the Merced to Fresno Section of the California HSR Project (Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS), which was certified/approved by the Authority as CEQA lead agency and by the FRA as the NEPA lead agency.
Following completion of the Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS in May 2012, the Authority and FRA approved portions of the “Preferred Alternative” (i.e., the Hybrid Alternative) outside the wye for the north-south HSR alignment and the Downtown Merced and Downtown Fresno Mariposa Street station locations. Both agencies deferred a decision on the area known as the “wye connection,” which refers to the HSR connection between the east-west San Jose to Merced Section to the west and the north-south Merced to Fresno Section to the east, to allow for additional environmental analysis. This Final Supplemental EIR/EIS is the next step in the environmental review process for the Authority to select a wye connection. This document evaluates the impacts and benefits of implementing a wye connection in the geographically limited area of the wye connection between the cities of Merced and Madera. It is based on additional project planning and engineering that has occurred over the last several years.
As CEQA lead agency, the Authority prepared and released the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS in May 2019. In July 2019, the Authority received NEPA Assignment from the FRA, as noted above. The Authority, as NEPA lead agency, released the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS (the same document as under CEQA) to satisfy the NEPA public comment and review period in September 2019. Responses to public comments received during the CEQA and NEPA review periods are part of this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS and included in Volume IV.
After publication of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS, the Authority learned of a new listing of a bumblebee species, Crotch bumble bee (Bombus crotchii), as a candidate for the California Endangered Species Act that may be present in the relevant resource study area for the Central Valley Wye alternatives. As a result, pursuant to both CEQA and NEPA, the Revised Draft Supplemental EIR/Second Draft Supplemental EIS (Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS) was recirculated for a 45-day public comment period. Responses to comments received during the review period for the Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS are part of this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS and included in Volume IV.
This Final Supplemental EIR/EIS evaluates the No Project Alternative and four Central Valley Wye alternatives: the State Route (SR) 152 (North) to Road 11 Wye Alternative, SR 152 (North) to Road 13 Wye Alternative, SR 152 (North) to Road 19 Wye Alternative, and Avenue 21 to Road 13 Wye Alternative The Authority’s “Preferred Alternative” in this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS is the SR 152 (North) to Road 11 Wye Alternative.
Many of the documents identified below are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and the documents will open automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take several minutes to download. Please call (916) 324-1541 to request electronic copies of documents listed below that are not available on this website.
In addition to posting sections of the Final Supplemental EIR/EIS on this website, printed and/or electronic copies have been made available at the following locations during hours the facilities are open (open days/hours may be reduced for compliance with coronavirus public health and safety directives): Chowchilla Branch Library (300 Kings Avenue, Chowchilla), Madera County Library (121 North G Street, Madera), Merced County Library (2100 O Street, Merced), Madera County Clerk (200 W 4th Street, Madera), and Merced County Clerk (2222 M Street, Merced).
Printed and electronic copies of the Final Supplemental EIR/EIS, along with electronic copies of the associated technical reports, are available for review during business hours at the Authority’s office at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA, and the Authority’s office at 1111 H Street, Fresno, CA. You may also request an electronic copy of the Final Supplemental EIR/EIS by calling (916) 324-1541.
Document Organization
The Central Valley Wye Final Supplemental EIR/EIS includes the following volumes:
- Volume I: Report
- Volume II: Technical Appendices
- Volume III: Alignment Plans
- Volume IV: Responses to Comments
The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision-makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS is complex, this document is intended for the general public. Use of technical terms and acronyms has been limited. Terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used, and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of this document.
The Executive Summary provides an overview of all of the substantive chapters. It includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader where to get details in the rest of the document.
Approval Documents
- Final Approved Resolution #HSRA 20-06 CEQA Certification of Merced to Fresno Section: Central Valley Wye Final SEIR/EIS
- Final Approved Resolution #HSRA 20-07 Approve the Preferred Alternative and related CEQA decision materials
- Project Figure
- Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations
- Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan (MMEP)
- Final Approved Resolution #HSRA 20-08 Select the Preferred Alternative and direct the Authority CEO to sign the Supplemental ROD
- Supplemental Record of Decision (ROD)
- Appendix A: General Conformity Determination Memorandum
- Appendix B: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Opinion
- Appendix C: National Marine Fisheries Service Biological Opinion
- Appendix D: Mitigation Monitoring and Enforcement Plan
- Appendix E: State Historic Preservation Officer Concurrence Letter
- Appendix F: Least Damaging Practicable Alternative Concurrence Letter
- Appendix G: Letters to the Authority Board and Board Meeting Materials
Education Materials
- Executive Summary for the Final Supplemental EIR/EIS
- Informe Final Suplementario de Impacto Ambiental/Declaración de Impacto Ambiental de la Bifurcación en el Valle Central, Resumen (Executive Summary En Español)
Volume I: Report
- Cover Volume I
- Title Page Volume I
- Signature Page Volume I
- Fact Sheet
- Preface
- Table of Contents Volume I
- Summary
- Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives
- Alternatives
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Transportation
- 3.3 Air Quality and Global Climate Change
- 3.4 Noise and Vibration
- 3.5 Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Interference
- 3.6 Public Utilities and Energy
- 3.7 Biological Resources Wetlands
- 3.8 Hydrology Water Resources
- 3.9 Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Resources
- 3.10 Hazardous Materials and Wastes
- 3.11 Safety and Security
- 3.12 Socioeconomics and Communities
- 3.13 Land Use and Development
- 3.14 Agricultural Farmland
- 3.15 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
- 3.16 Aesthetics and Visual Resources
- 3.17 Cultural Resources
- 3.18 Regional Growth
- 3.19 Cumulative Impacts
- Section 4(f )and Section 6(f)
- Environmental Justice
- Project Costs and Operations
- Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations
- Preferred Alternative
- Public Agency Involvement
- Supplemental EIR/EIS Distribution
- List of Preparers
- References/Sources Used in Document Preparation
- Glossary of Terms
- Index
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
Volume II: Technical Appendices
- Cover Volume II
- Title Page Volume II
- Table of Contents Volume II
- Appendix 2-A High-Speed Rail System Infrastructure
- Appendix 2-B California High-Speed Rail Impact Avoidance and Minimization Features
- Appendix 2-C Applicable Design Standards
- Appendix 2-D Electrical Interconnections and Network Upgrades (EINU)
- Appendix 3.1-A Regional and Local Plans and Laws Inventory
- Appendix 3.1-B Parcels Within the Central Valley Wye Alternatives Project Footprints
- Appendix 3.1-C Comparison of Mitigation Measures and Impacts: Central Valley Wye and Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS
- Appendix 3.1-D Central Valley Wye Technical Report Memorandum of Updates
- Appendix 3.2-A High-Speed Rail Grade Separation and Road Closures for Central Valley Wye Alternatives
- Appendix 3.3-A Air Quality and Global Climate Change Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.3-B Memorandum Describing Consistency with the Merced to Fresno General Conformity Determination
- Appendix 3.4-A Noise and Vibration Mitigation Guidelines
- Appendix 3.6-A Public Utilities and Energy Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.6-B Water Use Assessment
- Appendix 3.6-C Bureau of Reclamation Lands
- Appendix 3.7-A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service Species Lists
- Appendix 3.7-B California Natural Diversity Database Search Results
- Appendix 3.7-C.1 Biological Resources and Wetlands Special-Status Plants
- Appendix 3.7-C.2 Biological Resources and Wetlands Special-Status Wildlife
- Appendix 3.8-A Hydrology and Water Resources Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.11-A Safety and Security Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.11-B Safety and Security Data
- Appendix 3.11-C Existing and Proposed Railroad Crossings
- Appendix 3.12-A Socioeconomics and Communities Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.12-B Relocation Assistance Documents
- Appendix 3.12-C Children’s Health and Safety Risk Assessment
- Appendix 3.12-D Economic Effects on School Districts
- Appendix 3.12-E Attachment 1 Impacts on Confined Animal Agriculture Facilities
- Appendix 3.12-E Attachment 2 Impacts on Wastewater Disposal Lands
- Appendix 3.12-E High-Speed Rail Impacts on Confined Animal Agriculture Facilities
- Appendix 3.12-F Summary of Issues Affecting Schools
- Appendix 3.13-A Land Use and Development Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.14-A Agricultural Farmland Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.14-B Results and Findings of Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Pursuant to the Farmland Protection Policy Act
- Appendix 3.14-B Attachment 1 Natural Resources Conservation Service Land Evaluation Explanations and Calculations for Merced County
- Appendix 3.14-B Attachment 1 Natural Resources Conservation Service Land Evaluations and Calculations–Merced County
- Appendix 3.14-B Attachment 2 Natural Resources Conservation Service Land Evaluation Explanations and Calculations for Madera County
- Appendix 3.14-B Attachment 2 Natural Resources Conservation Service Land Evaluations and Calculations–Madera County
- Appendix 3.14-C Remnant Parcel Analysis and Important Farmland Mitigation
- Appendix 3.14-C Attachment 1 Remnant Parcel Maps–State Route 152 (North) to Road 13 Wye Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-C Attachment 2 Remnant Parcel Maps–State Route 152 (North) to Road 19 Wye Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-C Attachment 3 Remnant Parcel Maps–Avenue 21 to Road 13 Wye Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-C Attachment 4 Remnant Parcel Maps–State Route 152 (North) to Road 11 Wye Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-D Williamson Act and Farmland Security Zone Compliance Data
- Appendix 3.16-A Aesthetics and Visual Quality Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.16-B Aesthetics and Visual Quality Key Viewpoints
- Appendix 3.17-A Cultural Resources Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- Appendix 3.17-B Section 106 Programmatic Agreement and Merced to Fresno Section Memoranda of Agreement
- Appendix 3.17-C Tribal Outreach and Consultation
- Appendix 3.19-A Cumulative Plans and Non-Transportation Projects List; Appendix 3.19-B Cumulative Transportation Projects List
- Appendix 5-A Environmental Justice Outreach Plan
- Appendix 6-A Operations and Service Plan
- Appendix 6-B High-Speed Rail Operating and Maintenance Cost for Use in EIR/EIS Project-Level Analysis
Volume III: Alignment Plans
Volume III documents are available with the Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Volume IV: Responses to Comments
- Cover Volume IV
- Introduction to Volume IV
- Standard Responses
- Respuestas Estándar
- Response to Comments from Federal Agencies Comments
- Response to Comments from State Agencies Comments
- Response to Comments from Elected Officials Comments
- Response to Comments from Local Agencies Comments Part 1 of 4
- Response to Comments from Local Agencies Comments Part 2 of 4
- Response to Comments from Local Agencies Comments Part 3 of 4
- Response to Comments from Local Agencies Comments Part 4 of 4
- Response to Comments from Business and Organization Comments Part 1 of 4
- Response to Comments from Business and Organization Comments Part 2 of 4
- Response to Comments from Business and Organization Comments Part 3 of 4
- Response to Comments from Business and Organization Comments Part 4 of 4
- Response to Comments from Individual Comments
Technical Reports
- Technical Reports are available with the Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Checkpoint A
- Checkpoint A is available with the Merced to Fresno Draft EIR/EIS.
Checkpoint B
- Checkpoint B is available with the Merced to Fresno Draft EIR/EIS.
- Supplemental Checkpoint B Summary Report and Addenda are available with the Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Checkpoint C
- Supplemental Checkpoint C Summary Report is available with the Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Brief Explanation of Each Volume and Chapter
Volume I: Report
Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the Merced to Fresno Section, including the Central Valley Wye, and it provides a history of the planning process.
Chapter 2.0, Alternatives, describes the proposed Central Valley Wye alternatives, as well as the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document.
Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, provides information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the area of the Central Valley Wye. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
Chapter 4.0, Final Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Evaluations, provides the analysis to support determinations made under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.
Chapter 5.0, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the Central Valley Wye alternatives may cause disproportionate impacts on low-income and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate.
Chapter 6.0, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for each Central Valley Wye alternative evaluated in this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS, including funding and financial risk.
Chapter 7.0, Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations, summarizes the Central Valley Wye alternatives’ environmental effects under NEPA, the significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under CEQA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the Central Valley Wye alternatives or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options.
Chapter 8.0, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying the Preferred Alternative.
Chapter 9.0, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS. In addition, this chapter contains a list of common comments and the responses to this subset of comments.
Chapter 10.0, Final Supplemental EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to obtain, this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Chapter 11.0, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Chapter 12.0, References/Sources Used in Document Preparation, cites the references and contacts used in writing this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Chapter 13.0, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Chapter 14.0, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics used in this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Chapter 15.0, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Volume II: Technical Appendices
The technical appendices provide additional details on the Central Valley Wye alternatives and the Final Supplemental EIR/EIS process. Technical appendices included in Volume II are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 2, of this Final Supplemental EIR/EIS (e.g., 3.7-A is the first appendix for Section 3.7, Biological Resources and Wetlands).
Volume III: Alignment Plans
These are detailed design drawings, including trackway and roadway crossing design.
Volume IV: Responses to Comments on the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS and Revised Draft Supplemental EIR/Second Draft Supplemental EIS
This section includes comments received on the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS during the separate review periods for CEQA and NEPA, comments received on the Revised Draft Supplemental EIR/Second Draft Supplemental EIS and the responses to these comments.
Revised Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/ Second Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Biological Resources Analysis
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announces the availability of a joint revised draft supplemental environmental impact report/environmental impact statement to address a bumble bee species that was recently listed as a state candidate species and may contain habitat within the Central Valley Wye study area.
This document was prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and is entitled “Merced to Fresno Section: Central Valley Wye Revised Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Second Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Biological Resources Analysis” (referred to below as “Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS”). The Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS was prepared as a limited revision to the previously published Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Environmental Impact Statement (Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS), a supplement to the 2012 Final EIR/EIS for the Merced to Fresno Section of the California High-Speed Rail Project (Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS), which was certified/approved by the Authority as the CEQA lead agency and by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) as the NEPA lead agency.
Following the Authority’s publication of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS for CEQA purposes in May 2019 and subsequent publication of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS for NEPA purposes in September 2019, the Authority learned of the new listing by the State of California Department of Fish and Wildlife of a bumble bee species that may be present in the relevant resource study area for the Central Valley Wye alternatives. The Authority, as lead CEQA and NEPA agency for the Central Valley Wye, is issuing this Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS limited to the portions of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS that would require revision based on the new information about the candidate species. New information includes background information, methodology, impact analysis, and mitigation measures.
The section and appendix comprising the Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS are:
- Section 3.7, Biological Resources and Wetlands
- Section, Cumulative Impacts, Biological Resources and Wetlands
- Appendix 3.7-C-2, Biological Resources and Wetlands Special-Status Wildlife
The Authority reviewed other sections of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS and found, based on research and a review of the evidence, that no other substantive changes would be required, including Section 3.19, Cumulative Impacts.
The following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and it will open up automatically. Note: some of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download.
In addition to posting the Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS on this website, printed and electronic copies are provided at the following public libraries and county clerk offices: Chowchilla Branch Library (300 Kings Avenue, Chowchilla), Madera County Library (121 North G Street, Madera), Merced County Library (2100 O St, Merced), Madera County Clerk (200 W 4th St, Madera), and Merced County Clerk (2222 M St, Merced).
Printed and electronic copies of the Central Valley Wye Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS are available for review during business hours at the Authority’s office at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA, and the Authority’s office at 1111 H Street, Fresno, CA. You may also request an electronic copy of the Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS by calling (916) 324-1541.
The 2012 Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS and 2018 Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS can be accessed by requesting an electronic copy by calling (916) 324-1541.
Submitting a Comment
The comment period is closed.
- Notice of Availability
- Notificatión de Disponibilidad (Notice of Availability En Español)
- Notice of Completion (Accessible 508 Compliant)
- Notice of Completion (Signed and Stamped)
Revised/Second Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS
- Cover Page
- Signature Page
- Cover Sheet Memo
- Memorando (Cover Sheet Memo En Español)
- Section 3.7, Biological Resources and Wetlands
- This section provides the findings and analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
- Section, Cumulative Impacts, Biological Resources and Wetlands
- This section provides the findings and analysis of cumulative effects to Biological Resources and Wetlands.
- Appendix 3.7-C-2, Biological Resources and Wetlands Special-Status Wildlife
- This section provides the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses.
Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) announces the availability of a draft supplemental environmental impact statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) entitled “Merced to Fresno Section: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement” (referred to below as “Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS”). This document was prepared as a supplement to the 2012 Final EIR/EIS for the Merced to Fresno Section of the California High-Speed Rail Project (Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS), which was certified/approved by the Authority as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lead agency and by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) as the NEPA lead agency. The present Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS contains all the content required by CEQA and NEPA, however, the CEQA portion of this document was presented to the public in May and June of 2019.
On July 23, 2019, Governor Newsom executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with FRA under the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program (known as NEPA Assignment), pursuant to the legal authority under 23 U.S.C. section 327. Under NEPA Assignment, the State, acting through the California State Transportation Agency and the Authority, has assumed FRA’s responsibilities under NEPA and other federal environmental laws, as assigned by FRA under the MOU. These responsibilities that California will now carry out, pursuant to 23 U.S.C. section 327 and the MOU, include environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project. The Authority as NEPA lead agency is therefore issuing the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS pursuant to NEPA only at this time for public and agency comments. Content in the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS that is specific or pertaining to CEQA is for information only at this time.
Following its certification of the Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS in May 2012, the Authority approved portions of the “Preferred Alternative” (Hybrid Alternative) outside the wye for the north/south alignment of the high‐speed rail and the Downtown Merced and Downtown Fresno Mariposa Street station locations. The FRA made a similar decision. Both agencies elected to defer a decision on the area known as the “wye connection” – that is, the east-west HSR connection between the San Jose to Merced Section to the west and the north-south Merced to Fresno Section to the east, to allow for additional environmental analysis. This Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS is the next step in the NEPA environmental review process for the Authority to select a wye connection. This document evaluates the impacts and benefits of implementing a wye connection in the geographically limited area of the wye connection between the cities of Merced and Madera and is based on additional project planning and engineering that has occurred over the last several years.
The Preferred Alternative in this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS, is the State Route (SR) 152 (North) to Road 11 Wye Alternative. This Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS also evaluates the No Project Alternative and four Central Valley Wye alternatives: the SR 152 (North) to Road 13 Wye Alternative, SR 152 (North) to Road 19 Wye Alternative, and Avenue 21 to Road 13 Wye Alternative.
Many of the following documents are available electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, which require Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have a copy of this free software, you can download it from Adobe at If you already have a copy of this software, simply click on the links and it will open up automatically. Note: many of these files are very large and could take up to several minutes to download. Documents listed below that are not available electronically are available by requesting an electronic copy on CD by calling (916) 324-1541.
In addition to posting sections of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS on this website, printed and electronic copies are provided at the following public libraries and county clerk offices: Chowchilla Branch Library (300 Kings Avenue, Chowchilla), Madera County Library (121 North G Street, Madera), Merced County Library (2100 O St, Merced), Madera County Clerk (200 W 4th St, Madera), and Merced County Clerk (2222 M St, Merced).
Printed and electronic copies of the Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS, along with electronic copies of the associated technical reports, are available for review during business hours at the Authority’s office at 770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1, Sacramento, CA, and the Authority’s office at 1111 H Street, Fresno, CA. You may also request an electronic copy on CD of the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS by calling (916) 324-1541.
The 2012 Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS can be accessed by requesting an electronic copy on CD by calling (916) 324-1541.
Document Organization
The Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS includes the following:
- Volume I – Report
- Volume II – Technical Appendices
- Volume III – Alignment Plans
The purpose of environmental documents is to disclose information to decision makers and the public. While the science and analysis that supports this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS is complex, this document is intended for the general public. Every attempt has been made to limit technical terms and the use of acronyms. The terms and acronyms are defined the first time they are used and a list of acronyms and abbreviations is provided in Chapter 15 of this document.
The Executive Summary provides an overview of all of the substantive chapters and includes a table listing the potential environmental impacts for each environmental resource topic and directs the reader where to get details elsewhere in the document.
Educational Materials
- Executive Summary for the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS
- Resumen Ejecutivo del Borrador Informe del Impacto Ambiental / Declaración del Impacto Ambiental Suplementario de la Sección de Fresno a Bakersfield (EIR/EIS Suplementario) (Executive Summary En Español)
- NEPA Notice of Availability
- Publicación y Notificación Exclusiva de la NEPA (NEPA Notice of Availability En Español)
- CEQA Notice of Availability
- Aviso de Disponibilidad del Borrador Informe de Impacto Ambiental / Declaración de Impacto Ambiental Suplementario de la Sección de Merced to Fresno (CEQA Notice of Availability En Español)
- Notice of Completion (May 2, 2019)
Submitting a Comment
On September 13, 2019, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) released, for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) public review and comment, a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS) for the Merced to Fresno Section of the California High-Speed Rail Project. This Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS is focused on the Central Valley Wye. The Central Valley Wye is located near the City of Chowchilla and will serve as the junction for the high-speed rail system connecting San Jose to Fresno, San Jose to Merced, and Merced to Fresno.
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being or have been carried out by the State of California pursuant to 23 U.S.C. section 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated July 23, 2019, and executed by the Federal Railroad Administration and the State of California. The present Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS contains all the content required by NEPA and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), however, the CEQA portion of this document was presented to the public in May and June of 2019. The Authority as NEPA lead agency is therefore issuing the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS pursuant to NEPA only at this time for public and agency comments. Content in the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS that is specific or pertaining to CEQA is for information only at this time.
The official NEPA comment period begins Friday, September 13 and ends Monday, October 28, 2019. There are several ways to submit a NEPA comment regarding the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS for the Merced to Fresno Project Section including:
- Via email at
- Mail your comment to:Attn: Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS for the Merced to Fresno Project Section
California High-Speed Rail Authority
770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1
Sacramento, CA 95814 - Leave a verbal comment on the direct line for the Merced to Fresno Project Section at (800) 881-5799.
- Submit public comment at the hearing on October 1, 2019 between 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. The hearing location is at the Little Theater at the Chowchilla-Madera Fairgrounds at 1000 S 3rd Street, Chowchilla CA 93610.
Cómo Presentar un Comentario
El 3 de Septiembre del 2013, la Autoridad del Tren de Alta Velocidad de California (la Autoridad) publicó, para la revisión y apreciación pública, un borrador suplementario del Informe de impacto ambiental de conformidad con la Ley Nacional de Política Ambiental (NEPA) o la Declaración del impacto ambiental (borrador suplementario del Informe de impacto ambiental [Environmental Impact Report, EIR] o la Declaración del impacto ambiental [Environmental Impact Statement, EIS]) sobre la sección de Merced a Fresno del proyecto del Tren de Alta Velocidad de California. Este borrador suplementario del EIR/EIS está enfocado en el Valle Central de Wye. El Valle Central de Wye se localiza cerca de la ciudad de Chowchilla y funcionará como unión del sistema de tren de alta velocidad que conecta a San Jose y Fresno, a San Jose y Merced, y a Merced y Fresno.
La revisión ambiental, consulta y otras acciones requeridas por las leyes ambientales federales aplicables para este proyecto están siendo o han sido llevadas a cabo por el Estado de California de conformidad con la sección 327 del 23 U.S.C. y un Memorando de Entendimiento fechado el 23 de Julio de 2019, y ejecutado por la Administración Federal de Ferrocarriles y el Estado de California. El presente Borrador suplementario del EIR/EIS contiene todo lo requerido por la NEPA y la Ley de Calidad Ambiental de California (CEQA), sin embargo, la porción de CEQA de este documento fue presentada al público en mayo y Junio de 2019. Sin embargo, la parte de la Ley de Calidad Ambiental de California (CEQA) en este documento fue presentada en mayo y Junio de 2019. Así, la autoridad institucional líder como es la NEPA estará emitiendo un Borrador del EIR/EIS siguiendo únicamente a la NEPA en la actualidad, en el caso de los comentarios públicos y de instituciones. El contenido del Borrador del EIR/EIS que sea específico o que tenga relación a la CEQA únicamente será utilizado como guía en esta oportunidad.
El periodo oficial de comentarios comienza el viernes 13 de Septiembre y termina el lunes 28 de Octubre de 2019. Existen varias maneras de presentar un comentario al NEPA sobre el borrador suplementario del EIR/EIS para la sección de Merced a Fresno del proyecto, incluso:
- Por correo electrónico a
- Envíe su comentario por correo postal a:Attn: Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS for the Merced to Fresno Project Section
California High-Speed Rail Authority
770 L Street, Suite 620 MS-1
Sacramento, CA 95814 - Deje un mensaje de voz en la línea directa de la sección de Merced a Fresno del proyecto al (800) 881-5799.
- Presente su comentario en público en la audiencia del 1 de Octubre, de 3:00 p. m. a 8:00 p. m. La ubicación de la audiencia será en el Little Theater de la feria de Chowchilla-Madera, 1000 S 3rd Street, Chowchilla CA 93610.
Volume I – Report
- Volume I Cover
- Volume I Title Page
- Signature Page – NEPA Assignment
- Signature Page
- NEPA Distribution Explanation
- Explicación de la distribución conforme a la Ley Nacional de Política Ambiental (NEPA) (NEPA Distribution Explanation En Español)
- EIR Clarifications and Errata
- Aclaraciones del EIR y Errata (EIR Clarifications and Errata en Español)
- Fact Sheet
- Preface
- Table of Contents Volume I
- Summary
- Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives
- Alternatives
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Transportation
- 3.3 Air Quality and Global Climate Change
- 3.4 Noise and Vibration
- 3.5 Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Interference
- 3.6 Public Utilities and Energy
- 3.7 Biological Resources and Wetlands
- 3.8 Hydrology and Water Resources
- 3.9 Geology, Soils, Seismicity, and Paleontological Resources
- 3.10 Hazardous Materials and Wastes
- 3.11 Safety and Security
- 3.12 Socioeconomics and Communities
- 3.13 Land Use and Development
- 3.14 Agricultural Farmland
- 3.15 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
- 3.16 Aesthetics and Visual Resources
- 3.17 Cultural Resources
- 3.18 Regional Growth
- 3.19 Cumulative Impacts
- Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Evaluations
- Environmental Justice
- Project Costs and Operations
- Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations
- Preferred Alternative
- Public and Agency Involvement
- Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS Distribution
- List of Preparers
- References/Sources Used in Document Preparation
- Glossary of Terms
- Index
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
Volume II: Technical Appendices
- Cover Volume II
- Title Page Volume II
- Table of Contents Volume II
- 2-A High-Speed Rail System Infrastructure
- 2-B California High-Speed Rail: Impact Avoidance and Minimization Features
- 2-C Applicable Design Standards
- 2-D.1, Detailed Project Description
- 2-D.2, Air Quality Modeling
- 2-D.3, Noise Modeling
- 2-D.4, Biological Resources Survey Summary
- 3.1-A Regional and Local Plans and Laws Inventory
- 3.1-B Parcels within the Central Valley Wye Alternatives Project Footprints
- 3.1-C Comparison of Central Valley Wye Mitigation Measures and Merced to Fresno Final EIR/EIS Mitigation Measures
- 3.1-D Central Valley Wye Technical Report Memorandum of Updates
- 3.2-A High-Speed Rail Grade Separation and Road Closures for Central Valley Wye Alternatives
- 3.3-A Air Quality and Global Climate Change Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.3-B Memorandum Describing Consistency with the Merced to Fresno General Conformity Determination
- 3.4-A Noise and Vibration Mitigation Guidelines
- 3.6-A Public Utilities and Energy Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.6-B Water Use Assessment
- 3.6-C U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Lands
- 3.7-A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species List
- 3.7-B California Natural Diversity Database Search Results
- 3.7-C Special-Status Species with Potential to Occur in the Resource Study Area
- 3.8-A Hydrology and Water Resources Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.11-A Safety and Security Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.11-B Safety and Security Data
- 3.11-C Existing and Proposed Railroad Crossings
- 3.12-A Socioeconomics and Communities Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.12-B Relocation Assistance Documents
- 3.12-C Children’s Health and Safety Risk Assessment
- 3.12-D Economic Effects on School Districts
- 3.12-E High-Speed Rail Impacts on Confined Animal Agriculture Facilities
- 3.12-E-1 High-Speed Rail Impacts on Confined Animal Agricultural Facilities
- 3.12-E-2 Impacts on Wastewater Disposal Lands
- 3.12-F Summary of Issues Affecting Schools
- 3.13-A Land Use and Development Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.14-A Agricultural Farmland Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.14-B Results and Findings of Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Pursuant to the Farmland Protection Policy Act
- 3.14-C Remnant Parcel Analysis and Important Farmland Mitigation
- Appendix 3.14-C, Remnant Parcel Analysis SR 152 North to Road 13 Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-C, Remnant Parcel Analysis SR 152 North to Road 19 Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-C, Remnant Parcel Analysis Avenue 21 to Road 13 Alternative
- Appendix 3.14-C, Remnant Parcel Analysis SR 152 North to Road 11 Alternative
- 3.14-D Williamson Act and Farmland Security Zone Compliance Data
- 3.16-A Aesthetics and Visual Quality Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.16-B Aesthetics and Visual Quality Key Viewpoints
- 3.17-A Cultural Resources Local and Regional Plans and Laws Consistency Analysis
- 3.17-B Section 106 Programmatic Agreement and Merced to Fresno Section Memoranda of Agreement
- 3.17-C Tribal Outreach and Consultation
- 3.19-A and B Cumulative Plans, Non-Transportation Projects and Transportation Projects List
- 5-A Environmental Justice Outreach Plan
- 6-A Operations and Service Plan
- 6-B High-Speed Rail Operating and Maintenance Cost for Use in EIR/EIS Project-Level Analysis
Volume III: Alignment Plans
- Cover Volume III
- Alignment Plans SR 152 North to Road 13 Alternative
- Alignment Plans SR 152 North to Road 19 Alternative
- Alignment Plans Avenue 21 to Road 13 Alternative
- Alignment Plans SR 152 North to Road 11 Alternative
- Civil and Grade Separation Plans SR 152 North to Road 13 Alternative
- Civil and Grade Separation Plans SR 152 North to Road 19 Alternative
- Civil and Grade Separation Plans Avenue 21 to Road 13 Alternative
- Civil and Grade Separation Plans SR 152 North to Road 11 Alternative
- Structure Viaduct and Tunnel Plans Part 1 of 2
- Structure Viaduct and Tunnel Plans Part 2 of 2
- Traction Power Facility, Interlocking, and Radio Site Plans Part 1 of 2
- Traction Power Facility, Interlocking, and Radio Site Plans Part 2 of 2
Technical Reports
- Transportation Technical Report
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix A
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix B
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix C
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix D
- Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Appendix E
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix A
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix B
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix C
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix D
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix E
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix F
- Noise and Vibration Technical Report Appendix G
- Hydrology and Water Resources Technical Report
- Biological Resources and Wetlands Technical Report (Redacted)
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendices A and B
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-1
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-2
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-3
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-4
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-5
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-6
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-7
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-8
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-9
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-10
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendix C-11
- Second Supplemental Wetlands Delineation Report Appendices D-I
- California Rapid Assessment Method Report
- Geology, Soils, and Seismicity Technical Report
- Paleontological Resources Technical Report
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report
- Community Impact Assessment Technical Report
- Draft Relocation Impact Report
- Aesthetics and Visual Resources Technical Report
- Historic Architectural Survey Report
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix A
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix B
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix C
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix D
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix E
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix F
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Appendix G
- Historic Architectural Survey Report Addendum
- Supplemental Section 106 Findings of Effect Report
Checkpoint A
- Checkpoint A is available by requesting an electronic copy on CD by calling (916) 324-1541.
Checkpoint B
- Checkpoint B is available by requesting an electronic copy on CD by calling (916) 324-1541.
- Supplemental Checkpoint B Summary Report
- Supplemental Checkpoint B Summary Report Addendum
- Supplemental Checkpoint B Summary Report Second Addendum
- Supplemental Checkpoint B Summary Report Third Addendum
Checkpoint C
- Supplemental Checkpoint C Summary Report (Redacted)
- Appendix A, Watershed Evaluation Report
- Appendix B, Evaluation of Wetland Condition: California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Report
- Appendix B-1, Maps of Assessment Areas
- Appendix B-2, Summary Table of CRAM Data
- Appendix B-3, Assessment Area Data Forms
- Appendix B-4, Photo Log
- Appendix C, Sequenced Search for Less Environmentally Damaging Alternative
- Appendix D, USACE Section 408 Preliminary Determination Hydraulics Analysis Summary Report
- Appendix E, Preliminary Compensatory Mitigation Plan (Redacted)
- Appendix E-1, Site Maps for Potential Mitigation Sites (Redacted)
- Appendix E-2, Effects Illustrations (Redacted)
- Appendix F: Clean Water Act 404(B)(1) Guidelines: Factual Determinations (Redacted)
- Appendix G, Impact Avoidance and Minimization Features and Mitigation Measures
- Appendix H, Plant Communities and Land Cover Types within the Habitat Study Area
Brief Explanation of Each Chapter
Volume I – Report
- Chapter 1.0, Introduction and Purpose, Need, and Objectives, explains the Authority’s purpose and need for the Merced to Fresno Section, including the Central Valley Wye and provides a history of the planning process.
- Chapter 2.0, Alternatives, describes the proposed Central Valley Wye alternatives, as well as the No Project Alternative used for purposes of comparison. It contains illustrations and maps and provides a review of construction activities. These first two chapters help the reader understand what is being analyzed in the remainder of the document.
- Chapter 3.0, Affected Environment, Environmental Consequences, and Mitigation Measures, is where the reader can find information about the existing transportation, environmental, and social conditions in the area of the Central Valley Wye. This chapter provides the findings of the analysis of potential environmental impacts, along with methods to reduce these impacts (called mitigation measures).
- Chapter 4.0, Section 4(f)/Section 6(f) Evaluation, provides the analysis to support determinations made under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966 and Section 6(f) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act.
- Chapter 5.0, Environmental Justice, discusses whether the Central Valley Wye alternatives may cause disproportionate impacts on low-income and minority communities. It also identifies mitigation to reduce those impacts where appropriate.
- Chapter 6.0, Project Costs and Operations, summarizes the estimated capital and operations and maintenance costs for each Central Valley Wye alternative evaluated in this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS, including funding and financial risk.
- Chapter 7.0, Other NEPA/CEQA Considerations, summarizes the Central Valley Wye alternatives’ environmental effects under NEPA, the significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided under CEQA, and the significant irreversible environmental changes that would occur as a result of the Central Valley Wye alternatives or irretrievable commitments of resources or foreclosure of future options.
- Chapter 8.0, Preferred Alternative, describes the Preferred Alternative and the basis for identifying the Preferred Alternative.
- Chapter 9.0, Public and Agency Involvement, contains summaries of coordination and outreach activities with agencies and the general public during preparation of this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS. In addition, this chapter contains a list of common comments and the responses to this subset of comments.
- Chapter 10.0, Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS Distribution, identifies the public agencies, tribes, and organizations that were informed of the availability of, and locations to obtain, this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
- Chapter 11.0, List of Preparers, provides the names and responsibilities of the authors of this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
- Chapter 12.0, References/Sources Used in Document Preparation, cites the references and contacts used in writing this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
- Chapter 13.0, Glossary of Terms, provides a definition of certain terms used in this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
- Chapter 14.0, Index, provides a tool to cross-reference major topics used in this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
- Chapter 15.0, Acronyms and Abbreviations, defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS.
Volume II – Technical Appendices
- Appendices provide additional details on the Central Valley Wye alternatives and the Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS process. Technical appendices, included in Volume II, are primarily related to the affected environment and environmental consequences analyses. These appendices are numbered to match their corresponding section in Chapter 3, as well as Chapter 2, of this Draft Supplemental EIR/EIS (e.g., 3.7-A is the first appendix for Section 3.7, Biological Resources and Wetlands).
Volume III – Alignment Plans
- These are detailed design drawings, including trackway and roadway crossing design.
- San Francisco to San Jose Project Section: Environmental Documents
- San Jose to Merced Project Section: Environmental Documents
- Merced to Fresno: Environmental Documents
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye: Environmental Documents
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Environmental Documents
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative: Environmental Documents
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Environmental Documents
- Palmdale to Burbank: Environmental Documents
- Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section: Environmental Documents

San Francisco to San Jose Project Section
- San Francisco to San Jose: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- San Francisco to San Jose: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
San Jose to Merced Project Section
- San Jose to Merced: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- San Jose to Merced: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- San Jose to Merced: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Merced to Fresno Project Section
- Merced to Fresno: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Revised Draft Supplemental EIR/Second Draft Supplemental EIS
- Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alternative Draft & Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Bakersfield to Palmdale: Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section
Project Section Details
Select a project section to learn more:
(916) 324-1541
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