Board Resolutions
The Board of Directors is responsible for setting policy directives for the California High-Speed Rail Authority, and for the development and approval of the Authority’s key policy documents. Final resolutions for the California High-Speed Rail Authority are provided below.
2023 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-01 Consider Accepting the Updated Total Expenditure Authorization
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-02 Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for the Rail Systems Engineering Services Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-02A Consider Approving Notice to Proceed Number Three for the Merced to Madera Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-03 Consider Accepting the Proposed Amendments to the Authority’s Organizational Conflict of Interest Policy
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-04 Consider Approving the Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Internal Audit Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-05 Consider Accepting the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year Budget
- Final Resolution #HSRA 23-06 Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for a Supply-Maintain Contract for High-Speed Trainsets and Related Services
- Final Resolution #HSR 23-07 Small Business Goals and Program Plan
- Final Resolution #HSR 23-08 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Track and Overhead Contact System Design
- Final Resolution #HSR 23-09 Approval to Award Contract for Rail System Engineering Services
2022 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-01 CEQA Certification of the Burbank to Los Angeles Section Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-02 Approve the Preferred Alternative and Related CEQA Decision Materials
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-03 Direct Authority CEO to Issue the Record of Decision for the Burbank to Los Angeles Project Section Selecting the HSR Build Alternative and Complying with Other Federal Laws
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-04 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Program Delivery Support Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-05 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design Services for the Merced to Madera Project
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-06 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Design Services for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative Project
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-07 Approval of the Project Management and Funding Agreement for the Los Angeles Union Station (Link US) Project, a major capital investment for High-Speed Rail
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-09 Approval of the Final 2022 Business Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-10 CEQA Certification of the San Jose to Merced Project Section Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-11 Approval of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 4, with a San Jose Diridon Station, downtown Gilroy Station, and South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-12 Direct Authority Chief Executive Officer to Issue the Record of Decision for the San Jose to Merced Project Section Selecting Alternative 4 with a San Jose Diridon Station, Downtown Gilroy Station, a South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility, and associated facilities and refinements, and Complying with Other Federal Laws
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-13 Consider Accepting the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budgets
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-15 Approval to Award the Contract for Design Services for the Merced to Madera Project
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-16 Approval to Award the Contract for Design Services for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative (LGA) Project
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-17 Approval for Track and Systems Procurement Stipend Adjustment
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-18 Approval to enter Interagency Agreement with Caltrans for the Wasco SR46 Grade Separation Improvement Project
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-19 CEQA Certification of the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-20 Approve the Preferred Alternative (Alternative A with Caltrain Stations modified for HSR at 4th and King Streets and in Millbrae, an East Brisbane Light Maintenance Facility, the Millbrae Station Design, and associated facilities) from 4th and King Streets in San Francisco to Scott Boulevard in Santa Clara and Related CEQA Decision Materials
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-21 Direct Authority CEO to Issue the Record of Decision for the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Selecting the Portion of the Preferred Alternative (Alternative A, with Caltrain stations modified for HSR at 4th and King Street and Millbrae, an East Brisbane light maintenance facility, the Millbrae Station Design, and associated facilities) from 4th and King Station in San Francisco to Scott Boulevard in Santa Clara pursuant to NEPA and other Federal Laws
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-22 Approval of the 2022 Proposition 1A Funding Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 22-23 Approval to Award Contract for Program Delivery Support Services
2021 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 21-01 Approval of the 2021 Proposition 1A Funding Plan
- Final Resolution #HSR 21-02 Approval of the Final 2020 Business Plan
- Final Resolution #HSR 21-03 Delegation of Authority Board Policy Update
- Final Resolution #HSR 21-04 Delegation of Authority Board Policy Update
- Final Resolution #HSRA 21-05 CEQA Certification of the Bakersfield to Palmdale Section Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 21-06 Approve the Preferred Alternative and Related CEQA Decision Materials
- Final Resolution #HSRA 21-07 CEO Issues Record of Decision for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section Prefered Alternative
- Final Resolution #HSRA 21-08 Consider Adopting the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget
- Final Resolution #HSRA 21-09 Revision of the CEO Delegation of Authority Regarding Contracts and Contract Management
- Final Resolution: #HSRA 21-10 Approval of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Audit Plan and Acknowledgement of the Internal Quality Assurance Self-Assessment, Fiscal Year 2020-2021
2020 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-01 Designation of Usable Segments
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-02 Fiscal Year 2020-21 Audit Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-04 Consider Accepting the FY 2020-2021 Budgets and Program Baseline Increase
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-05 Release of Request for Proposals to Resolicit Financial Advisor Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-06 CEQA Certification of Merced to Fresno Section: Central Valley Wye Final SEIR/EIS
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-07 Approve the Preferred Alternative and related CEQA decision materials
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-08 Select the Preferred Alternative and direct the Authority CEO to sign the Supplemental ROD
- Final Resolution #HSRA 20-09 Financial Advisor Service Procurement
2019 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-01 Additional Funds for CP 1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-02 Revised Sustainability Policy
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-03 Updated June Program Baseline
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-04 Consider Providing Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for Track and Systems Draft RFQ
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-05: Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative Identification (CEQA) for the San Jose to Merced Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-06: Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative Identification (NEPA) for the San Jose to Merced Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-07: Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative Identification (CEQA) for the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-08: Staff Recommended Preferred Alternative Identification (NEPA) for the San Francisco to San Jose Project Section Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 19-09 Revision of the CEO Delegation of Authority Related to Preferred Alternatives
- Final Resolution: #HSR 19-10 Audit Plan and Quality Self-Assessment
- Final Resolution #HSR 19-11 Approval for RFP for Track & Systems Contract, Term Sheet and Stipend
- Final Resolution #HSR 19-12 Approval and Adoption of the Authority’s Conflict of Interest Code
2018 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-01 Appointment of CEO
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-02 Additional CP 1 Funds
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-03 Amend PCM Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-04 Amend Agreement with Caltrans for SR99
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-05 Amend ROW Services Contract with Beacon
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-06 Increased Third Party Provisional Sums for CP 1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-07 Caltrans Legal
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-08 Adoption of the 2018 Business Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-09 Amending the Agreement with the City of Fresno for the Relocation of G Street and Associated Utilities Necessary for the Relocation of the Fresno Rescue Mission
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-10 Extending the Legal Services Contract with Nossaman LLP for Time Only
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-11 Consider Adjusting Contracts Necessary to Implement 2018 Business Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-12 Approval of Amendment to BNSF Railway Relocation & Construction and Joint Corridor Agreement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-13 Additional Funds for CP 1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-14 Delegation of Authority for NEPA Assignment
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-15 Delegation of Authority for Contracts
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-16 F-B Final Supplemental Document Approval
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-17 LGA Findings of Fact and Mitigation
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-18 B-P Preferred Alternative
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-19 Preferred Alternative for Palmdale-Burbank Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-20 Preferred Alternative for Burbank-LA Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-21 Preferred Alternative for the LA-Anaheim Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-22 Approving the FY 18-19 Audit Plan and Acknowledging the FY 17-18 IQA
- Final Resolution #HSRA 18-23 Extending the Contract with PG&E for Engineering and Permits Associated with Electrical Interconnections for Time Only
2017 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-01 Concurrence with the Initial Staff Recommended PPA for the Wye
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-02 Approval for AT&T Contract Amendment.pdf
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-03 Approval to Release Five Requests for Qualifications for Right-of-Way Engineering and Survey Support Services for the Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-04 Approval to Amend the CP 1 Design-Build Services Contract to Include
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-05 Approval to Amend the Inter-Agency Agreement with Caltrans for the SR 99 Realignment Project
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-06 ROW Services Contracts Approval
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-07 Approval of the Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Contract for Legal Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-08 Amendment to Agreement with LA Metro for LAUS
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-09 Amend Policies and Procedures
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-10 Appointment of an Interim CEO
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-11 Designee to the JPA
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-12 Approval to Release the RFP for ETO
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-13 Approval of Rosecrans Marquardt Funding Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-14 External Peer Review and Audit Charter Revisions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-15 Amend CP1 PCM Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-16 Contingency Augmentation for CP 1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-17 Amendment to Contract with HNTB
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-18 Amend Contract with PTG
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-19 Approval of Audit Plan and Acknowledgement of Audit Review
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-20 Approval of Amendment to Caltrans Interagency Agreement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 17-21 Approval to Award ETO Contract
2016 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution HSRA #16-01 Award of the Design-Build Services Contract for Construction Package 4
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-02 Release RFP for Financial Advisor Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-03 Direct Staff to Negotiate and Execute Agreement with Metro for LAUS Planning
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-04 Approval of the Purchase of Radio Spectrum Rights for the Statewide System
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-05 Approval of the Updated Sustainability Policy
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-06 Agreement with CalFire
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-07 Approval to Amend the Existing Right-of-Way Engineering & Survey Support Services Contracts
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-08 RFP for ROW Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-09 Authorization to Extend CP 1 to the North
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-10 Adoption of the Risk Informed Contingency for CP4 DB Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-11 BNSF Railway Agreements
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-12 Adoption of the 2016 Business Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-13 Concurrence with the Staff Recommended Preliminary Preferred Alternative for the Bakersfield Area edit
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-14 Approval and Delegation of Authority to the Chief Executive Officer to Negotiate and Execute a Mitigation Agreement with the City of Wasco
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-15 Approval of Amendment to the Environmental and Engineering Services Contract for Altamont Corridor Project Section for Time Only
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-16 Approval of Extending the Nossaman LLP Legal Services Contract for Time Only
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-17 Request for Qualifications for Geotechnical Site Investigation Services in Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-18 Amend the Merced to Fresno Valley Wye Regional Consultant Contract with Parsons Transportation Group, Inc.
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-19 Amendment to Reimbursement Agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Permitting Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-20 Award of Contracts for Financial Advisory Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-21 Adoption of CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Conditions In Connection With Funding of the PCEP
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-22 Approval to Enter MOU with San Mateo
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-23 Approval of Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2016-17
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-24 Award the Contract for Geotechnical Site Investigation Services in the Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-25 Amendment to the Board’s Policy and Procedures
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-26 Approval to Enter into a Contract with Pacific Gas & Electric for Engineering and Permits Associated with Electrical Interconnections
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-27 Amend the Contract for Environmental and Engineering Services on the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section with T.Y. Lin International
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-28 Approval of Central Valley Funding Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-29 Approval of Peninsula Corridor Funding Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 16-30 Approval to Release a Request for Qualifications for the Early Train Operator
2015 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-01 Approval to Award the Design-Build Contract for CP 2-3
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-02 Approval to Issue a Request for Proposals for Fresno to Bakersfield Habitat Mitigation Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-03 Award of Burbank to LA-Anaheim RC Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-04 Modification of Statement in Resolution #HSRA 14-10
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-05 Adopting Findings Required by Government Code section 51292
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-06 Adopt and Approve COI Code
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-07 Award of Regional Consultant Contract for Palmdale to Burbank
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-08 Adoption of the CP2-3 Design-Build Contract Risk-Informed Contingency
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-09 Issue RFP for CP 4 DB Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-10 Approval of Amendment to Nossaman Contract for Time Only
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-11 Consider Providing Approval to Execute and Award the Rail Delivery Partner Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-12 Approval to Release the RFQ for CP 4 PCM
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-13 Award of Habitat Mitigation Services Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-14 Consider Making Findings Pursuant to Williamson Act
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-15 Approval to Issue a RFQ for Environmental and Engineering Services for SF to Merced
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-16 Approval of Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2015-16 and Acknowledgement of Internal Quality Assurance Self-Assessment
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-17 Award of Project and Construction Management Contract for CP 4
- Final Resolution #HSRA 15-18 Approval to Award the Environmental and Engineering Services Contract for the San Francisco to San Jose and San Jose to Merced Project Sections
2014 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-01 CEO Delegation
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-02 Extension of Contract with Caltrans for Legal Services for Time Only
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-03 Delegation of Authority to Finalize and Approvethe “Lazy K” Mitigation Agreements
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-04 Award of Right of Way Engineering and Survey Support Services Contracts
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-05 Approval of the Request for Proposals for the Construction Package 2-3 Design-Build Contract: Term Sheet and Stipend
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-06 Approval of Amendment to STV, Inc. Regional Consultant Contract for Time Only/ Direct Staff to Resolicit: Los Angeles to Anaheim Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-07 Approval of Amendment to AECOM Regional Consultant Contract for Time Only: Altamont Corridor Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-08 Approval of the Final 2014 Business Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-09 Certification of the Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section EIREIS
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-10 Approval of CEQA Findings, Preferred Alternative, etc.
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-11 Amendment to Financial Advisor Contract for Time Only and Direct Staff to Resolicit Financial Advisor Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-12 Approval of MOU with SJVAPCD
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-14 Amendment to the Board’s Policies and Procedures Regarding Chair and Vice-Chair Terms of Office
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-15 Amendment to the Scope of Work Identified in the Request for Qualifications for the Construction Package 2-3 Project Construction Management Services Contract and Related Adjustmentss
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-16 Release of a Request for Proposals for Right-of-Way Services for the Initial Construction Package
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-17 Amendment to the San Jose to Merced Project Section Regional Consultant Contract with Parsons Transportation Group, Inc. for Time and Value
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-18 Amendment to the Palmdale to LA Project Section Regional Consultant Contract with HUA for Time Only
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-19 General Direction to Staff Regarding the Expenditure of Appropriated Proceeds from the Cap and Trade Program
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-20 Approval of Audit Division Charter
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-21 Approval of Internal Audit Plan for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-22 Award of Contract for Financial Advisory Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-23 Adoption of Findings Pursuant to Government Code § 51292
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-24 Approval to Award Contract for Project and Construction Management Services for Construction Package 2-3
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-25 Approval to Issue Request for Qualifications for Burbank to Anaheim Corridor Environmental/Engineering Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-26 Adoption of Findings Pursuant to Government Code § 51292 (Fresno County)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-27 Approval to Award Contracts for Right of Way Support Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-28 Commendation of the Honorable Bonnie Lowenthal for her Service as Chair of the Assembly Committee for Transportation
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-29 Delegating Authority to the CEO to Review and Certify Proposed Advertising Displays at High-Speed Rail Multimodal Transit Facilities
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-31 Environmental and Engineering on the Palmdale to Burbank Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-32 Commendation of the Honorable Darrell Steinberg for his Service As President Pro Tempore of the California State Senate
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-33 Approval to Release RFQ
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-34 Extension of Parsons Brinckerhoff Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-35 Adoption of Findings Pursuant to Government Code § 51292 (Madera and Fresno Counties)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 14-36 Approval of Amendment to Nossaman Contract for Budget
2013 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-01 Approval to Award Contract for Project Construction Management Services for Construction Package 1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-02 MOU Between the Authority and the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority (Caltrain)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-03 Requesting Bond Issuance
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-05 Approval of Amendment to Parsons Transportation Group Regional Consultant Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-06 Approval of Amendment to URS Joint Venture Regional Consultant Contract
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-07 Regional Consultant Contract Amendment – HNTB
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-08 Regional Consultant Contract Amendment – AECOM Sacramento to Merced Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-09 Regional Consultant Contract Amendment – AECOM Merced to Fresno Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-10 Regional Consultant Contract amendment – Hatch Mott McDonald JV
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-11 Project Management Team Consultant Contract Amendment – Parsons Brinckerhoff
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-12 Approval to Award Contract for DesignBuild Services for CP1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-13 MPOU with SJRRC
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-15 Environmental/Engineering Services for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-16 Environmental/Engineering Services for the Los Angeles to San Diego Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-17 Environmental/Engineering Services for the Sacramento to Merced Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-18 Legal Services Contract Adjustments
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-19 Right-of-Way Engineering and Surveying Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-20 Policy and Procedures for Contingency Management on Construction, Design-Build, and Design-Build-Operate Contracts
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-21 Approval of Contingency Fund for CP 1
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-22 Utility Relocation Agreements with ATT
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-23 Utility Relocation Agreements with PGE
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-24 UPRR Agreements
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-25 Joint RFP with Amtrak for Train sets
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-26 Exempt Pay Employee Pay Program Designation
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-27 Award of RC Contract for LA-SD Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-28 Award of RC Contract for Merced to Sacramento Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-29 Adoption of a Policy for Unsolicited Proposals
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-30 Consideration of the Staff Recommended Preferred Alignment for the Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-31 Delegation of Authority to Finalize and Approve the Lazy K Mitigation Agreement
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-32 Award of the Regional Consultant Contract for the Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-33 Right of Way Engineering and Survey Support Services
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-34 Approval to Issue a Request for Qualifications for Project and Construction Management Services for Construction Package 2-3
- Final Resolution #HSRA 13-35 Delegation of Authority to Finalize and Execute the Veterans Boulevard Agreement
2012 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 12-02 Final Board Policies and Procedures Amendment
- Final Resolution #HSRA 12-03 Policy for Subcontractor Identification for Design-Build Contracts
- Final Resolution # HSRA 12-10 Southern California MOU Amended
- Final Resolution # HSRA 12-13 Adoption of the Revised 2012 Business Plan
- Final Resolution # HSRA 12-15 Approval of LEP Policy and Plan
- Final Resolution #HSRA 12-17 Final Bay Area to Central Valley Partially Revised Final Program EIR/EIS
- Final Resolution # HSRA 12-18 Rescission of Resolution # HSRA 11-11 Which Certified the Bay Area to Central Valley 2010 Revised Final Program EIR
- Final Resolution #HSRA 12-19 CEQA Certification of the Merced to Fresno Section Final EIR/EIS
- Final Resolution #HSRA 12-20 Adoption of CEQA Findings for the Merced to Fresno Project Section
- Final Resolution #12-21 Approval of the inclusion of a 10 percent Disadvantaged Business Enterprise race-neutral goal, within the overall 30 percent SB goal, as described in the Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
- Final Resolution #12-23 Approval to Enter Into An Interagency Agreement with Caltrans for Relocation of State Route 99 and Construction of High-Speed Rail Facilities within Existing State Route 99 Rights of Way
- Final Resolution # HSRA 12-24 CEO Delegation of Authority for Procurement
- Final Resolution #12-28 Executive Director Appointment and Compensation
- Final Resolution # HSRA 12-29 Approval of Interagency Agreement with Department of Conservation
- Final Resolution #HSRA 12-30 Approval of Community Benefits Policy
2011 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #11-07 HST Station Area Development Policy
- Final Resolution #11-15A Approval of the Financial Consulting Services Contractor
- Final Resolution #11-17 Delegation of Authority to Prepare and Apply for Federal Funds
- Final Resolution #11-20 Approval to Proceed with the Right of Way Services Consultants/Contractors Request for Proposal (RFP) and Conclusion of Contract(s)
- Final Resolution #HSRA 11-24 Amendment to Board Policies and Procedures
2010 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #10-016 Regarding Designation of Executive Director
- Final Resolution #10-017 Approval of Entering into Agreements with Resource Agencies
- Final Resolution #10-018 Approval of the Authority’s Strategic Plan
- Final Resolution #10-019 Adoption of Board Policy and Procedures
- Final Resolution #10-020 Regarding San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Memorandum of Understanding
- Final Resolution #11-01 Approval of the Request for Proposal for Financial Consulting Services
- Final Resolution #11-03 Resolution Determining the Need to Take Immediate Action
- Final Resolution #11-04 Resolution Directing Staff to Apply for Federal Funding and Delegating Powers to Board Committee
- Final Resolution #11-06 Regarding a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Railroad Administration Concerning Transbay Terminal in San Francisco
- Final Resolution #11-09 CEO Delegation of Authority
- Final Resolution #11-15 Approval of the Financial Consulting Services Contractor
- Final Resolution #11-16 Federal Railroad Administration Grant Agreement
2009 Board Resolutions
- Final Resolution #HSRA 09-004 Regarding a Memorandum of Understanding with the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Authority
- Final Resolution #HSRA 09-005 Regarding a Memorandum of Understanding with the Transbay Joint Powers Authority
- Final Resolution #HSRA 10-006 Regarding an Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
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