The high-speed rail station in Bakersfield will be located near the intersection of State Route (SR) 204 – also known as Golden State Avenue – and F Street. The station site is bounded by SR 204 to the west, the Stine Canal to the north, the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to the east, and Chester Avenue to the north.
As part of the planning process for a future high-speed rail station, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) and the City of Bakersfield developed the Downtown Bakersfield High-Speed Rail Station Area Plan. This vision plan offers best practices that will lay the groundwork for continued revitalization efforts and guide future development of downtown Bakersfield. The Station Area Plan provides a blueprint for development, highlighting key investments in downtown and in the public realm and visualizing them with urban design graphics.

Project Section
This station community is part of the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative Project Section.
Operating Phase
Nearby Vicinity Connecting Partners
More Info
- Bakersfield Station Community Map
- Fresno to Bakersfield Project Section
- Locally Generated Alternative Project Section
- Making Downtown Bakersfield
- Memorandum of Understanding with the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) and the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)
- RFQ for Design Services for Central Valley Stations
- RFQ for Design Services for Locally Generated Alternative
Visit: Fresno to Bakersfield and Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative

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