High-Speed Rail Authority Issues Draft 2024 Business Plan for Public Review and Comment

February 9, 2024

캘리포니아 주 새크라멘토 –The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) today issued its draft 2024 Business Plan for public review and comment. The 2024년 사업계획 초안 reaffirms the Authority’s goal of advancing a clean, electrified high-speed rail in California.

The plan discusses major program progress in Northern California, the Central Valley and Southern California, as well as updates on federal funding, ridership and construction status.  It also maintains cost and schedules from the 2023 Project Update Report, released 11 months ago.

the 2024 draft Business Plan front cover with a slight curl to the bottom right corner

Highlights between the 2023 Project Update Report and this draft 2024 Business Plan include:

  • The Authority was awarded $3.3 billion in new federal funds to advance the work on the initial operating segment between Merced and Bakersfield.
  • The Authority is advancing necessary procurements to move the project from construction into operations, including purchasing electrified trains and designing the track and systems needed for passenger service.
  • The first construction package (CP 4) covering 22.5 miles in the Central Valley reached substantial completion.
  • The Authority’s construction jobs exceeded 12,200 in 2023 and set records for the number of daily workers on the job sites.
  • The designs for the extensions to Merced and Bakersfield, as well as the four Central Valley stations, are on schedule, meeting contract milestones for 2023.

With the release of today’s draft business plan, the Authority Board of Directors will review the plan and seek input as part of a 60-day public comment period that starts today and closes at 5 p.m. on April 9. The Authority is providing the following options for submitting comments:

  • Online comment form through the Draft 2024 Business Plan website at:
  • 이메일: BusinessPlan2024@hsr.ca.gov
  • 당국에 미국 우편:
    캘리포니아 고속철도 당국
    Attn: Draft 2024 Business Plan
    770 L 스트리트, 스위트 1180
    새크라멘토, CA 95814
  • Provide public comment at the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting within the public comment period virtually or in person on February 29, 2024 in Sacramento.

당국은 현재 건설 중인 119마일을 머세드(Merced)에서 베이커스필드(Bakersfield)까지 미래의 전기 고속철도 171마일로 확장하는 작업을 시작했습니다.

캘리포니아 센트럴 밸리에는 25개 이상의 활성 건설 현장이 있으며, 당국은 베이 지역에서 로스앤젤레스 카운티까지 422마일의 고속철도 프로그램을 환경적으로 완전히 정리했습니다.

다음 링크에는 최근 비디오, 애니메이션, 사진, 프레스 센터 리소스 및 최신 렌더링이 포함되어 있습니다. https://hsra.app.box.com/s/vyvjv9hckwl1dk603ju15u07fdfir2q8

이 파일은 모두 캘리포니아 고속철도국(California High-Speed Rail Authority)에서 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다.


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California High-Speed Rail Authority Speakers Bureau는 Communications Office에서 관리하며 High-Speed Rail 프로그램에 대한 정보 프레젠테이션을 제공합니다.

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