High-Speed Trainsets and Related Services

The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) as step one of a two-step procurement for High-Speed Trainsets and Related Services. Shortlisted teams from the RFQ process will be eligible to participate in a Request for Proposals (RFP).

The Authority has released the shortlist of Potential Suppliers for Electrified High-Speed Trains in California.

Small Business firms and other firms who are interested in potentially teaming with one or both Proposers should contact Proposers directly. Contact information for each Proposer, in alphabetical order, is provided below.

Proposer Name and WebsiteSmall Business (SB) ContactNon-SB Contact
Alstom Transportation Inc.
Leandro Melo
Procurement Project Manager Lead
+1 607 281-2439
Leandro Melo
Procurement Project Manager Lead
+1 607 281-2439
Siemens Mobility Inc.
Leslie Okamoto
Sr. Manager, Business Governance & Outreach
Jean-Luc Picard
Director of Proposals

This procurement will result in a supply-maintain contract for the provision of trainsets, a driving simulator, and related services. The scope of work for the future trainsets contract is anticipated to include the design, manufacture, storage (prior to conditional acceptance), integration, testing, and commissioning of the trainsets; maintenance of each trainset for 30 years and provision of all spares (i.e., interchangeable parts of a trainset) for such trainsets; the provision, testing, commissioning, maintenance, and update of the driving simulator; development and provision of design criteria to inform interfaces with the facilities, track, and systems; participating in the testing and commissioning of the facilities, track, systems, and stations; the development and provision of information as required to support the certification and subsequent commissioning of the trainsets; and the operation and maintenance of the Heavy Maintenance Facility, Light Maintenance Facility, and Trainset Certification Facility (to be built by others).

The anticipated schedule for this procurement is as follows:

The RFQ is available to download from the California State Contracts Register (CSCR).

Updates, including answers to written questions, and any addenda will be provided on the CSCR.

Visit the Authority’s Small Business Program webpage for information including a program overview, certifications we recognize, how to get certified, access to our vendor registry, and more.

Questions regarding this procurement may be submitted to Della Leong at trainsets@hsr.ca.gov or (916) 324-1541.

Track & Systems


Small Business Program
(916) 431-2930

Contracts Office
(916) 324-1541

Track & Systems
(916) 324-1541

Procurement Point of Contact
(916) 324-1541

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