Environmental Planning
Whenever large projects like the high-speed rail program are being planned, certain requirements must be met. Some of these requirements include state and federal environmental rules and laws. These rules and laws guide high-speed rail program planners to look carefully at how the program might impact the environment. They must also find ways to reduce those impacts when possible.
As we continue to environmentally clear all project sections from San Francisco to Los Angeles/Anaheim, the Authority prepares Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) reports to share our findings. We release drafts of these documents to the public so that we can get your feedback. But how do you read them? See a brief overview of these documents, what you will find, and how to leave your comments in the video below.
Project Section Environmental Document Status
Completion dates for Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) documents are estimates only.
Statewide Program EIR/EIS
2005 -
Bay Area to Central Valley Program EIR/EIS & Partially Revised Program EIR
2008/2012 -
Tier 2 Documents
Phase 1
(North to South)-
San Francisco to San Jose
2022 -
San Jose to Merced
2022 -
Merced to Fresno
2012 -
Merced to Fresno: Central Valley Wye
2020 -
Fresno to Bakersfield
2014 -
Fresno to Bakersfield: Locally Generated Alterative
2019 -
Bakersfield to Palmdale
2021 -
Palmdale to Burbank
2023 -
Burbank to Los Angeles
2022 -
Los Angeles to Anaheim
Phase 2
Merced to Sacramento
Los Angeles to San Diego
Tier 1 Documents

Project Section Details
Select a project section to learn more:
(916) 324-1541
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