Small Business Assistance Form

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is committed to small businesses playing a major role in building the statewide high-speed rail project. The Small Business Program has a small business participation goal which includes Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE), Micro-Businesses (MB), Small Businesses (SB), Small Business-Public Works (SB-PW), and the United States Small Business Administration (US SBA) 8(a) certification.

The Small Business Assistance Form provides businesses with a convenient way to call attention to issues or concerns. Small Business Assistance Form submittals will be sent directly to our Small Business Advocate for review and assignment to appropriate HSR staff. 

The Small Business Assistance Form can help facilitate the following: 

  • Investigate issues with an Authority
  • Report concerns regarding
  • Escalate concerns regarding small and diverse business
  • Request general Small Business Program information.

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