California High-Speed Rail Change Orders- Updated January 11, 2024
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00511 | 11/2/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Unidentified Underground Tank at GSB South Tie In - T&Ms | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor, on Time & Material basis, for costs incurred beginning 10/11/2023 through 10/31/2023 for the removal and disposal of the unknown underground tank discovered within High Speed Rail right of way at Golden State Boulevard, STA 107+00 approximately. The presence of the underground tank was not reflected on the Contract documents or drawings and constitutes an expansion of the Contract scope. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00453.1 | 11/13/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Caltrans SR-99 Realignment - Unknown Concrete Roadway Discovered | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for field exploratory activity and removal of an existing concrete roadway discovered within the Caltrans 2.5 mile Segment encountered during the performance of Caltrans - SR-99 Realignment. Work to be performed in accordance with Time & Materials per Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00503 Rev | 11/29/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CN-1357 FID Braly No. 14 at California and Cherry Ave - Design Only | $182,620.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for redesign efforts to comply with the San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVRR) new standards following the Genesee and Wyoming General Specifications for sub-grade and above grade utility crossings of Railroad's Right of Way dated 03/07/2013. This change requires a redesign of Fresno Irrigation District's facility at California and Cherry Avenues to address the SJVRR track. This change in design standards per SJVRR new requirements was not reflected on the Contract documents or drawings and constitutes an expansion of the Contract scope. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00512 | 11/29/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Jennifer and Gates Water - Unknown Casing | $3,628.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to remove a portion of the 30-inch steel casing from the Existing City of Fresno (COF) 14-inch water line for completing the tie-in at Jennifer Avenue. The presence of the casing was not shown on the Composite Utility Plans for the existing COF 14-inch water line at this location. This additional scope of work was not included in the Contract Documents, the costs incurred constitute a compensable change as an expansion of the original Contract Scope of Work resulting in an increase in the Contractor's cost of performance. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP-1 | HSR 13-06 | 00503 (Recalled) | 11/29/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | PCO 1069 - CN-1357 FID Braly No. 14 at California and Cherry Ave. - Design Only | ($183,712.00) | This Change Order was issued to the Contractor on 8/7/2023. The Authority is recalling the Change Order due to an error in the value. A revised Change order with the correct value for the same scope of work was issued to the Contractor. This change was to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change was to fully compensate the Contractor for redesign efforts to comply with the San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVRR) new standards following the Genesee and Wyoming General Specifications for sub-grade and above grade utility crossings of Railroad's Right of Way dated 03/07/2013. This change requires a redesign of Fresno Irrigation District's facility at California and Cherry Avenues to address the SJVRR track. This change in design standards per SJVRR new requirements was not reflected on the Contract documents or drawings and constitutes an expansion of the Contract scope. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00099.4 | 10/24/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Agreement for Settlement, Release and Waiver as to All Time Related Delays and Claims Through August 1, 2023 (Time Impact #4) | $154,436,989.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely resolve delays and time-related claims of the Contractor and its Subcontractors for contract delays, delay-related impact & resultant damages and overhead that have been, or are alleged to have been caused or contributed to by acts, omissions, and/ or events that occurred on the project from 2/2/2021 through 8/1/2023, without limitation including, but not limited to those set forth in all Time Impact Analysis claims, including PCO 1010 R0 are fully and finally resolved as part of this settlement. In addition, the Authority and Contractor have agreed to work together to reduce the overall duration of activities associated with Belmont Avenue and Fresno Trench in an effort to achieve an earlier Substantial Completion Date. The Authority is hereby extending the Contract by 1,059 Calendar Days and provides compensation to the Contractor as detailed in this Change Order. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00099.5 | 10/24/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Agreement for Cost Adjustment Through August 1, 2023 (Time Impact #4) | $80,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable escalation price adjustment for the remaining Construction Package 1 Scope of Work described in the Contract Documents including executed Change Orders on or before Aug 1, 2023 resulting from the 1,059 calendar days granted by Change Order 00099.4 per General Provisions - Section 23, Equitable Adjustment. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00452 | 10/16/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specification | Fresno Street and H Street Connection - Design Only | $639,503.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to design the existing grade separated intersection between Fresno & H Streets as an at-grade intersection per Authority direction. Originally, the work limits shown in the Contract documents did not include any work being performed in the Fresno & H Streets intersection. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00507 | 10/18/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Modern Trucking Fence Removal at Cornelia Waterline Receiving Pit | $3,650.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to remove a portion of existing fence, install and maintain temporary fencing and reinstallation of Modern Trucking's permanent fencing that conflicts with the Cornelia Avenue waterline receiving pit. This work is considered added scope that was not included in the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00508 | 10/26/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Unknown Buried Concrete Encountered at Kathryn Ave | $9,591.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to remove and dispose of concrete debris within the excavation for the 24-inch Storm Drain at Kathryn Avenue. The presence of concrete debris was not known to the Contractor and is categorized as subsurface or latent physical conditions encountered that differ materially from those indicated for such locations. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Ibrahim Bakirci - Construction Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00510 | 10/26/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specification | Redesign of Level 3 Between Road 26 & Road 27 within BNSF ROW - Design Only | $126,463.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to revise the Approved for Construction design for relocation of the Level 3 (Lumen) conflict T3-13 fiber optic line to utilize the Horizontal Directional Drilling method instead of four separate open trench relocations to have conflict T3-13 fiber optic line installed. The redesign cost to address execution of the amended design was not included as part of the Contractor's original proposal and therefore constitute a compensable change as an expansion of the original Contract scope of work resulting in an increase in the cost of performance. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Ibrahim Bakirci - Construction Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00504 | 10/27/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specification | Change in Law - 2020 BNSF Utility Accomodation Policy - Design Only | $32,587.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the costs to revise the design and associated coordination for the Level 3 Relocation Utility Design Package to meet the latest BNSF Railway Utility Accommodation Policy dated October 2020 per Authority direction. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Ibrahim Bakirci - Construction Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00414.01 | 9/13/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Relocate Temp Signal to Road 27/Club Drive during Road 26 Closure | $47,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental Time & Materials change order is to provide compensation to the Contractor increasing the Not to Exceed (NTE) amount by an additional $47,000 to continue work as described in the original Change Order 00414 in order to facilitate traffic congestion and improve safety. The extended maintenance of the temporary traffic signal at Road 27 and Club Drive as well as the relocation and maintenance of the three temporary traffic signals at these intersections are considered to be additional scope of work not included in the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00505 | 9/17/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Franklin Ave Gate Valve | $12,841.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the costs associated with the construction efforts and associated material and equipment required for the assistance provided to the City of Fresno (COF) for the replacement of the waterline gate valve installed by COF at the waterline tie-in at Franklin and Thorne Avenues intersection. COF performed the installation of the terminus 10 feet of waterline pipe and valve up to the tie-in location. COF installed the gate valve too high which conflicts with the waterline valve cover. Due to COF scheduling constraints to fix the issue, the Authority directed the Contractor to assist COF for the said work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00506 | 9/19/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Maintain and Repair Public Roads Used as Detour and Haul Routes | $287,480.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for incurred cost to perform pre and post construction Pavement Condition Index (PCI) evaluations on various haul and detour routes used in the County of Madera (COM) based on COM's request. The PCI requirement was added by COM through the execution of Amendment 2 of the Construction and Maintenance Agreement. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00503 | 8/7/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | PCO 1069 - CN-1357 FID Braly No. 14 at California and Cherry Ave. - Design Only | $183,712.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for redesign efforts to comply with the San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVRR) new standards following the Genesee and Wyoming General Specifications for sub-grade and above grade utility crossings of Railroad's Right of Way dated 03/07/2013. This change requires a redesign of Fresno Irrigation District's facility at California and Cherry Avenues to address the SJVRR track. This change in design standards per SJVRR new requirements was not reflected on the Contract documents or drawings and constitutes an expansion of the Contract scope. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00089.05 | 8/31/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC) Waterline Relocations | $8,836,368.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the costs of construction of the Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC) facilities relocation in the County of Madera. The costs are for the relocation and removal of MVWC Waterlines that conflict with the High-Speed Rail construction which falls within the boundary of the North Extension that was not part of the Contractor's original Contract Scope of Work. This work is required to resolve conflicts between the existing MVWC Waterline infrastructure and the construction of the North Extension CP1 HSR alignment. | Daniel Teran - Supervising Transportation Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00088.12 | 8/31/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Environmental Change Order T&M | $5,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The supplemental Time and Materials Change Order is to compensate the Contractor for costs incurred to perform Environmental Services necessary to fully meet the Final Environmental Permit Requirements and Staffing through the end of March 2024. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00088.13 | 8/31/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring and Oversight Changes - Change in Responsibilities | $0.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to transfer the Environmental Monitoring and Oversight responsibilities required based on the Final Environmental Impact Report/ Final Environmental Impact Study and the corresponding mitigation Monitoring Report for the Merced to Fresno and Fresno to Bakersfield segments of the High Speed Rail Project from the Contractor to the Authority beginning September 1, 2023. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00048.8 | 7/7/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocations | Supplemental No. 8 Funding for PG&E/ AT&T Provisional Sum | $107,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the amount of the PG&E and AT&T Facilities Relocations Provisional Sum to compensate the Contractor to manage and subcontract all direct services required for the relocation of PG&E and AT&T facility relocations. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00480 | 7/10/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Golden State Boulevard North Redesign - Design | $166,562.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design and engineering services required to revise the approved Ready for Construction design plan set for the Golden State Boulevard (GSB) - North Realignment. Compensation includes the redesign required to open GSB - North to traffic based on the expected completion date for the City of Fresno (COF) Veterans Boulevard Interchange Construction Project per COF request. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00502 | 7/10/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | PCO 1074 - Unknown Asphalt Debris Discovered During Sacrificial Manhole Install at Weber Ave. | $6,841.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for actual costs incurred for removing asphalt debris discovered during the excavation of the sacrificial manhole at Pine and West Avenues. The debris was encountered at a depth of two feet below existing ground level to the 42-inch Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District sewer line. The debris was not reflected on the bid drawings and would not have been discovered by site inspection. The scope herein could not have been anticipated by the Contractor during the Request for Proposals stage. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00497 | 7/11/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | 3rd Party Requirements | PG&E Additional Requirements at Basin EH - Construction | $642,069.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the construction costs of an access road for PG&E at the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Basin EH in the City of Fresno. The construction of the access road is as a result of new PG&E requirements at Basin EH acknowledged by Authority Letter PCM-TPZP-05933. This scope of work was not included in the Contractors original scope and is entitled to an equitable adjustment for the costs associated wit the Authority directed changes related to the Relocation and Facilities owned by Third Parties. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00199.01 | 7/18/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocations | Kinder Morgan Herndon Ave Relocation Subtask 1.03A | $1,052,284.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments to be made to Kinder Morgan (KM) for costs incurred for remaining work to complete the relocation of petroleum pipeline that is in conflict with the Herndon Underpass between KM Stations 6861+04 and 6907+68 per executed Subtask 1.03A. Remaining work includes installation of approximately 113 feet of 12-inch petroleum pipeline, 8-hour hydro test of 4,095 feet of relocated pipeline, tie-in, cement slurry injection abandonment of previous alignment and demobilization & site restoration. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00501 | 7/18/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UPRR Scope Change Additional Signal Houses Grading Pads | $48,559.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the construction costs of two additional grading pads for the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) signal houses associated with the Herndon Shoofly. The construction of the grading pads is a result of UPRR request and by Authority Directive Letter DL-0195. Scope of work includes, but is not limited to, clear and grub, earthwork and compaction for two each earthen pads for signal house as approved by UPRR. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00499 | 7/18/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Graffiti Abatement Completed Structures - T&M | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for cost incurred beginning 05/01/23 through 12/31/25 for graffiti abatement on completed structures. Work to be performed monthly on Time & Material basis or as directed by the Authority. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00500 | 6/2/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | DL-0163 - Ave 9 Retaining Wall Design Options for PG&E Relocation GT1-005 - Construction | $1,065,130.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for construction costs incurred to construct retaining walls in lieu of the existing fill slopes at the Avenue 9 southern embankments. The retaining wall is required to avoid the need to acquire additional Right of Way and to allow PG&E conflict GT1-005 to be relocated outside the southern embankment fill slopes. The Contractor was directed to perform this work per Authority Directive Letter 0163 and Letter PCM-TPZP-04072. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Ibrahim Bakirci - Construction Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00495 | 6/29/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-0228 UPRR Drainage adjacent to Fresno Trench | $51,496.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs incurred to analyze, design and implement drainage solutions to avoid water from being retained on Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Right of Way adjacent to the Fresno Trench per Authority Directive Letter 0228. The design costs to address UPRR's comments constitute a compensable change as an expansion of the original Contract scope of work resulting in an increase in the cost of performance. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00496 | 5/10/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Comcast Conflict at Olive & Carruth (Installed in 2020) - Construction | $520,583.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the construction costs to install the infrastructure associated with the relocation of an unidentified overhead Comcast Utility Line T2-31 attached to an existing AT&T pole. The Comcast Utility Line conflicts with High Speed Rail construction on Olive and Carruth Avenues in the City of Fresno. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00007.2 | 5/31/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Class I & Class II Hazardous Soil Escalation Costs (Through 12/31/22) | $417,480.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide supplemental price adjustment for actual costs associated with Class I & Class II Hazardous Materials disposal for the period from 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. Time Impact Analysis # 01, 02 and 03 agreements revised the Contract completion dates, but the unit prices related to Hazardous Materials removal and disposal have not been adjusted since the start of the Contract in 2013. The Authority agrees that the price adjustment is warranted to account for increased costs for disposal of Hazardous Materials due to changes in market prices and inflation for 2022 that were not contemplated under the initial completion date of 12/31/2017. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Ibrahim Bakirci - Construction Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00489 | 4/24/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Manhole on McKinley and GSB - Construction | $125,376.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs to construct a Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) storm drain manhole in the vicinity of the future Golden State Boulevard (GSB) in the City of Fresno. The new FMFCD manhole will provide a connection point for the United Parcel Service private storm drain with FMFCD's facilities as a result of the new GSB alignment. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00486 | 3/7/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Unidentified Drywell Discovered at McKinley and GSB - Construction | $4,163.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to abandon and infill the drywells with slurry. The drywells are located in the vicinity of McKinley and Golden State Boulevard at parcel FB-10-0002 per Authority Field Directive PCM-TPZP-06394. This scope was not part of the Contractor's original scope of work as the drywells were not identified in Contract documents. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00488 | 3/7/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Impacts to Bullard Sewer from COF Veterans Project | $3,498.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to proceed with relocating sewer casings from the designated area near City of Fresno (COF) Veterans Boulevard Jug Handle Embankment project, northern location. The casings shall be relocated in an environmentally cleared area. This scope was not part of the Contractor's original scope of work and is being performed to accommodate COF's Veterans Boulevard Jug Handle Embankment project timeline. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00487 | 3/14/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | IPB Gaps - DL 0122 R6 - Intrusion Protection Barriers | $2,270,081.02 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for redesign costs incurred to close the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) gaps over underground high-risk utilities as directed by the Authority in Directive Letter 0122 R6. The direction to close the IPB gap was not part of the original Contract Scope. UPRRs new requirement is a material modification to the executed version of the Railroad Agreement and shall be treated as an Authority directed change. The scope herein is considered a compensable change as an expansion of the original Contract Scope resulting in an increase in the cost of performance. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00089.03 | 3/28/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Comcast Avenue 17 Utility Relocation - Construction | $830,104.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for payments made to its Subcontractors for civil construction costs for completing the Comcast overhead utility relocation at Avenue 17 in Madera County. This work is added scope initially directed by the Authority Directive Letter 0076 "Design of North Extension" and is required to resolve conflict between the Comcast existing overhead facility across Avenue 17 and the proposed Avenue 17 Overcrossing. The existing overhead facility needs to be relocated underground per Approved Construction drawings. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00089.04 | 3/28/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Comcast Avenue 17 Utility Relocation - Third Party Costs | $88,140.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments to be made to Third Party - Comcast, for costs to relocate the Comcast overhead utility at Avenue 17 as an underground facility as depicted on the Approved for Construction drawings per Subtask 1.18 agreement between Comcast, Authority and Contractor. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00490 | 3/30/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | PCM-TPZP-06154 - Sprint Conduit Repairs at Thorne Avenue | $22,287.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs incurred by its Subcontractor for the installation of 40 Linear Feet (LF) of 2 x 2-inch High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Sprint conduits and related tie-in work, as well as the procurement and installation of 270 LF 2 x 2-inch HDPE Sprint conduits on Thorne Avenue in the City of Fresno. This scope of work is an Authority directed expansion of the Contract Scope of Work causing an increase in the Contract price and was not included in the Contractors original Scope of Work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00491 | 3/30/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | CPUC Conflict T17-005 at Road 33 - Construction | $309,117.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the construction costs to install CPUC T17-005 at Road 33 via directional bore in lieu of open trench to address the County of Madera's constructability comments requesting that trenching not be permitted through the newly constructed Road 33 paved sections. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00471.1 | 3/30/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | East Church Ave HST/UPRR and BNSF Overcrossing - Construction | $132,684,677.69 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the costs of construction of the East Church Avenue Overcrossing improvements and surrounding areas. This new Scope of Work is as a result of the executed City of Fresno Utility Agreement, the Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement, Fresno to Bakersfield section, Directive Letters 0038, 0080, 0152 and 0174 and Authority Letters PCM-TPZP-00714 & 00749. This Change Order only includes scope from the aforementioned documents as specifically delineated in the plan sets and documents in New/ Revised/ Amended Criteria and Requirements as enumerated in this Change Order. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00483 | 2/15/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | FMFCD Revision to Plans, Church Street and East Street - Design | $239,347.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs incurred to redesign the Church & East Streets storm drain design package. The noted design package requires revision to comply with the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) comments received in 2019. TPZP completed the design of this package and received FMFCD's approval in 2016. However, redesign is required to address FMFCDs design criteria changes and the Authority's issuance of DL 0088 & 0088R1. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00485 | 2/15/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CN 1170 - Additional Design for Jim Shehadey Interface with GSB at Kathryn Ave - Design | $137,489.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with changing its approved design plans to integrate City of Fresno (COF) Water Main design package with the R.W. Greenwood Associates (Shehadey) development plans per Authority direction. Integration consists of the Contractor redesigning its current Ready for Construction plans of the COF water main design in order to tie into the water line installed as part of the Shehadey development plans on Golden State Boulevard near Station 19+83.34, RT 61.65'. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00482 | 2/20/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Church Avenue Retaining Wall CHR-RW-R-05 - Design | $13,870.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to change its design in order to implement the Guidelines for Railroad Grade Separation Projects (2016 Guidelines) for the portion of retaining wall CH-RW-R-05 within 50 feet of the centerline tracks. The change in design is required to address Union Pacific Rail Road requests per Construction Package 1 East Church Avenue BNSF Railway comments dated 12/20/2019. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00484 | 2/20/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Herndon Ave Retaining Wall - Design | $41,431.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs only to change its approved design based on Authority directed changes associated with the Herndon Avenue retaining wall. The retaining wall is abutting the Herndon Avenue Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) bridge deck. The change in the design of the noted retaining wall is required to address UPRR's request per UPRR Herndon Avenue Structural shop drawing comments dated 12/07/2021. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00481 | 1/10/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional Concrete Liner at Dry Creek Canal - Construction | $182,743.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for construction costs incurred to construct a 100-foot concrete liner at the Dry Creek Canal across the entire projected G Street width per Fresno Irrigation District (FID) request. The Authority acknowledged the FID requirement via Authority letter PCM-TPZP-02744. Contractor considers this additional work that was not included in the original bid scope and constitutes a compensable change as an expansion of the original Contract scope resulting in an increase in the cost of performance. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00479 | 1/13/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | CN 1333 - Archaeological Discovery at Belmont and Weber Ave | $2,453.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the standby costs incurred due to the discovery of unearthed bones during the Level 3 installation at Belmont and Weber Avenues in the City of Fresno (COF). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00471 | 1/17/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | East Church Ave HST/UPRR and BNSF Overcrossing - Material Only | $4,740,836.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for early procurement of materials for the new storm drain, sewer and water utilities associated with the East Church Avenue overcrossing improvements and surrounding areas depicted on the Ready for Construction (RFC) design packages developed as a result of the executed City of Fresno (COF) Utility Agreement, executed after the CP1 Contract award and the Final Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS), Fresno to Bakersfield section issued by the Authority on 7/30/2014. This is an interim measure which facilitates procurement, purchase and reimbursement for long lead time utility materials as enumerated in this Change Order. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00130 | 1/30/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Madera Irrigation District (MID) Changes - Design | $140,845.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs to incorporate new Madera Irrigation District (MID) Standards and Specifications as directed by the Authority in Letter PCM-TPZP-01355 dated 02/24/2016. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00472 | 1/30/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Shaw and Cornelia Intersection Revisions Due to COF - Design | $119,411.10 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs to change Ready for Construction (RFC) Construction Package 1 West Shaw Avenue grade separation in order to eliminate the existing traffic signal split phasing at the intersection of Shaw Avenue and Cornelia Avenue northbound lane and to accommodate a Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) truck movement from eastbound Shaw Avenue to southbound Cornelia Avenue in the City of Fresno (COF). This scope was not part of the Contractors original bid scope of work and is being performed to address COF request. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00478 | 1/31/2023 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Downtown Fresno, Tulare, Ventura Streets UPRR Bridges - Construction | $74,203,857.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. This change constitutes a full and final settlement of the price and cost of work to modify the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) overcrossing structures at Fresno, Tulare and Ventura Streets per Authority Directive Letter 0078 R1, after extensive negotiations and as mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the Authority. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00473 | 12/7/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Access Roads to Additional System Sites - Design | $179,212.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for design costs to include facility access roads for multiple system sites as enumerated in this Change Order. The access roads for these sites were not included in the Preliminary Design Plans but were added by the Authority in its response to RFI 00083, increasing the scope of facility access roads to be designed and constructed by the Contractor. The Authority previously provided compensation for the construction portion through Change Order 00433, the design costs in this current Change Order is a compensable expansion of the contract scope of work causing an increase in Contract price. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00470 | 12/7/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | MVWC Task 3.1 Waterline on Road 27 - Design | $34,116.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs to provide design services for the preparation of a relocation design package to address the Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC) waterline relocation for Phase 2 of Task 3.1 of MVWC Utility Relocation Agreement #1 per Directive Letter DL-0227. Contractor to assist MVWC's Consultant in preparing final and Ready for Construction (RFC) design packages for the relocation per the MVWC requirements and the Contract documents. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00474 | 12/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UPS Private Storm Drain Connection - Design | $44,387.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for design costs to change its design in order to provide an 18-inch storm drain connection between the United Parcel Services (UPS) private storm drain facility and the existing Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) storm drain facility located on the future Golden State Boulevard (GSB) at parcel FB-10-0027. Authority Change Order (CO) 00273 scope included an FMFCD manhole for the UPS private storm drain. The storm drain connection from the UPS property to the FMFCD manhole was unknown at the time and was not included in CO 00273 scope. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00477 | 12/18/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Expiring PVC Pipe Material | $2,585,314.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the disposal, procurement and replacement of expired Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) water and sewer pipes for the City of Fresno (COF) utility relocations. The COF standard specifications limit the use of PVC to the date 2 years after the manufactured date. The expired pipe was procured by the Contractor in December 2017, but due to Authority delays, sewer pipe procured for installation in numerous sewer packages expired in November/ December 2019 before the work areas were made available for installation. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00010.2 | 12/19/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | DL-00018 Weed Abatement Supplemental | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs to perform weed abatement on all Authority owned parcels, as directed by the Authority or as required to be in compliance with applicable laws, throughout the CP1 Project on the basis of Time & Materials (T&M). Compensation shall include the costs for cleaning and clearing all Authority-owned properties of weeds, grass, trash, and debris through December 31, 2025 as directed by the Authority. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00475 | 12/20/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Private Drainage System Removal along Re-Aligned GSB North and Barstow Ave. | $30,237.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to pump out standing storm water off two private properties on North Golden State Boulevard (GSB) and Barstow Avenue in the City of Fresno (COF). This work shall be tracked under Time & Materials (T&M) per Contract and is considered additional scope that was not included in the Contractors original scope of work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00455 | 11/22/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-175 Additional Scope Items (Elevated Structures & Trenches) - Construction | $63,675,300.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor for construction of the new Scope of Work elements outlined in Potential Change Order (PCO) 0866 R1 and as identified in Authority's Directive Letters DL-0175, DL-0206 and PCM-TPPZP-05274 resulting in changes to the Contractor's original scope of work to be performed. With this Change Order, the Contractor and its Subcontractors are fully compensated for any and all increases in the costs to execute the work identified in the Description of Change including, but not limited to, the construction of emergency access and egress stairways, second invert pour concrete, emergency walkways and cable troughs within the elevated structures and trenches; excluding all work associated with the precast emergency walkway and cable trough panels. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00048.7 | 11/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Supplemental No. 7 Funding for PG&E/ AT&T Provisional Sum | $38,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental change is to increase the amount of the PG&E and AT&T Facilities Relocation Provisional Sum to compensate the Contractor to manage and subcontract all direct services required for the relocation of PG&E and AT&T facilities relocation. This Supplemental Change Order increases the total amount of the aforementioned Provisional Sums by $38,000,000.00. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00408 | 10/31/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DL-191 Construction V&V and Quality Milestone Data Pack (QMDP) Format and Content | $2,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs related to modifications of the Quality Milestone Data Pack (QMDP) and Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System (DOORS) as described in the Authority Directive Letter DL-0191. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00460 | 9/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | PCO 1005R0 - Ventura & H Street Water Reconnections - Design | $47,617.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs incurred to redesign the approved Ready for Construction (RFC) plans to connect a new water service line to the existing 24 to 30-inch Regional Transit Main (RTM) along H Street in the City of Fresno (COF). Design revision is required in order to comply with COF new Standard of Practice requirements since the new standard no longer permit connection of water services to the RTM. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00457 | 9/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CPUC at Malaga Avenue - Construction | $1,753,213.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the costs of construction to incorporate the requirements in Directive Letters DL-0038 R0 and DL-0038 R1 for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) underground conduit installation at Malaga Avenue in the City of Fresno (COF). Contractors original scope did not include additional scope in the Communications Infrastructure Providers (CIP) Coalition Settlement Agreement and is considered a compensable change to the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00454 | 9/17/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Damaged Street Light Pull Box at Belmont Avenue | $1,893.08 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to repair the damaged City of Fresno (COF) street light pull box and associated exposed street light conductor wires at Belmont Avenue, near the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) tracks. This work is considered additional scope that was not included in the Contractors bid scope. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00459 | 9/17/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | COF Waterline at California and Cherry - Design | $52,913.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for redesign costs to revise the proposed alignment of the City of Fresno (COF) water main crossing at California and Cherry Avenues per Authority direction. Contractor shall coordinate the design with COF, Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and all other applicable Third Parties. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00462 | 9/17/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-196 UPRR Redesign Retaining Walls Herndon Avenue UPRR Bridge | $38,926.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to redesign approximately 12 feet of the Herndon Avenue retaining walls. The design of the retaining walls is to be revised so that it can perform as structural support structures to the abutments at Herndon Avenue, adjacent to the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Bridge. Revised retaining wall design is required to address UPRRs request and to allow future expansion of the UPRR rail operations. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00461 | 9/22/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | PCO 0962R1 - Existing Concrete Structure Discovered During Sinkhole Investigation at Olive Avenue | $7,782.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for construction costs incurred to slurry fill the underground concrete structure at Parcel FB-10-0082 on Olive Avenue in the City of Fresno. The Authority directed the Contractor to overlay the vault without impacting future excavations. This work was not included as part of the original scope and therefore considered an additional work resulting in an increase in cost of performance. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00467 | 9/24/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | Environmental Remediation at Parcel MF-10-1001 (Herndon) | $145,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor to perform soil sampling and testing on Time and Materials (T&M) basis per Contract. Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) has requested development and submittal of a Hazardous Materials Sampling Plan for an area in UPRR's Right of Way (ROW) needed for relocation of a Kinder Morgan line. The plan shall include information to characterize the 25' x 30' section of the subject land area to the depth of UPRR's Zone of Influence (ZOI). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00463 | 9/25/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | OCS Wall Mounts Fresno Trench North and South - Construction | $2,696,581.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor to construct the new wall mounted Overhead Catenary System (OCS) within the Fresno Trench north and south locations. This Authority directed change is considered a compensable change that added requirements to the Contract specifications resulting in new scope of work to be performed. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00469 | 9/25/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | FMFCD Veterans Spare Casing - Design | $42,410.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design costs to extend the proposed Veterans Boulevard 90-inch spare casing 140 feet. Spare casing will be used to accommodate future Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) 54-inch Storm Drain (SD) which crosses under both High Speed Rail (HSR) and Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Right of Way (ROW). This scope is not part of the Contractors original bid scope of work and is required to address the final City of Fresno (COF) Utility Relocation Cooperative Agreement requirement. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00458 | 9/24/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Bullard Sewer Veterans Impacts - Design | $42,885.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to provide design and engineering services to revise the "Sewer main improvements, north of Bullard Avenue" design package. Aforementioned scope was not part of Contractors original scope of work and is being performed to address the City of Fresno (COF) request to accommodate their project timeline. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00456 | 9/25/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CPUC at Mono Street - Construction | $1,986,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the costs of construction to incorporate the requirements in Directive Letters DL-0038 R0 and DL-0038 R1 for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) underground conduit installation at Mono Street in the City of Fresno (COF). Contractors original scope did not include additional scope in the Communications Infrastructure Providers (CIP) Coalition Settlement Agreement and is considered a compensable change to the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00413.2 | 9/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans SR-99 Realignment - Additional Design and Potholing Costs | $169,569.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design and engineering services rendered by its Subcontractors necessary to develop the design packages and deliverables to the Authority associated with portions of the work described in Directive Letters DL-0192, DL-0221 and Letter PCM-TPZP-04148. Compensation is for the expansion in the Scope of Work by the addition of SR-99 Work - High Speed Train (HST) improvements causing an increase in the Contract Price. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00468 | 9/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Dry Creek Canal FID Subtask 1.04 | $400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor to make a deposit into the Utility Escrow Account per the terms and conditions of Fresno Irrigation District (FID) Subtask 1.04. The Master Agreement with FID does not require the Contractor to provide such a deposit in order to obtain an FID permit. As such, this scope was not included in the Contract and therefore constitutes a compensable change pursuant to the General Provisions of the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00465 | 9/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Unknown Substructure Concrete Slab Discovered during Cornelia WTR Jacking Pit Excavation - Construction | $2,278.44 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the removal, hauling and disposal of an unknown underground concrete substructure slab that was in conflict with the proposed water main at Cornelia Avenue and Golden State Boulevard (GSB). Authority directed the Contractor to proceed with the work to allow for the completion of the proposed water main installation. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00464 | 9/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Compliance w/ Environmental & Engineering Requirements for Permanent Storm Water BMP (SWDR) | $118,249.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the actual costs incurred prior to 04/13/22, for preparing the draft Guideway Package 1 Storm Water Data Report (SWDR) per Authority Directive Letter DL-0158. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00392 | 9/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | DL-188 Crossing Applications within EAA Limits - Design | $418,801.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for preparation, revision, resubmittal and processing of 51 Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) utility crossing applications identified in Directive Letter DL-0188. The modification and resubmittal of the utility crossings within the Easement Acquisition Agreement (EAA) was not part of the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00453 | 9/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans SR-99 Realignment (Clinton to Ashlan) - Construction | $101,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for all the costs of construction for performing the new Caltrans 2.5-Mile Segment of added work per Contractors design plans detailed in the table titled "Change Order Work" as attached with this Change Order. Scope also includes construction of Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) at the Fresno Irrigation District (FID) surcharge chamber and construction of pier protection walls at Ashlan Avenue & Fresno Yard (Clinton Avenue) Overheads as directed by the Authority. This new scope of work was originally intended to be performed by Caltrans. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00236.01 | 8/9/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | City of Fresno Fees | $2,058,817.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments to be made to City of Fresno (COF) for fees on plan reviews, oversight, audit, inspection and support services related to Authority directed changes to the Project which require COF approval or review. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00088.11 | 8/24/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | CP1 Additional Environmental Services | $13,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide supplemental Time & Material (T&M) compensation to the Contractor for costs incurred not to exceed $13.5M to perform Environmental Services necessary to fully meet the Final Environmental Permit Requirements. Compensation shall include the costs to fulfill the current outstanding Environmental Permit Requirements and Staffing through CP1 Substantial Completion (December 2023). | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00413.1 | 8/31/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans SR99 Realignment (Clinton to Ashlan) - Design T&M | $2,300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor for cost incurred beginning 08/21/21 due to design and engineering services rendered directly by the Contractor to fully develop the Design Packages and deliverables to the Authority associated with design work for SR99 Work-High Speed Rail Improvements between STA S10691+50 and STA S10825+50. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00329.01 | 7/1/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specification | Increase the Amount of the Construction Contract Work Provisional Sum | $5,850,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and/or construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add $5.85M to the amount allotted to the Construction Contract Work (CCW) Provisional Sum as defined in the Contract. The CCW Provisional Sum requires additional reserve funds to pay for Construction Contract related Work as Authority directed changes related to the design and construction of permanent improvements necessary as part of any Right of Way (ROW) acquisition including, but not limited to, improvements related to maintenance of access for specific property and/ or grade separations. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00417 | 6/21/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-184 Service Road to Authority Facility on G Street - Design | $418,581.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs to design a service road to the detention basin located on Parcel FB-10-0110-1. The service road is required for inspection and maintenance of the detention basin by the Authority. The service road is to be designed in accordance with the Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00441 | 6/21/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Van Ness Ave Sign Relocation | $110,362.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for construction costs to relocate the existing South Van Ness entrance gate sign located at 2208 S Van Ness Avenue to Mariposa Street between H and Broadway Streets in the City of Fresno. This relocation is required per the terms of the final Fresno to Bakersfield section Built Environmental Treatment Plan (BETP) which was not included in the original Contract scope of work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00168.01 | 6/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | PCO 0783 Rev 2 DL-00130 Rev 2, 3 & 4 AR Fence Requirements - Design | $169,592.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to supplement Change Order 00168 and compensate the Contractor for additional costs for the incorporation of revised design criteria for access restricting fence as described in Directive Letter 0130 R3. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00449 | 6/29/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Refinement of GSB Roadway Width and Water at McKinley Ave - Design | $27,571.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the design costs to change the Ready for Construction (RFC) plans in order to redesign the proposed alignment of the City of Fresno (COF) water main relocation within Golden State Boulevard (GSB) near the proposed McKinley connector road as required by the COF Standard Specifications. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00437 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Changes to Executed City of Fresno Utility Relocation Agreement from Draft Agreement - Church Sewer - 42" OD Casing and Jack & Bore | $1,400,613.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the differences in the costs of construction based on the original Contract scope of work and the cost of construction of the City of Fresno's (COF) 42-inch diameter sewer bypass casing at the intersection of Church Avenue and Golden State Boulevard (GSB). This scope was added due to the changes made in the Executed COF Utility Relocation Cooperative Agreement. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00442 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Sprint (T5-1) at Tulare Street and Ventura Street - Design | $37,435.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Sprint fiber optic facilities at Tulare and Ventura Streets in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Sprint submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00443 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Sprint (T5-2) at Herndon Avenue - Design | $85,623.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Sprint fiber optic facilities at Herndon Avenue in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Sprint submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00444 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Sprint (T5-1) at Fresno Street - Design | $30,530.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Sprint fiber optic facilities at Fresno Street in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Sprint submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00445 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Level 3 (T3-20) at Belmont Avenue - Design | $13,587.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Level 3 fiber optic facilities at Belmont Avenue in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Level 3 submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00446 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Level 3 (T3-10) at McKinley Avenue and West Avenue - Design | $27,950.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Level 3 fiber optic facilities at McKinley and West Avenues in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Level 3 submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00447 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Level 3 (T3-5) at Fresno Street - Design | $32,096.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Level 3 fiber optic facilities at Fresno Street in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Level 3 submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00448 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Qwest (T4-4) at Herndon Avenue - Design | $69,426.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for costs incurred to revise its approved design related to the relocation of Qwest fiber optic facilities at Herndon Avenue in the City of Fresno (COF) to accommodate Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and Qwest submittal comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00450 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | PCO 1014 - Sprint Qwest at Herndon Conflict due to Trucker's Air Material - Design | $16,409.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs incurred to extend the Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) to avoid the Trucker's Air facility located on Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Right of Way (ROW). | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00451 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CPUC Conflict T17-005 at Road 33 - Design | $14,616.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs to revise the California Pubic Utilities Commission (CPUC) conflict T17-005 Approved for Construction (AFC) design package due to the County of Madera's (COM) constructability comments for Road 33 Design Package after the design was already approved. COM did not allow the Contractor to install the Galvanized Rigid Steel (RGS) 4-inch conduits using an open excavation method on paved sections of Road 33. The Authority agreed and directed the Contractor to revise the design to accommodate COM comments. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00438 | 6/30/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Changes to Executed City of Fresno Utility Relocation Agreement from Draft Agreement - Church Sewer - 30" OD Casing and Jack & Bore | $1,520,505.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the Church Avenue Sewer differences in costs of construction based on the original Contract scope of work and the expanded scope of work to include installation and upsizing of the sewer pipe steel casing from 24-inch to 30-inch diameter. Further, the executed City of Fresno (COF) Utility Relocation Cooperative Agreement required that a redundant steel casing be installed adjacent its relocated 30-inch diameter sewer line casing crossing under the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Right of Way (ROW) at this location. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00434 | 5/5/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Belmont Switch Relocation Existing Utilities Protect-in-Place - Design | $17,057.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs to Protect-in-Place (PIP) the existing Qwest fiber optic line crossing the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) tracks, south of Belmont Avenue. This requirement is due to the relocation of the UPRR Belmont Switch, added after bid and is excluded from the Belmont Switch Relocation change order. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00435 | 5/5/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | DL-215 BNSF Access Road from Road 26 to Avenue 19 - Design | $165,495.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs to provide Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) an all-season access road from Road 26 to Avenue 19 on the west side of the BNSF tracks per Authority Directive DL-0215 to maintain BNSF normal access to its facilities for operations, maintenance and inspections. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00424 | 5/5/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Increased Olive Overhead Structure Cross Section from 77' to 82' - Design | $141,976.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the design costs associated with updating the Design Baseline Report (DBR) due to the City of Fresno (COF) revisions to the cross section of the Olive Avenue overhead structure. The Contractor was originally required to design the structure with a sidewalk on the north side only. COF then required sidewalks on both north and south side causing the increase in the cross section from 77 linear feet to 82 linear feet. COFs requirement was finalized after Contractors submission of the DBR. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00439 | 5/6/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Kinder Morgan Relocation at Tulare Street - Subtask Order 1.07a | $1,550,074.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and/or construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments to be made to Kinder Morgan (KM) for costs incurred to incorporate the design and construction changes for the KM pipeline relocation at Tulare Street located in the City of Fresno (COF) per Authority Directive Letter DL-0164 and executed Subtask 1.07a. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00440 | 5/9/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Belmont Switch Relocation Existing Utilities Protect-in-Place - Construction | $27,963.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for construction costs to Protect-in-Place (PIP) the Qwest fiber optic line crossing the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) tracks south of Belmont Avenue. This scope of work was excluded from Change Order CO 00391. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00340 | 5/9/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Improvements at Kern and Mono Street - Construction | $1,265,284.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the differences in the costs of construction based on the original Contract scope of work and the costs of construction based on Authority directed changes and additions to the Contract scope of work for Kern and Mono Streets terminations and improvements as enumerated in this Change Order. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00429 | 5/13/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | McKinley Avenue Basin EE Modifications - Construction | $78,608,851.93 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. This Change Order, mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the Authority constitutes a full and final settlement of the price/ cost of work as described in this Change Order for the following: 1) McKinley Avenue & State Route 99 (SR-99) Interchange Modifications. 2) Modifications in the alignment of Golden State Boulevard between West Avenue and SR-99 in the City of Fresno. 3) Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) Pump Station and Basin EE Modifications. 4) Modifications to Golden State Boulevard between West Avenue and Olive Avenue in the City of Fresno. 5) Sewer and Water Main Upgrades. 6) North Weber Avenue Realignment and Addition of Sidewalk construction at McKinley Avenue. 7) Underground AT&T Ducts T1-79 and T1-49. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00432 | 5/15/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | OCS Wall Loads - Design | $184,327.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor in the evaluation of the Fresno Trench north and south wall designs to support a wall mounted Overhead Catenary System (OCS) support system and update the Fresno Trench north and south design packages to implement the new wall mounted OCS support system design criteria. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00433 | 5/20/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Facilities Access Roads - Construction | $5,980,385.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the increase in scope in the construction of additional access roads for systems facilities. Contract scope of work requires permanent access roads connecting public streets to access gates at future systems facilities. However, additional facility locations were added and existing sites relocated which increased the overall scope as compared to the preliminary design plans. | Garth Fernandez - Interim Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00264.01 | 5/25/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Sprint Facility Additional Relocation Costs - Subtask 1.05 First Amendment | $245,892.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments made to Sprint for costs incurred to relocate Sprint's facilities in the vicinity of Dry Creek. This supplemental amount is per the First Amendment to the original Subtask 1.05. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00436 | 5/31/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Madera Valley Water Company Waterline Design | $640,173.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with the Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC) water line relocation packages. Multiple MVWC facilities as enumerated in this Change Order are in conflict with the proposed High Speed Rail (HSR) Guideway and are within the territorial limits of the HSR Project covered under the North Extension Realignment Change Order, which expressly excluded the costs of utility work. Contractor agrees that it is fully compensated for all design costs for removal and relocation of the MVWC water lines as indicated and is fully compensated for any and all increases in the cost including markups and shall not be subject to any further and future claims for compensation. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00427 | 4/4/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | PCO 0372 R2 - Belmont RS-99 Interchange Improvement COF Deal Points | $(68,878.00) | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the final negotiated amount of -$68,878.00 agreed between the Authority and the Contractor for the reduction of design costs associated with the Belmont, State Route 99 (SR-99) Interchange improvement, City of Fresno (COF) Deal Points letter dated 04/28/16. This Change Order is for credit costs related to design activities only. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00431 | 4/4/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | PCO # 0989 R2: SJRV Site, In-Stream Woody Refugia Design Project - Design | $87,971.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the design costs of an In-stream Woody Material Refugia Project near the San Joaquin River Viaduct (SJRV) site viaduct footings. The design of the Refugia Project was initiated due to a new requirement outlined in the Merced to Fresno plus Central Valley Wye Biological Opinion (BO) re-initiation by the National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00286.01 | 4/8/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | PCO 0857.01 R3 - Authority Bizhub C558 Copiers - 27 Months Lease Extension | $61,764.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments to be made to Caltronics (printer supplier) for the lease costs of the Konica Minolta Bizhub C558 copier/ printers located in Authority's 1401 Fulton Street Offices. The lease needs to be extended for an additional 27 months beyond the current lease term through April 4, 2024. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00328.02 | 4/15/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Increase the Amount of the Utility Provisional Sum | $31,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and/or construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add $31M to the amount allotted to the Utility Provisional Sum per Contract. The Utility Provisional Sum requires additional reserve funds to pay for work associated with the project caused by unidentified or misidentified utility work at bid time. These increases were due to differing site conditions and changes outside the control of the Contractor. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00430 | 4/21/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Railroad Avenue Drainage due to City of Fresno Deal Points - Construction | $3,249,201.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the increase in scope of utility relocation for the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) storm drain facilities in the area of Railroad Avenue between Church and Jensen Avenues due to the CP1 Drainage Facilities Deal Points Letter dated 07/06/16. Compared to the original scope of work, the revisions resulted in a net increase in size and quantities of materials, labor and related costs of construction as well as a temporary bypass sewer required to maintain operations of the existing system. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00420 | 3/18/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | MSE to CIP Walls Along Underpass - Design | $178,753.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with changing the design of the retaining walls in the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Zone of Influence from Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) walls to Cast-In-Place (CIP) walls at Fresno, Ventura and Tulare Street Underpasses. Changes were made after bid in applicable UPRR standards and the draft UPRR Engineering and Construction (ECM) Agreement. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00421 | 3/4/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Basin Modifications at FB-10-0118 and FB-10-0121 - Design | $31,999.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to provide engineering and design support services to redesign the drainage basins located on Parcels FB-10-0118 and FB-10-0121. This change is based on Authority's discussion with regulatory agencies in efforts to move the basins to minimize the impact on the areas contaminated with hazardous materials on these parcels. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00422 | 3/18/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | W Belmont Overhead Structure Requirements - Design | $147,527.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for providing design and engineering services to address the City of Fresno (COF) consultant Cornerstone Structural Engineering Group (CSEG) design submittal review comments as defined in PCO 0711 R2 for the Authority approved design submittal review and respond to each of CSEG's comments to obtain COF's approval. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00423 | 3/4/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Reconstruction and Reopening of Mono Street - Construction | $118,329.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for construction costs associated with the temporary reopening of Mono Street in the City of Fresno. Per Authority Directive DL-0166, Contractor was directed to modify the sequence of its construction work in order to temporarily re-open Mono Street by 10/31/2019, including the construction of a temporary roadway prior to the installation of the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Downtown Shoofly. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00425 | 3/18/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Mono Street SJVR Crossing - Design | $26,103.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with raising the elevation of the San Joaquin Valley Rail Road (SJVRR) Crossing Track 5704 at Mono Street per Authority Directive DL-0150. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00426 | 3/4/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | California & Cherry Storm Drain Revisions due to UPRR Comments - Design | $50,931.64 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the redesign efforts and associated cost for the revisions to the Ready for Construction (RFC) design for the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) storm drain utility crossing at STA S11050+72. Redesign incorporates a 3:1 safety factor for pressurized pipe and a larger casing at this location. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00428 | 3/18/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tuolumne Basin Redesign due to Hazardous Material - Construction | $958,586.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to construct the Tuolumne basins located on Parcel FB-10-0118 (north) and Parcel FB-10-0121 (south). The design change is based on executed Change Order 00343 which changed the original closed system drainage design. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00412 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Design Refinement of COF Water at Church Ave - Design | $46,657.53 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with the relocation of existing City of Fresno water mains located at Golden State Boulevard, south and west of the Church Avenue Overhead structure. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00416 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Fresno Irrigation District Cole South Branch 40 Realignment UPRR Comments - Design | $71,969.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the design costs associated with relocating a Fresno Irrigation District (FID) Cole South Branch No. 40 facility irrigation pipeline crossing the High Speed Rail (HSR) and Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) corridors between McKinley and Olive Avenues at Pine and West Avenues. Due to the installation of new UPRR railroad switch after the approval of design drawings, Contractor needs to redesign the FID pipeline crossing. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00414 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Relocate Temp Signal to Road 27/Club Drive during Road 26 Closure | $20,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor, not to exceed $20,000.00 to perform temporary traffic signal relocation and maintenance scope at Road 26, Road 27 and Club Drive as enumerated in this Change Order. The extended maintenance of the temporary traffic signal at Road 26/ Club Drive as well as the relocation and maintenance of the three temporary traffic signals from Road 26/ Club Drive to Road 27/ Club Drive intersection is considered to be additional scope of work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00415 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | G Street Full Street Improvements between California and Cherry (Cell Tower Site) - Design | $94,072.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs associated with providing design and engineering services for street improvements along Authority owned Parcel FB-10-0178-01-01 (cell tower site) located on G Street in the City of Fresno.. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00167.01 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Additional Design Impacts for Utility Relocations to Accommodate UPRR CTC - Design | $185,387.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs related to fiber optic utility relocations to accommodate the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Centralized Traffic Control Systems. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00413 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans SR99 Realignment (Clinton to Ashlan) - Design | $3,272,847.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to Tuto Perini/Zachary/Parsons, Joint Venutre (TPZP), for costs incurred for self-performed design work from March 06, 2020, through August 20, 2021; and full and complete compensation for all costs incurred by TPZP's Subcontractors for completion of the designs for the SR 99-HST Improvements as defined in PCO 839 Revision 3. Work is further defined in Directive Letter 0192 and Letter PCM-TPZP-04148 and was further clarified by letters PCM-TPZP-04711, 05372, 05582 & 05813. Change Order (CO) Number 00413 totaled $4,272,847.00, but $1M of this amount was included in CO 00309 for the Design Builder (DB) to start design work and minimize delays and was reflected in the July 2020 upload to the website. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00418 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Jim Shehadey Interface with GSB at Kathryn Ave MF-10-0015 - Design | $23,486.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with integrating the City of Fresno (COF) Sewer Main design package with the R. W. Greenwood Associates (Shehadey) development plans per Authority letter PCM-TPZP-05295. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00407 | 2/16/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | City of Fresno Water Main along Weber Avenue at Pine and West - Design | $16,706.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the design costs associated with upsizing an existing City of Fresno (COF) 10-inch water main along Weber Avenue with a new 16-inch water main. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00374 | 2/18/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Downtown Shoofly Changes - Track Material Procurement and Installation | $2,186,018.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the costs of construction and installation of the San Joaquin Valley Railroad (SJVR) tie-in track to the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Downtown Shoofly, difference in costs of equipping all UPRR track ties with hardwood ties in lieu of Douglas fir ties within the UPRR Downtown Shoofly and difference in costs of supplying a Rail Bound Manganese (RBM) track frog in lieu of a Solid Manganese Self-Guarded (SMSG) frog within UPRR milepost 205 to 206. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00401 | 2/22/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Rescinded DL-00073 G St. Realignment (California Ave to Santa Clara St.) - Design | $137,572.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs incurred to redesign Ready for Construction (RFC) packages affected by a change in the G Street alignment per City of Fresno (COF) request. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00402 | 2/22/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | City of Fresno ITS Design at Various Locations - Design | $122,852.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the design costs to implement wireless IP cameras (referred to as Intelligent Transportation System [ITS]) at 16 intersections per City of Fresno (COF) standard drawing ITS-18A and ITS-27B. The implementation of ITS in these locations is a new requirement by COF to approve Contractor's traffic signal plans. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00411 | 2/22/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fresno Viaduct/Guideway Basins Redesign - Design | $25,521.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to provide engineering and design support services to redesign eight (8) drainage basins located under/along the Fresno Viaduct structure. The Authority previously executed Change Order 00166 to compensate the Contractor for costs incurred to redesign nine (9) out of seventeen (17) total located under the Fresno Viaduct structure. The scope herein is for the Contractor to redesign the remaining eight (8) basins between STA 11172+00 and STA 11182+00, from covered to open-air basins. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00419 | 2/24/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-00175 Additional Scope Items (Elevated Structures & Trenches) - Design | $3,303,399.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor for providing design and engineering services for the development and engineering services during construction of design packages and deliverables to the Authority associated with the new Scope of Work elements as outlined in this Change Order and as identified in the Authority's Directive DL-00175, 00206 and letter PCM-TPZP-05274. Change Order (CO) Number 00419 totaled $4,303,399.00, but $1M of this amount was included in CO 00316 for the Design Builder (DB) to start design work and minimize delays and was reflected in the July 2020 upload to the website. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00367 | 2/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | DL-003 & 014 - Changes to Golden State Blvd. Realignment Station 115+50 to 209+50 - Construction Cost Differentials | $19,212,645.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the net differences in the costs of construction due to Authority directed changes to the original contract scope related to the realignment of Golden State Boulevard (GSB), between STA 115+50 and STA 209+50, limits of the area referred to as GSB North. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00409 | 2/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | City of Fresno Water Riser Pipes PVC to DIP | $164,520.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for design revisions to the approved City of Fresno (COF) Water Main Design Packages for eleven locations as noted in this Change Order, for the requirement to incorporate Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) risers in lieu of the Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) material utilized in the approved designs. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00365 | 2/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Changes to South Golden State Blvd. Deal Points - Sta 16+61 to 115+50 -Construction Cost Differentials | $28,229,153.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor and its Subcontractors for the differences in the cost of construction based on the original Contract scope of work and the cost of construction based on the changes and additions to the Contract Scope of Work on Golden State Boulevard (GSB) between STA 16+61 and STA 115+50, limits defined as GSB South. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00136.01 | 1/5/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tuolumne Street Overcrossing | $23,641.94 | This is a change to a contract for design and/or construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs incurred to address utility conflicts with the City of Fresno (COF) Storm Drain relocation in the vicinity of Tuolumne and G Streets. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00375 | 1/6/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Road 27 Fiber Optic Relocation for Level 3 Third Party Costs | $244,591.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully reimburse the Contractor for the costs assessed by Century Link for the relocation of 26,000 LF of existing Level 3 fiber optic lines at Road 27 in the County of Madera under the terms of the Authority Cooperative Agreement with Century Link. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00359 | 1/17/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier Additional Requirements - Design | $72,121.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs incurred to perform a pushover analysis and modeling of the Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB). Contractor submitted certified calculations along with the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) 60% and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) 100% design resubmittals. This Change Order also compensates the Contractor for revising the CP1 Guide way IPB (SW04.12.02-063) drawings to remove the fractured fin finish on the BNSF side, recessed dots to remain per Directive Letter DL-0190 R1. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00400 | 1/17/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Storm Drain Relocation at Olive Avenue and DMV - Design | $49,809.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs incurred to provide engineering and design support for a new storm drain tie-in design located at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) facility on Olive Avenue in the City of Fresno. The new storm drain design relocates DMV facility's existing 15-inch storm drain from Manhole 1 (SD65+58) to the new storm drain Manhole 3 EC (SD59+85) on the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District's (FMFCD) new 48-inch storm drain main line. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00394 | 1/19/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | City of Fresno Upsizing of Water Mains - Design | $52,880.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the design costs associated with the upsizing of three City of Fresno (COF) water main packages caused by Authority directed changes in the water main crossings at the following locations: California Ave & Cherry Ave crossing, Florence Ave & Sarah St crossing and Church Ave & Railroad Ave crossing. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00397 | 1/19/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Belmont Avenue - Construction | $38,700,911.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the differential in cost of the Work as originally required and changed Work as described in this Change Order, resulting in the increase in the Contract price as compared to the original Contract requirements to construct Belmont Avenue. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00099.3 | 1/27/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Agreement for Settlement, Release and Waiver as to Time Related Delays and Claims Through February 1, 2021 (Time Impact #3) | $121,976,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The Authority and Contractor have agreed to fully and completely resolve delays and time-related claims of the Contractor and its Subcontractors for Contract delays, delay-related impact, resultant damages, overhead and escalation that have been, or are alleged to have been, caused or contributed to by acts, omissions and/ or events that occurred on the project from May 2, 2019 through February 1, 2021, without limitation, including, but not limited to those set forth in all Time Impact Analysis (TIA) claims, including TIA-03 (01Apr20). | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00089.02 | 1/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Cost Adjustment for Change Order 00089 & 00089.01 (Based on Time Impact #3) | $6,137,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable escalation adjustment for the work described in Change Orders 00089 & 00089.01, North Extension Revised Realignment, resulting from the 850 calendar days granted by Change Order 00099.3 per Contract. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00228.01 | 1/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Cost Adjustment for Change Order 00228 (Based on Time Impact #3) | $2,843,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable escalation adjustment for the work described in Change Order 00228, Changes to MSE to CIP Abutments, resulting from the 850 calendar days granted by CO 00099.3 per Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00260.01 | 1/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Cost Adjustment for Change Order 00260 (Based on Time Impact #3) | $3,190,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable escalation adjustment for the work described in Change Order 00260, Herndon Avenue - Construction, resulting from the 850 calendar days granted by CO 00099.3 per Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00320.01 | 1/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Cost Adjustment for Change Order 00320 (Based on Time Impact #3) | $6,390,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable escalation adjustment for the work described in Change Order 00320, Intrusion Protection Requirements Original Quantity - Construction, resulting from the 850 calendar days granted by CO 00099.3 per Contract. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00322.01 | 1/28/2022 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Cost Adjustment for Change Order 00322 (Based on Time Impact #3) | $964,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable escalation adjustment for the work described in Change Order 00322, Intrusion Protection Requirements Added Quantity - Construction, resulting from 850 calendar days granted by Change Order 00099.3 per Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00387 | 12/23/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Property Avialability Parcel MF-20-0984 | $395,602.49 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs incurred due to Authority's failure to provide full access to the area required for construction of the Fresno River Viaduct located in the City of Fresno. The failure to acquire Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) associated with Parcel MF-20-0984 resulted in a reduction in the area available to the Contractor for construction of the viaduct. As a result, Contractor incurred direct costs associated with altering the means and methods including staging and phasing of the construction activities. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00406 | 12/17/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Fresno Trench Strut Loss - Design and Construction | $725,584.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor to 1) Perform Strut Loss Analysis of the Fresno Trench Structure and provide recommendations to mitigate any potential impacts to Railway operations in case of such failure. 2) Provide design services to implement design revisions to the Fresno Trench structure to mitigate potential impacts identified in the Analysis. 3) Provide labor, material and equipment to incorporate the design revisions in the construction of the Fresno Trench Structure to prevent impacts to Railway operations in case of a strut failure. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00399 | 12/17/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | CVIN Conflict with City of Fresno Water W1-012 near Carnegie - Design | $27,640.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the Change Order is to fully compensate the Contractor for engineering ad design support costs to revise the Ready for Construction (RFC) plans CP1-UT-D1036-WTR. The design revision is needed to resolve a physical conflict between Central Valley Independent Network (CVIN) fiber optic facility and City of Fresno (COF) 16-inch diameter water main located at Golden State Boulevard (GSB) north of Cornelia Avenue in COF. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00403 | 12/17/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | DL-137 R2 North Extension Supplement Comcast T2-705 at Road 27 - Design | $37,882.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the design costs associated with relocation of the Comcast 2-inch Size Dimension Ratio (SDR) 11 fiber optic conduit at Road 27 in the County of Madera. This relocation is within the territorial limits of the project covered by Change Orders 00089 & 00089.1 known as the "North Extension Realignment". Change Orders 00089 & 00089.1 expressly excluded cost of utility work, therefore this proposed change is compensable per Contract. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00263.01 | 12/17/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Sprint Costs due to UPRR CTC Project | $886,732.77 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental Change Order is to reimburse the Contractor for payments to be made to Sprint Communications for costs incurred to relocate Sprint's facilities impacted by the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) project. The proposed relocation of the Sprint facilities was not contemplated by the original Contract scope of work and constitutes a compensable change resulting from Authority's Directive Letter DL-0128. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00005.2 | 12/22/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Local and Long Distance Phone Charges | $18,062.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental Change Order is to provide reimbursement to the Contractor for the Authority's office local and long distance phone service charges through the revised Project Completion Deadline of December 2023. Per Contract, the Contractor is required to provide telephone service with outside lines for each office space. It also specifically states that the Authority will pay all local and long distance phone charges after installation. Therefore, the costs within this supplemental Change Order are compensable. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00404 | 12/22/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Central Ave Additional County Roadway Improvements - Design | $11,716.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for cost to provide engineering and design support to revise the Ready for Construction (RFC) - E Central Avenue Grade Separation design package. The design revision is needed to extend the eastern conform limit of E Central Avenue from STA 26+25 to STA 29+50 at Maple Avenue to facilitate City of Fresno (COF) request which was not included in the Contract Scope of Work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00405 | 12/23/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Safford Ave and Belmont Ave Truck Movement - Design | $116,315.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for costs to provide engineering and design support to revise the Ready for Construction (RFC) West Belmont Avenue grade separation Design Package. It requires revision to include a new right turn WB-67 truck movement from westbound Belmont Avenue to northbound Safford Avenue in the City of Fresno. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00376 | 12/23/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Schedule Change | Additional Labor Costs on Ave 7, Ave 10 & Ave 15 OC from 03/02/20 thru 03/20/20 | $33,936.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for premium time differential costs incurred in conjunction with work performed between 03/02/20 and 03/20/20 at Avenues 7, 10 and 15 overcrossings in the County of Madera. The Authority directed the Contractor to open the aforementioned roadways by 04/15/20 which did not correspond to the Contractor's planned schedule, timing or sequence of work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00382 | 11/2/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Road 27 Fiber Optic Relocation for Comcast - Construction Costs | $54,095.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for costs associated with the relocation of Comcast 2-inch Size Dimension Ratio (SDR) 11 fiber optic conduit at Road 27 in the County of Madera. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00395 | 11/2/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Road 27 Fiber Optic Relocation for Comcast - Third Party Costs | $30,709.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for payments made to Comcast for costs incurred to relocate 2-inch Size Dimension Ratio (SDR) 11 fiber optic conduit at Road 27 in the County of Madera. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00396 | 10/1/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | FB-10-0883 and 0756 Demolition and Removal of the Sands Motel | $62,338.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs related to the demolition and removal of the Sands Motel restaurant and bar structure located at 1441 N Golden State Boulevard (GSB), parcels FB-10-0883 & FB-10-0756. The demolition of the structure was necessitated by change in the design of GSB resulting from the Authority's agreement with the City of Fresno to widen GSB at West Avenue. This change resulted in the expansion of the Scope of Work, Increase in Contract Price and is therefore compensable. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00325 | 10/7/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Major Storm Requirements for Belmont Ave Underpass - Design | $61,489.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design costs associated with evaluating, calculating and developing a proposed drainage design concept to replace the loss of the Major Storm Flow storage at the Belmont Avenue Underpass. This will include the completion of the drainage design for the expansion of Basin RR2 which is located adjacent to the southwest corner of the Belmont Avenue Underpass. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00398 | 10/27/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Avenue 15 & 15.5 Realignment - Design | $176,269.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to redesign the alignment of Avenues 15 and 15.5 bridges in the County of Madera per Authority direction to shift the alignment of Avenues 15 and 15.5 onto the existing roadway alignment. Design change is a result of the terms and conditions of the Authority Settlement Agreement with the County of Madera. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00265.03 | 9/9/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Patrolling, Cleaning and Maintenance of UPRR Right of Way within Project Limits | $2,400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to supplement Change Order 00265.02 to compensate the Contractor for costs to conduct patrolling, cleaning and maintenance activities within the High Speed Rail (HSR) project limits on the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) Right of Way (ROW) as outlined in the Right of Entry Agreement with UPRR and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the California Highway Patrol (CHP). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos - Engineering Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00181.01 | 9/10/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Wildlife Exclusionary Fencing (WEF) for the Exclusion of California Tiger Salamander (CTS) | $1,315,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to supplement Change Order 00181 and provide 75,000 linear feet additional quantity of Wildlife Exclusion Fencing (WEF) when used for the exclusion of the California Tiger Salamander (CTS). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos - Engineering Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00388 | 9/15/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | DL-189 R1 UPRR Requirements - Scope of Work Plans - Design | $158,794.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the preparation, submittals and all activities required to secure approvals of Scope of Work (SOW) plans for the utilities crossing Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) track way longitudinally located within UPRR's Right of Way (ROW). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00233.7 | 9/15/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Madera Valley Water Company - Reimbursement of Facility Relocations Oversight Fee | $988,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the deposits to be made to Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC) to cover costs related to MVWC facility relocations in the Town of Madera. These are costs charged by MVWC for MVWC work which includes plan reviews, inspection and approval of work. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00391 | 9/22/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UPRR Belmont Switch Relocation - Procurement and Grading | $1,043,776.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor to procure and deliver new track material as well as constructing the turnout pad and grading work to relocate the existing UPRR Belmont Switch north per approved design. The relocation of the existing switch will eliminate the need for utility design criteria variances from UPRR and mitigate potential delays to the project schedule. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00257.01 | 9/29/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Sprint Relocation Cost at Fresno Bridge | $340,935.56 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for Sprint costs to relocate 1,045 feet of the existing Sprint facilities located at Fresno Bridge overpass in the City of Fresno. The existing Sprint facilities are in conflict with the proposed location of the Fresno Bridge abutments and will need to be relocated 40 feet to the south. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00389 | 8/25/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Tulare Grade Separation Drainage - Design | $23,892.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs associated with the design revisions of the drainage system shown on original Tulare Street grade separation Drainage Plans. Contractor is required to replace the 8-inch Corrugated Steel Pipe (CSP) storm drain with a 15-inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) storm drain from the Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) underpass structure to the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) connection of the manhole at Tulare Street and add a drainage inlet east of the UPRR Right of Way (ROW) line. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00393 | 8/25/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Customer Request | SR-99 & McKinely Off-ramp Flooding from Caltrans Clogged Storm Drains | $15,926.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for the costs associated with the emergency removal and disposal of flood water from the McKinley Boulevard off-ramp on State Route 99 (SR-99) in the City of Fresno. The Contractor was directed to perform this work to address public safety and resolve an emergency situation. | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00380 | 8/27/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | DL-138 R2 Ave 9, Ave 15.5 & Olive Ave OH CIP to MSE Abutments - Design | $98,599.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the costs to redesign the Ready for Construction (RFC) packages for Avenue 9, Avenue 15.5 and Olive Avenue Bridges to reflect a change in the type of abutments from Cast in Place (CIP) concrete to Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE). | Samer Shaath - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00071.01 | 8/31/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Increase the Amount of the Building Hazardous Materials Provisional Sum | $4,600,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add $4,600,000.00 to the amount allotted to the Building Hazardous Materials Provisional Sum (PS-HazMat). PS-HazMat requires additional reserve funds to pay for work necessary to survey, remove and dispose of Hazardous Materials associated with the project work. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00362 | 7/30/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Golden State Blvd North - Water, Sewer, Storm Drain - Construction | $19,251,944.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the net differences in the costs of construction of "wet utility facilities" consisting of their removals, relocations and new installations on Golden State Boulevard (GSB) between Station 115+50 and Station 209+50 (limits defined as "GSB North") resulting from Authority directives altering the roadway alignment indicated in the original contract documents. | Brian Annis - Chief Financial Officer for Brian Kelly - CEO | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00390 | 7/30/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | BNSF and UPRR Access Roads - Construction | $24,265,970.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the construction of 22 miles of a permanent 12-foot wide, 6-inch thick aggregate base access road for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) and Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) as detailed in the updated plan sets and located adjacent to the UPRR or BNSF track ways. | Brian Annis - Chief Financial Officer for Brian Kelly - CEO | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00313.01 | 7/30/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | DL 00171 R1 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Casing or Restrained Joints for UPRR - Option 3 - Steel Casing for Class V RCP Without MRJs - Construction | $771,367.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for procurement and construction/ installation of 200 LF of 84-inch steel pipe casing for the 60-inch Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) storm drain on UPRRs Right of Way at Weber Avenue, in the City of Fresno. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00364 | 7/21/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Avenue 15.5 and Steel Structures Property - Construction | $8,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all increases in costs of construction resulting from the post-award change to the alignment of Avenue 15.5 Bridge in the County of Madera, all resulting changes in pier wall protection requirements for the Avenue 15.5 Bridge and requirements for emergency access to the property of Steel Structures Inc. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00381 | 7/16/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | DL-195 UPRR Scope Change Add Signal House Grading Pads Design | $18,076.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs associated with the design of three new concrete grading pads for Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) signal houses located outside the limits of the Herndon shoofly in the City of Fresno. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00377 | 7/8/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Replace Additional Guardrail at SR-180 | $269,797.22 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs associated with the removal and installation of guardrail and posts located on SR-180, Eastbound and Westbound lanes between STA 547+13.70 to STA 544+22.35 to address safety concerns due to presence of rotten wooden posts discovered during pavement improvement work. | Scott Kennedy - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00379 | 7/8/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | DL-177 Fresno Trench North Overhead Catenary System (OCS) | $95,481.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for costs associated with performance and submittal of engineering calculations analyzing the secant pile walls of the Fresno Trench North. The engineering calculations were required to determine if the secant walls have the capacity to support a portal frame design for the Overhead Catenary System (OCS) shown in Directive Letter DL 0177 which replaced the original design consisting of inverted mounted poles. | Scott Kennedy - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00386 | 6/25/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | AT&T Task 4, Phase II MH-769 Caltrans Water Service Relocation - Construction | $36,061.19 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for the work performed to relocate the existing Caltrans 2-inch irrigation water service line located at Ashlan Avenue across SR-99 on-ramp. This service line was in physical conflict with the proposed location of the AT&T intercept vault requiring the waterline relocation outside of the proposed AT&T intercept vault footprint location. | Scott Kennedy - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00119.1 R1 | 4/2/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | Right of Entry and License Fees for Railroad Utility Crossings | $510,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to capture addition of funds to the original Change Order 00119 to reimburse the Contractor for costs associated with reassignment of the Utility Crossing Application and license fee responsibility from the Authority to the Contractor per Directive Letter 00063 and 00067. The Change Order value is to be increased by $510,000.00 from $860,000.00 to $1,370,000.00. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00369 | 4/14/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | Maintain and Repair Public Roads as Detour Haul Routes Surety Bonds | $166,868.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the premiums for additional surety bonds required by the County of Madera as a condition for issuance of Encroachment Permits required for maintaining and repairing public roads used as haul and detour routes. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00360 | 4/27/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Striping Changes at SR-180 | $33,930.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for the following changes directed by the Authority to conform to Caltrans updated standards on SR-180: 1. Construct 6-inch wide thermoplastic traffic stripe instead of 4-1nch wide thermoplastic traffic stripe. 2. Construct Enhanced Wet Night Vision (EWNV) thermoplastic traffic stripe instead of non-EWNV thermoplastic traffic stripe. 3. Provide Black Contrast on Broken White Stripe | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00233.6 | 3/8/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | MVWC Relocation at Road 27 - Extended Fee Agreement | $5,719.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the supplemental Deposit and Reimbursement for Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC). This is the sixth supplemental Change Order. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00048.6 | 3/9/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Supplemental No. 6 Funding for Excluded Third Party Provisional Sum | $78,004,971.31 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the Supplemental Change Order is to increase the amount of the Provisional Sum described in Change Order 0048, 0048.1, 0048.2, 0048.3, 0048.4 and 0048.5 by $78,004,971.31. All other terms and conditions of the original Change Order Nos. 0048, 0048.1, 0048.2, 0048.3, 0048.4 and 0048.5 shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00363 | 3/12/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Avenue 15 Changes - Construction | $1,813,876.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the repositioning of Avenue 15 overpass to match the alignment of the existing Avenue 15 as required by County of Madera. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00373 | 3/18/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Adminisrtative | Chinatown and Downtown Outreach | $76,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide additional Chinatown and Downtown Outreach as requested and approved by the Authority authorized representative. This will include the purchasing of print, television, radio, social media ads as well as other community outreach events. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00368 | 2/16/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | FB-10-0044 Additional Demolition | $29,909.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for extra demolition work of an additional building along with the associated parking lot outside the original footprint (HSR ROW) on Parcel FB-10-0044. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00370 | 2/26/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | COF Temporary Backflow Preventors Water Tie-ins - Construction Only | $1,784,591.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is for the additional construction costs to incorporate COF requirement to comply with the American Water Works Association (AWWA) C651-14 and install temporary reduced pressure backflow assemblies when making connections to City potable water systems. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 00371 | 2/26/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UPRR Tulare St & Ventura St Steel Girders - Metric Bolts DL 00183 R1 | $1,048,083.21 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the additional costs associated with replacing 3/4-inch size girder steel bolts with metric bolts at the Tulare and Ventura Street bridges as per the resolution agreement at Level 2 of the Issue Resolution Ladder protocol. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 342 | 1/8/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Clearing and Grubbing Change in Condition | $78,623.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional clearing and grubbing of the identified parcels which were vacant in 2012 at bid time as enumerated in this Change Order. This Change Order excludes all environmental work. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Clifford Wong - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 6.2 | 1/11/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Additional DRB Expenses | $180,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add funds to the original Change Order 00006 for reimbursement of 50 perent DRB and special services costs in accordance with the Contract. The current amount is hereby increased by $180,000.00 from $280,000.00 to $460,000.00. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Clifford Wong - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 233.5 | 1/17/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Madera Valley Water Company - Relocation at Road 27 - Extended Fee Agreement | $22,876.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the supplemental deposit and reimbursement of funds for Madera Valley Water Company per Authority request for agreement review services. | Raaid Abouzedan - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Clifford Wong - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.10 | 1/29/2021 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | CP1 Additional Environmental Services | $16,795,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add funds to the original change order No. 00088 for the performance of all Environmental Services on a time and material basis. The original amount is hereby increased $16,795,000.00, from $32,175,000.00 to $48,970,000.00. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Eric Stassevitch - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 351 | 10/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | DL 0041 Westside Shoofly Design Mod | $33,101.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the design Subcontractor for continuing consultation and design efforts to address the new comments from Union Pacific Rail Road and San Joaquin Valley Railroad regarding the Contractor's 90% design submittal for the Westside Wye Shooflies. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Grant for Don Bullock - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.9 | 10/3/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Additional Environmental Services | $2,175,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. This supplemental Change Order adds funds to Change Order No. 00088. The current amount is hereby increased $2,175,000.00, from $30,000,000.00 to $32,175,000.00. The work shall be performed in accordance with Section 17.9, "Changes - Time and Material Change Orders" of the Gerneal Provisions. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Clifford Wong - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 354 | 9/22/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Redesign W1-042 Crossing Pine West | $71,576.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design efforts associated with the redesign of the City of Fresno water main W1-042 due to the Union Pacific Rail Road requirements regarding the location of the City of Fresno water main crossing under the Union Pacific Rail Road tracks. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Don Bullock - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 343 | 9/10/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Scope Change Fresno Drainage - Design | $220,633.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the redesign costs to take the drainage design from a conceptual level to 90% again based upon updated criteria from the California High Speed Rail Authority and the City of Fresno. Compensation also includes any reduction in design effort of the closed system. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 355 | 9/10/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DL-00164 Kinder Morgan Relocation | $17,077.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the coordination efforts to incorporate design changes per Authority Directive Letter 0164. The Contractor coordinated with Union Pacific Rail Road to define the configuration for the pipeline relocation, Kinder Morgan performed the redesign. This Change Order does not include the design cost reimbursement for Kinder Morgan as well as the impacted construction costs. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 349 | 8/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SJVRR South Spur Fresno Trench Lid | $334,106.00 | This is a change in contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the redesign efforts of the Fresno Trench Lid in compliance to Authority Directive Letter 00133 including designing for the incorporation of the Cooper E-80 live load criteria of a passenger train. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 328.01 | 8/19/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Increase the Amount of the Utility Provisional Sum | $7,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the amount of the Utility Provisional Sums as defined by the Contract to compensate the Contractor for utility work. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 350 | 8/14/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SJVRR South Spur Dry Creek Canal Box Increased Drawing - Design | $71,983.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design effort necessary to incorporate Directive Letter 0134 titled "Dry Creek Box Culvert". | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 347 | 8/14/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | DL-0080 UPRR & BNSF Future Track Locations - Design | $337,883.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all additional redesign costs as a result of Directive Letter 0080, Union Pacific Rail Road and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Rail Road Future Track Locations. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 346 | 8/14/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Related | DL-0087 Maintenance Setback for BNSF Right Of Way | $1,170,936.06 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the design of all impacted overhead structure bent locations due to Directive Letter 0087 which mandated a 5-foot maintenance setback between all structural elements and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Right Of Way. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 345 | 8/14/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DL-0186 RM Tool Submital Specific RVTM & CIL Modules | $106,154.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the implementation of all impacts related to the Requirements Management Tool Submittal, specific Requirements Verification Traceability Matrix and Critical Items List module Design Deliverables. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 48.5 | 8/11/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Supplementary No. 5 Funding for Excluded Third Party Provisional Sum | $9,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the supplemental change is to increase the amount of the Provisional Sums to compensate the contractor to manage and subcontract all direct services required for the relocation of PG&E and AT&T Excluded Third Party Utilities. This Supplemental Change Order increases the total amount of the aforementioned Provisional Sums by $9,500,000.00. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 348 | 8/6/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CPUC at Church Avenue - Construction | $3,563,048.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for construction costs in compliance with Directive Letter 0038 General Order and Settlement Agreement and Directive Letter 0038 R1 Installation of Spare Conduit and Pull Boxes, for the California Public Utilities Commission bridge deck and underground conduit installation at Church Avenue. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 308.01 | 7/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Westside Shoofly Modifications - Construction | $11,358,356.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for labor, material and equipment necessary to incorporate all revisions as a result of implementing two temporary Shooflys in order to allow construction on the Fresno Trench to proceed without interrupting Union Pacific Rail Road and San Joaquin Valley Rail Road operations. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 344 | 7/10/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-0179 Upgrade of Concrete Barriers on City of Fresno Bridges - Design | $78,881.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the redesign costs of the traffic barriers for the City of Fresno bridges in accordance with Caltrans 2015 Standard Specifications and Standards Plan as per Authority Directive Letter 0179. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 341 | 7/2/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Tuolumne Street Overhead Sign Removal | $13,166.30 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the removal of the City of Fresno overhead sign located on Tuolumne Street between O and P Streets, including the restoration of sidewalk. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 338 | 7/2/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | FB-10-0149 & 0140 Contaminated Materials at 1625 & 1626 Tulare Street | $225,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for the stockpiling and storing of approximately 12,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil generated from the excavation of Parcels FB-10-0149 and 0140 (1626 and 1625 Tulare Street) in order to comply with the Soil Management Plan that the Authority provided, including additional testing and backfill of material on site. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 233.4 | 7/2/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Madera Valley Water Relocation at Road 27 - Extended Agreement Fee | $28,595.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the initial deposit and reimbursement of funds for Madera Valley Water Company per Authority request for agreement review services. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 265.02 | 6/25/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Union Pacific Rail Road Homeless Encampment Clean-up | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for the construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this supplemental change is to add funds to the original CO 00265. The original amount including all supplemental is hereby increased by $1,000,000.00, from $600,000.00 to $1,600,000.00. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 322 | 6/24/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Requirements, Added Quantity - Construction | $198,513,186.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all labor, material, equipment and mobilization necessary to incorporate all additional quantity of Intrusion Protection Barrier; 45,792.25 Linear Feet along with 395.97 Linear Feet at the North Extension. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 320 | 6/24/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Requirements, Original Quantitiy Revisions - Construction | $58,753,462.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all labor, material and equipment necessary to incorporate all required revisions to the original quantity of Intrusion Protection Barrier; 22,309.50 Linear Feet. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 331 | 6/23/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Pedestrian Push Button Replacements | $4,641.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the replacement of three damaged pedestrian push button plates along Tuolumne Street. There are two damaged pedestrian push buttons that are located at Tuolumne and F Street and one at Tuolumne and N Street. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 337 | 6/18/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | City of Fresno Right of Way Lines | $3,750,403.77 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the re-design efforts due to the adjustments of Right of Way limits for twelve design packages within the City of Fresno per Authority Directive Letter 0162. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 326 | 6/18/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | McKinley Basin EE Pump Station - Pump Procurment and Installation | $154,925.00 | This change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the procurement and installation of pump station at the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Basin EE pump station relocation site in accordance with Directive Letter 0024. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 336 | 6/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Dry Well at Golden State Boulevard betweeen Cornelia and State Streets | $6,361.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the removal of a dry well that was discovered during excavation at Golden State Boulevard between Cornelia and State Streets. This Change Order is based on the abandonment procedure specified by the City of Fresno. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 335 | 6/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Shift City of Fresno at Jensen Avenue onto Authority Owned Parcels | $364,356.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the additional costs to redesign the relocation of multiple utility design packages to reduce the need for additional Right of Way. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 334 | 6/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Avenue 9 Retaining Wall Redesign to Avoid Additional Right of Way - Design | $129,861.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the additional costs to redesign the southern embankments of Avenue 9 roadway by utilizing retaining walls instead of the existing fill slopes to avoid the need to acquire additional Right of Way for PG&E conflict GT1-005. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 333 | 6/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | FMFCD Casing and Carrier Pipe under Union Pacific Rail Road | $570,910.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for additional design costs in compliance with Authority Directive Letter 0152 R1 to design spare bypass casings to supplement the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District's existing facility relocations that are currently in design. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 323 | 6/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Immediate Demolition of Structures on Parcels FB-10-0200 and FB-10-0653 | $58,798.84 | This change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for demolishing the structures on parcels FB-10-0200 and FB-10-0653 as outlined in the demolition plan due to safety concerns. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 324 | 5/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Additional Labor and Equipment Cost for Installation of 16" COF Waterline Across Shaw Avenue Open Trench Installation | $520,652.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the additional construction costs to proceed with the open trench installation of the waterline across Shaw Avenue under night time road closure in lieu of shifting traffic onto the Shaw detour due to delays in other utility relocations and subsequent availability of Right of Way. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 300 | 5/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-0174 City of Fresno Design Package SS1-066, 067 & 145 at Monterey Street | $169,373.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate Contractor for the redesign of the sewer line that runs underneath the high-speed train and UPRR right of way at Monterey Street. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 292 | 5/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | City of Fresno Design Package W1-073 Florence Avenue per DL-0174 - Design | $72,292.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for the design modifications required by Directive Letter 0174 to redesign the utility to align with the UPRR preferences. The new design crosses the railroad at seventy one degrees and was approved at that angle through Design Variance Request 275. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 332 | 5/28/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Fambro Additional Demolition Credit - South Building | ($12,451.48) | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide credit to the Authority for Change Order 00246. The amount that the Contractor incurred in asbestos testing is deducted from the credit due to the demolition work of the south building at FAMBRO property being performed by the Authority's Property Management group instead of the Contractor. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 330 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Temporary Relocation of Herndon Yard Materials and Fencing for Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Construction Activities | $422,860.72 | This is a change to a contract for the construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor to relocate portions of the Contractor's Herndon storage yard and fencing in order to accommodate a 35-inch temporary construction easement for Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District to construct a new drain from Golden State Boulevard to Basin EH per Authority requests. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 329 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Budget Adjustment | Increase the Amount of the Construction Contract Work Provisional Sum | $500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the amount of Construction Contract Work "Provisional Sums" as defined in the Contract to compensate the Contractor for Construction Contract Work. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 328 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Budget Adjustment | Increase the Amount of the Utility Provisional Sum | $2,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services for the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the amount of the Utility "Provisional Sums" as defined by the Contract to compensate the Contractor for utility work. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 327 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Other | FB-10-0233 Credit for Additional Demolition and Building Board-up on Excess Land | ($16,707.10) | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to credit the Authority for demolition work that was not performed and compensate the Contractor for incurred costs to board-up two buildings and perform asbestos testing in one of the buildings at parcel FB-10-0233. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 321 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Requirements | Belmont Switch 60% Revisions - Design | $30,187.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for the design costs for revising the vertical alignment of Union Pacific Rail Road track 731 per design review comments to the 60% design of the Belmont Switch Relocation Package. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 319 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Painting of Overhead Sign Structure at SR-180 - Construction | $7,799.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for painting an overhead sign structure at SR-180 as requested by Caltrans. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 313 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Reinforced Concrete Pipe Casing or Restrained Joints for Union Pacific Railroad - Construction | $261,880.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for construction costs for the installation of restrained joints on drainage pipes at eleven locations as required by Union Pacific Rail Road and directed by the Authority via Directive Letter 0171 R1. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 309 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Caltrans 2-Mile Section - Design | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the advanced payment towards completion of the design of the Caltrans 2-mile guide way portion along SR-99 which was originally excluded from the Contract. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 303 | 5/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | California Department of Fish and Wildlife Addition of Wildlife Crossings - Design | $409,313.82 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the design of five Wildlife Crossings required by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 312 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Intersection of West Avenue and Weber Avenue - Design | $184,655.27 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change to compensate the Contractor to design a controlled intersection of West and Weber Avenues that will provide a traffic signal in lieu of a roundabout within the existing City of Fresno Right of Way based on projected traffic flow data provided by High Speed Train and analyzed by the Contractor. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 310 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Golden State Boulevard Roadway City of Fresno Deal Points - Design | $528,882.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for additional design to incorporate all changes pertaining to Golden State Boulevard between Ashlan and Herndon Avenues. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 302 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Design Impacts by Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District at Multiple Locations | $483,580.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design impacts caused by Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District request for additional submittals outside of the Master Agreement between the periods of March 3, 2019 to June 4, 2019. This is a pass-through claim for Blair Church and Flynn Consulting Engineers and respective Contractor administrative changes for processing submittals for impacted design packages. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 301 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | City Of Fresno Water Line South of Shaw Avenue Full Length Jack & Bore Installation | $126,296.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all labor, material and equipment to perform the additional scope of full length jack & bore installation work for the City Of Fresno water line under Golden State Boulevard. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 295 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | DL-00174 Design Refinement for PG&E E1-189 (Shaw Avenue) - Design only | $65,970.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the redesign of the Comcast line relocation under the High Speed Rail Right Of Way at Shaw Avenue as a result of the redesign of PG&E conflict E-1-189 per Directive Letter 0174. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 294 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Design Refinement of Comcast at Mckinley Avenue due to PG&E E1-025 Relocation | $65,970.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the redesign of the Comcast utility line due to the relocation of PG&E conflict E1-025 at McKinley Avenue. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 283 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Comcast DP T2-010 (Florence Avenue) DL-174 | $49,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for additional design cost to relocate a Comcast Utility Telecom line (T2-010) at Florence Avenue to avoid additional design variance from Union Pacific Rail Road per Directive Letter 0174. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 280 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Comcast DP T2-024 California & Cherry Avenue Crossing Redesign | $81,333.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign costs of the relocations for Comcast utility T2-024 crossing at California and Cherry Avenues to bring them in line with Union Pacific Railroad standards and avoid additional design variance. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 279 | 5/21/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Tuolumne Basin Redesign due to Hazardous Material, Directive Letter 180 - Design | $32,199.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to execute Authority Directive Letter 0180 in which the Contractor was directed to redesign two retention basins located in contaminated soil along G Street with a temporary 10-year High Density Polyethylene impermeable lining to prevent storm water from infiltrating through contaminated soil and potentially polluting groundwater. | Garth Fernandez - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 318 | 5/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Level 3 Line T3-14 Conflict with Avenue 15 Abutment 3 Foundation | $32,386.51 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the workaround in which the existing Level 3 line at Avenue 15 conflicts with the excavation of Abutment 3 foundation. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 316 | 5/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | PCO 0864 DL 0175 Additional Scope Items (Elevated Structures & Trenches) - Design only | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the advanced payment towards the completion of the design of four additional scope items in connection to Type 1 elevated structures, trenches and cut and cover sections as identified in Directive Letter 0175, clarified at the scoping meeting held on 1/9/2020 and as documented in meeting minutes. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 315 | 5/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Fresno Trench Storm Drain Workaround - Construction | $106,999.06 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change compensates the Contractor for the construction of the temporary connection between the scuppers on SR-180 and the existing storm drain line running in the Fresno Trench into Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District systems to dispose runoff water from the overhead highway systems as mandated by Caltrans. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 314 | 5/12/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Other | Reimbursement for Right Of Way Easement from Parallamo LLC at Mono Street | $27,294.92 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse the Contractor for cost to obtain the Right Of Way easement from Parallamo LLC at Mono Street. The Authority directed the Contractor to make a one-time payment to Parallamo LLC in order to dedicate parcel FB-10-0170-001 to the City of Fresno for roadway purposes. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 48.4 | 5/7/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Additional Supplemental Funding for Excluded Third Party Provisional Sum | $19,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the additional supplemental funding is to compensate the contractor to manage and subcontract all direct services required for the relocation of PG&E and AT&T Excluded Third Party Utilities. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 308 | 5/6/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Westside Shoofly Modifications - Trackwork Material and Installation Only | $1,646,984.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for a portion of work associated with the construction of the Westside Shoofly and to proceed with procurement and installation of all track material necessary to construct tracks TK# 114-SH, 115-SH, 114-SH(Final), 115-SH(Final) and 736(Final). | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 290 | 4/30/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Directive Letter 0171 R1 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Casing or Restrained Joints | $340,195.34 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is for the design modification required by Union Pacific Rail Road due to the change to their design and construction standards which require solutions to protect the railroad Right of Way against leakage from storm and sewer applications installed in Union Pacific Rail Road right of way within CP1 project limits per Directive Letter 0171 R1 (11 locations). | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 287 | 4/30/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Kern and Mono Cul-de-Sacs - Design | $136,659.97 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for the design efforts to reconstruct both Kern and Mono Street terminations as standard Cul-de-Sacs with sidewalks for local residential streets as specified in this Change Order. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 317 | 4/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Road 27 Fiber Optic Relocation for Level 3 - Construction | $2,312,446.85 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor to relocate Level 3 line at Road 27 in accordance with Directive Letter 0137 R2. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 311 | 4/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Under Track Conduits, Changes to Design Criteria - Design | $116,240.61 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the design services necessary to incorporate all revisions to the design criteria as defined in the Design Criteria Manual for track system conduits and as modified per Directive Letter 0141. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 289 | 4/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Merced Sewer Realignment - Design | $16,315.33 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the re-design of the sewer line that runs underneath the high-speed train right of way at Merced Street due to a change of construction sequence which resulted in a requirement to modify the City of Fresno sewer and other impacted designs. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 278 | 4/29/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Church Avenue Basin Redesign due to Hazardous Material - Design | $42,737.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the redesign efforts associated with Directive Letter 0182 in which the Contractor was directed to relocate the retention basins from contaminated soil along Railroad Avenue, north of Church Avenue and include an impermeable concrete lining to prevent storm water from infiltrating through contaminated soil and potentially impacting groundwater. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 284 R1 | 4/27/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Access Plan - Design | $305,592.36 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor to prepare a Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Access Plan, inclusive of designing physical improvements for the purpose of providing access as was stipulated in the Authority/ Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway "Relocation and Construction Agreement" dated 12/10/16. Directive Letter 135 authorized the Contractor to proceed with aforementioned scope of work. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 70.01 | 4/27/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fresno Street Underpass UPRR Utilities - Design | $141,348.31 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the supplementary design costs for the relocation of existing underground utilities (Level 3 and Sprint) in conflict with future shoring for the new grade separation of the Union Pacific Rail Road bridge over Fresno Street. The original CO 00070 excluded all utility design work in it's scope. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 299 | 4/23/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Road 27 Waterline Replacement for Madera Valley Water Company | $1,773,899.40 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs to relocate the Madera Valley Water Company water line at Road 27 as part of the roadway improvements required to allow the reopening of Road 27 for vehicular and pedestrian use in the North Extension segment. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 306 | 4/8/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Additional shoring at Fresno Trench Headwall Construction at Westside Wye South Leg - Construction | $73,033.36 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the additional construction cost for the vertical shoring to construct the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Headwalls on the Westside Wye south leg. Work was performed on Time & Material basis. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 298 | 4/8/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Import from Authority Borrow Site Avenue 7 Guideway Construction | $4,937,881.74 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all labor, material and equipment costs necessary to excavate, load, haul and provide a rough grade of the basin slopes without finished work, as well as supporting operations such as traffic control, securing the cut sites with temporary fence, storm water pollution control requirements to be installed as needed and agreed upon. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 297 | 4/8/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Additional Scope | Topographic Survey for Caltrans 99 Section | $78,459.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Contractor to conduct a topographic survey on a 2-mile section within the high-speed rail Construction Package 1 project known as "Caltrans Project Section." Scope includes additional cost for the effort to import and process survey data into MicroStation. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 307 | 3/31/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | California Department of Fish and Wildlife Addition of Wildlife Crossings | $3,517,264.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the construction of five Wildlife Crossings at locations identified in this Change Order. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 305 | 3/31/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Revisions | Intrusion Protection Barrier Addition and Revision - Design | $13,898,322.64 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for all additional design effort necessary to incorporate all required revisions to the Intrusion Protection Barrier. It also includes compensation for Extra Work as stipulated in this Change Order in a Time & Material basis per Contract. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 304 | 3/31/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Other | Madera Irrigation District Lateral 6.2 Box Culvert Divrsion | $1,218,221.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction of the canal diversion for the Madera Irrigation District Lateral 6.2 to allow the completion of the proposed Box Culvert outside of the normal non-irrigation season. The diversion work was accelerated to be completed prior to the start of the next irrigation season, February 22, 2021. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 296 | 3/19/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | North Extension Security Cost Through April 30, 2017 | $62,845.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for additional security services cost for thirty-six (36) North Extension parcels from October 16, 2016 through April 30, 2017 that were not able to be demolished due to not being environmentally permitted. This service was not included in Change Orders 00089, 00240 & 00234. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 291 | 3/19/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | PG&E Future Franchise Shape File Submission | $501,727.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for Contractor to provide .DGN files (shape files) for all PG&E facilities requiring interim rights in future franchise Right Of Way. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 233.3 | 3/19/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Deposit and Reimbursement for Madera Valley Water Company | $5,459.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the initial deposit and reimbursement of funds for Madera Valley Water Company (MVWC) design review services per Authority request. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 281 | 2/27/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Issue Resolution - Potential Change Orders 374, 518 and 543 | $21,260.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Settlement Agreement between the Authority and Contractor for the following Potential Change Orders: 0374, 0518 and 0543. This Change Order compensates the Contractor for providing all services, labor, material, equipment, tools and incidentals including all markups. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 89.01 | 2/27/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Scope Changes | North Extension Revised Alignment | $33,107,436.93 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to supplement Change Order 00089, North Extension Design and Construction executed on April 8, 2016, in order to compensate the Contractor for the supplemental construction costs on the North Extension. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 228 | 2/26/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Design Criteria/Specification Change | Settlement of Cost for Mechanically Stabilized Earth to Cast In Place | $35,345,236.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to settle all cost related to conversion of 15 structures from Mechanically Stabilized Earth to Cast-In-Place concrete abutments and the Burlington North Santa Fe wing walls to protect Mechanically Stabilized Earth walls. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 288 | 2/10/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third party Improvements | Fresno Street Road Classification Change | $6,265.67 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for design efforts to change the road classification at Fresno Street from Collector to Arterial. Change include revising plans to reflect the new classification and thickness of pavement. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 231.02 | 2/4/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Impacts due to relocations of facilities owned by Third Parties | City Of Fresno Utility Relocation Herndon to Carnegie | $3,197,461.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor to construct water and sewer mains at Golden State Boulevard between Herndon and Carnegie Avenues per City of Fresno plans. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 252.01 | 1/31/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Impacts due to relocations of facilities owned by Third Parties | Parcels MF-20-0901, 0902, 0903 Irrigation Line Supply Change | $213,513.94 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide supplemental compensation to the Contractor for construction to install six (6) 24-inch casings instead of the initial three (3) 36-inch casings at parcels MF-20-0901, 0902 and 0903. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 286 | 1/17/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Scope Changes | Authority Additional Bizhub C558 Copiers | $41,421.07 | This is a change to a contract for project management services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to authorize a 48-month lease for three additional Bizhub C558 copiers from Caltronics for use by Authority during the CP1 Project. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 282 | 1/17/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Impacts due to relocations of facilities owned by Third Parties | Calfifornia and Cherry Water Relocation | $52,488.91 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to redesign City of Fresno waterline as part of the California and Cherry water line relocation design packages. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 285 | 1/8/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Impacts due to relocations of facilities owned by Third Parties | Third Party Property Rights Verification | $5,956,386.19 | This is a change to a contract for construction administration services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for providing general administration services in support of Authority Right-of-Way engineering. Compensation covers all work that has been completed or is "In progress" as of the agreed cut-off date of July 26, 2019. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 133.03 | 1/8/2020 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Scope Changes | Avenue 12 High Speed Train Overhead Structure - Release For Construction to Aproved For Construction | $2,306,730.21 | This is a change in contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the change in scope of work between Release For Construction to Aproved For Construction drawings at Avenue 12 High Speed Train Overcrossing. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 272 | 12/20/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Tank and Well Removal | $24,514.84 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for the removal of septic tank and two wells located in the right of way of parcel FB-10-0503. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 165.1 | 12/6/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Solid Barrier on Type 2 Overhead - Design | $37,900.43 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional redesign efforts to change the Overhead Structure Barrier design to a rigid traffic barrier with Access Deterrent Fence (AD) on all roadway and pedestrian overhead structures per Directive Letter DL-084 R3. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 5.1 | 11/27/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Local and Long Distance Phone Charges | $50,410.40 | This is a change to a contract for construction management services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is for the reimbursement of additional local and long distance phone calls from April 15, 2018 to September 15, 2019 and includes projected costs through the end of the Contract. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 277 | 11/22/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Westside Wye Shoofly Dirt Contamination Testing | $14,970.81 | This is a change to a contract for materials testing in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor to test and report on potential contaminated materials at the Westside Wye Shoofly, as well as recommendations from a registered geologist. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 274 | 11/22/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Left Turn Channelization at Golden State Boulevard - Construction Only | $886,440.91 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is for the construction of the median opening and left turn channelization for southbound Golden State Boulevard, south of East Avenue, for California Legal Truck access to the relocated main driveway of Weir Floway (parcel FB-10-0220). The work is based on plan set for City of Fresno Public Works Department Weir Floway Median Opening Plans C-001-WFC. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 177.1 | 11/22/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Transfer of Funds Contingency to Construction Contract Work | $500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase the amount of "Provisional Sums" as defined in the Contract special provisions to compensate the Contractor for Construction Contract Work (CCW). | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 275 | 11/15/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Mono Street - San Joaquin Valley Railroad Track 118 Materi | $110,320.59 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is for the procurement and delivery of track, crossing panels and stockpiling of ballast rock necessary to allow Union Pacific Railroad to raise the existing San Joaquin Valley Railroad Spur Track #118 at the Mono Street at-grade crossing. (Installation of materials to be performed by Union Pacific Railroad) | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 273 | 11/15/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | McKinley Avenue Storm Drain United Parcel Service (UPS) Tie-In | $13,717.08 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a new required storm drain manhole within the vicinity of the proposed Golden State Blvd. and McKinley Ave. near HSR STA 10845+00, per Authority Letter PCM-TPZP-04005. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 87.3 | 11/8/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Top Down Construction at State Route 180 Supplemental 3 | $1,794,094.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for additional unforeseen Third Party scope of work to execute Alternate Technical Concept #1A (top/down construction methodology) at Fresno Trench construction beneath highway State Route 180. This Change Order is a supplement to CO 00087 dated April 5,2016. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 271 | 10/25/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Emergency Closure State Route 180 West Bound | $12,079.76 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the Contractor for completing an emergency closure of the SR-180 West bound #3 lane at the Fulton Street onramp for the purpose of installing K-Rail protection with crash barriers on June 19, 2019. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 265.1 | 10/25/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Union Pacific Railroad Homeless Encampment Cleanup | $500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to add funds to original CO 00265. The original amount including the supplemental is hereby increased by $500,000.00, from $100,000.00 to $600,000.00, as well as funding for cleanup for a homeless encampment. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 262 | 10/25/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | United States Bureau of Reclamation Agreement for Siphon Maintenance | $144,920.04 | This is a change to a contract for maintenance services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate the United States Bureau of Reclamation for the cost involved in maintaining and cleaning proposed new siphon at Madera Irrigation District (MID) facility, Lateral 6.2 in perpetuity. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 266 | 10/24/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | FB-10-0176 Secure Fresno Rescue Mission Structure | $2,642.59 | This is a change in contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate the Contractor for securing the Fresno Rescue Mission structure on parcel FB-10-0176. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 270 | 10/22/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | MF-10-0058 Keith's Automotive Sewer Leak | $5,061.49 | This is a change in contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide compensation to the Contractor for performing sewer investigation work at Keith's Automotive at 5355 North Golden State Boulevard, parcel MF-10-0058, to determine the cause of a sewer leak. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 233.2 | 10/22/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third-Party Related | Deposit and Reimbursement for Madera Valley Water Company | $5,447.50 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide initial deposit and reimbursement of funds for Madera Valley Water Company per Authority request for agreement review services. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 260 | 10/10/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Herndon Avenue - Construction | $76,583,809.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is compensate the Contractor for additional construction costs as a result of the approval of Alternate Technical Concept #8 for the Herndon Ave area development. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 149.1 | 10/4/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Credit from Change Order 00149 | ($3,494.75) | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide a credit to the Authority for the difference equivalent to -$3,494.75 due to a summation error in the Subcontractor's bid proposal for Change Order 00149, dated March 9, 2017. | John Neri - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 265 | 8/19/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UPRR Safety and Security | $100,000.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order allows the contractor to complete activities within the Union Pacific Railroad right of way. | John Neri - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 264 | 8/6/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Sprint Utility Work Subtask 1.05 | $727,099.61 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order allows for completion of the relocation of telecommunications facilities. | John Neri - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 261 | 8/6/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Switch Relo for UPRR Siding 729 | $102,271.87 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order designs the relocation of Union Pacific Railroad infrastructure to enable subsequent relocation of utilities. | John Neri - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 99.2 | 8/6/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Completion Deadline Ext / Resolution | $126,000,000.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order is to resolve all delays, claims and disputes from January 1, 2016 through May 1, 2019 and revise the date to complete the work to August 31, 2021. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.8 | 8/6/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Environmental Staffing - Supplemental No 8 | $9,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order continues to provide environmental services to ensure the future high-speed rail system work complies with environmental requirements. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 48.3 | 8/5/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E & AT&T Facilities Relocation S3 | $19,000,000.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order enables utilities of PG&E and AT&T to be moved out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 263 | 7/31/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Utility Relocations to Accommodate UPRR - CCS - Sprint - Construction | $77,064.23 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change order is for Sprint, a telecommunications company, to inspect, monitor, protect and verify if their services will need to be moved for the high-speed rail system. This work is being coordinated by the general contractor in Fresno responsible for designing and constructing the future system. | John Neri - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 231.1 | 7/12/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | City of Fresno Utility Relocations Package 2 and 3 | $4,221,684.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change order is for the City of Fresno to move its services out of the way of future high-speed rail system. The work is being coordinated by the general contractor in Fresno responsible for designing and constructing the future system. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 258 | 7/11/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | HSR CP1 - JMA Railroad Review and Consultation | $88,755.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change order is to expedite all railroad related submittals and improve overall communication between Union Pacific Railroad, San Joaquin Valley Railroad, Tutor/Perini/Zachry/Parsons JV and the Authority. | John Neri - Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 48.2 | 7/11/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E & AT&T Facilities Relocation S2 | $5,000,000.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This Supplemental change order increases the amount of the "Provisional Sums" as defined in Book 2, Part A, Subpart 2, Special Provisional, Section 6 Provisional Sums to compensate the contractor to manage and subcontract all direct services required for the relocation of Excluded Third Party Utilities. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 236 | 6/24/2019 | Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons | Third Party Requirements | Reimbursement to City of Fresno for remaining project work | $1,817,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional compensation for the required City Of Fresno review fees on all current and anticipated California High-Speed Rail Authority directed changes. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operations Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 10.1 | 6/19/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Weed Abatement - North Ext. CO 00089 | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley and authorizes the clearance of weeds, grass, trash and debris from Authority owned properties in an area of construction north of Fresno. The reason for this change is to authorize these clearance activities in an area known as the "Northern Extension", which was added to the construction contract in March, 2016. The original clearance activities authorized for $300,000 in change order 10 did not include the Northern Extension. | John Neri, Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 259 | 6/12/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | MF-20-0948 Two Conc. Slabs Ave 15.5 | $4,105.88 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish two concrete slabs at a property acquired by the Authority near Avenue 15 and a half in Madera County. | John Neri, Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.7 | 6/7/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to provide environmental services to ensure the future high-speed rail system work complies with environmental requirements. | John Neri, Senior Contract Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 257 | 5/21/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: Fresno Bridge Relo Costs DL0078 | $87,165.44 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for Sprint, a telecommunications company, to move its services out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. This work is coordinated by the general contractor in Fresno responsible for designing and constructing the future system. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 254 | 5/13/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: ATT Wrkarnd Carnegie & Cornelia | $39,241.64 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to temporarily move AT&T facilities and a fire hydrant until they can be installed in their permanent locations to enable the re-alignment of Golden State Boulevard in Fresno. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 235 | 5/9/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Fresno Trench IPB - Construction | $8,350,000.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to do construction work in the Fresno trench associated with the new standards required to keep conventional trains out of the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 255 | 5/7/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: SR-180 S Slope Unknwn Obstruct | $114,486.53 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove an unexpected obstruction found during the work at the State Route 180. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 253 | 5/2/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: MF-20-0935 Irr & Com Ln Ave 12 | $83,876.44 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to install an irrigation pipeline and a communication line across Avenue 12, to complete property acquisition requirements. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 252 | 5/2/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: MF-20-0901, 0902, 0903 Irrig Ln | $243,225.06 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to install three 36-inch irrigation casings as part of the construction work to enable the future high-speed rail system to be built. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 233.1 | 5/2/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: MVWC Waterline Relocation Rd 27 | $2,179.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change is additional to change 233 and is for the inclusion of Federal flow down conditions into work performed by Giersch & Associates related to moving the water line owned by the Madera Valley Water Company. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 250 | 4/24/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: MF-20-0917 Irrgtn Pipe & Condt | $239,060.74 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to install irrigation pipelines and conduits in three locations, to complete property acquisition requirements. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 248 | 4/24/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: FB-10-0233 Additional Demo | $20,814.14 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional demolition of a building on an Authority-owned property at South Railroad Avenue. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 249 | 4/17/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: Basin EE Rcycld Irrigtn Pmp Mod | $17,884.82 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional design to an irrigation water pump. This includes replacing the power and control cables and relocating the irrigation line. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 246 | 4/17/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: FB-10-0256 South Bldg Addl Demo | $13,147.48 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional demolition of a building on an Authority-owned property at South Cedar Avenue. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 244 | 4/17/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: Rdside Barriers at OC Deal Pts | $31,265.62 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design modifications related to structures and roadways at Central, Church, Tuolumne, Belmont, Olive, McKinley, and Shaw in the City of Fresno. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 239 | 4/15/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: North Ext Rescoping 2 - Design | $10,649,178.47 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work in the area known as the "Northern Extension", north of Fresno. This design work will move third party facilities and utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 242 | 4/11/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: American Ave Facility Plan | $224,384.33 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design modifications to the new locations of PG&E and Comcast facilities at American Avenue. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 247 | 4/9/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: MF-10-0083 Addtl. Mobilization | $24,015.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to re-start construction work at a specific property at West Shaw Avenue due to delays in receiving correct data on a fire service line. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 243 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: Dry Creek Canal Culvert Redsgn | $51,641.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design modifications to the Dry Creek Canal culvert, over which the future high-speed rail system will travel. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 241 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: McKinley & Basin EE Refinements | $552,350.18 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work related to road way work at McKinley Avenue in Fresno and a nearby drainage basin. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 240 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: North Ext Supplement 1 - Design | $3,573,973.79 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work in the area known as the "Northern Extension", north of Fresno. This additional design work was triggered by changes initiated by the Authority to the final alignment of the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 237 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: Church Ave Overcrossing Sunland | $285,430.57 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work at Church and Sunland Avenues in Fresno. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 234 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: North Ext Supplement 2 - Design | $1,142,390.46 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work in the area known as the "Northern Extension", north of Fresno. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 232 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: AT&T Workaround for Belmont Ave | $1,032,551.05 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design work arounds to address delays in AT&T design and construction work of new facility locations. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 188 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: UPRR Bridge AREMA Ver. Switch | $36,394.49 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is new American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) standards. These standards triggered the re-design of certain future high-speed rail system work. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 122 | 4/4/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: Lighting Mod due to UPRR | $23,731.75 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is new lighting requirements required by the Union Pacific Rail Road at Blemont and McKinley Avenues in Fresno. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 245 | 4/3/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: FB-10-0216 Demo Stages Asphalt | ($10,006.36) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is a removal of demolition scope from the construction contractor. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 238 | 4/3/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: FB-10-0256 Demo Credit Fambro | ($7,437.94) | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to receive a credit to the Authority from the contractor for a billing error. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 229 | 2/1/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | UNI: GSB Realignment Demo Credit | ($975,774.47) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the demolition requirements on a number of Authority-owned properties and to receive a net credit to the Authority from the contractor. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 219 | 1/17/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: Kinder Morgan Valve Relo Herndn | $569,699.95 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move a Kinder Morgan 12" valve at Herndon Avenue to enable construction of the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 233 | 1/15/2019 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: MVWC Waterline Relocation Rd 27 | $149,578.49 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to develop the design to move a water line owned by the Madera Valley Water Company out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 133 S2 | 12/10/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: Ave 12 MSE to CIP Chg - Const. | $6,334,334.65 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to incorporate design changes into the construction of Avenue 12. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 225 | 12/8/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: CPUC Conduits Ave 8 & 11 Const. | $431,101.80 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to construct conduits and other elements at Avenue 8 and Avenue 11 structures for public utilities. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 6.1 | 11/26/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DRB Expenses - Supplemental | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the amount of funds in Change Order 00006 from $180,000 to $280,000. These funds are used to pay the Authority’s share of Dispute Resolution Board expenses. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 230 | 10/31/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | FB-10-0219 Remediation Work | $308,536.20 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove and dispose of contaminated soils. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.6 | 10/4/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $4,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to provide environmental services to ensure the future high-speed rail system work complies with environmental requirements. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 223 | 10/2/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | MSE to CIP Abutments at Avenue 7 | $2,449,186.70 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to make changes to the bridge at Avenue 7. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 221 | 10/2/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Herndon Area Changes - Design | $7,942,301.24 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct design related to the alternative designs for the high-speed rail system around Herndon Avenue and related designs to resolve UPRR impacts. | Joe Hedges - Cheif Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 231 | 9/18/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | COF Utility Relocation Changes Part1 | $2,343,757.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to meet additional requirements for four locations of water and sewer facilities in the Utility Relocation Cooperative Agreement with the City of Fresno. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 224 | 9/11/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Dispute Review - Executive | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this no cost change is to streamline the dispute resolution process. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 214 | 8/28/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | American Avenue Changes | $9,497,470.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a longer bridge over the future high-speed rail system to reach the future high-speed rail maintenance facility. | Joe Hedges - Cheif Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 222 | 8/23/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Aesthetic Treatment at Type 1 Struct | $1,515,077.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide aesthetic treatment of several future high-speed rail bridges in the Fresno area to make them look consistent. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Mike Sheffield - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 218 | 8/17/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | FB-10-0235 Unknown Brick Struct Rev | $14,489.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for the contractor to demolish and fill the hole from two unexpected brick structures. These structures are in the way of moving an irrigation line to enable future high-speed rail construction. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Mike Sheffield - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 208 | 7/11/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | SR-180 Phase 2 Differing Site Cond. | $16,086.08 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is due to unexpected obstructions that require additional drilling at the tunnel under State Route 180. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 175 S1 | 6/28/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Flagging And Temp Signal Rd26 Suppl | $11,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pave a pedestrian detour route at Club Drive. | Steve Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 216 | 6/27/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | FB-10-0231 Additional Demolition | $51,805.69 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish structures to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 215 | 6/27/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | PAUC Parichan Farms - Construction | $2,466,824.86 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a crossing under the future high-speed rail system so a property owner can access their property on both sides of the train line. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 213 | 6/27/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | FB-10-0495 Tulare St. Building PIP | $951,400.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to protect the access to a building instead of demolishing the building during construction of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 48.1 | 6/11/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E & AT&T Facilities Relocation S1 | $40,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is provide additional funds for the transfer services from the Authority to the contractor. The transferred services are to manage the design and construction of PG&E and AT&T facilities to move them out of the way of future high-speed rail construction. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 217 | 6/7/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | MF-10-0258 Additional Demo | $135,662.32 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish structures to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 212 | 6/7/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | MF-10-0210 Additional Demolition | $32,353.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish structures to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 211 | 6/7/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | MF-10-0208 and 0209 Additional Demo | $57,881.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish structures to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Steve Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 209 | 6/7/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | FB-10-0229 PARC Environmental | $44,293.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish an office building to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 201 | 6/7/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Kinder Morgan Relocation at McKinley | $4,100,988.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and construct the Kinder Morgan 12 inch petroleum pipeline that is in the way of UPRR’s 3rd track and Centralized Traffic Control improvements. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 210 | 6/1/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | FB-10-0044-01 Redesign Drainage Sys | $27,121.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete redesign work of a drainage system due to a change in right of way availability. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor - D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 207 | 5/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | CCW FB-10-0001 Additional Demo | $43,619.71 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish a building and to make site improvements. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 206 | 5/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | MF-10-0024 6745 N. GSB Add Demo | $55,205.02 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to demolish a building and to make site improvements. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 167 | 5/23/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Utility Reloc UPRR CTC Sys - Design | $244,208.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move utilities due to construction impacts to Union Pacific Railroad Centralized Traffic Control System in various locations. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 70 | 5/23/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Fresno St UPRR Bridge Struc - Design | $349,138.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to design the Union Pacific Railroad Bridge over Fresno Street. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 205 | 5/16/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Painting Fresno Viaduct | $80,476.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to apply aesthetic paint to exposed surfaces of the Fresno River Viaduct to make the structure look the same throughout. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 204 | 5/16/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Church Ave BNSF & HST OH Structure | $176,404.90 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional design at the Church Avenue Grade Separation in Fresno. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 179 | 5/16/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Maintain Access to Road 33 at Ave 7 | $401,421.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design Avenue 7 overcrossing as a two span bridge instead of a single span bridge and to provide access to Madera County Road 33 west of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 42.2 | 5/16/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Credit for Addtl Space 1401 Fulton | ($2,453.74) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The contractor is leasing office space at 1401 Fulton Street in Fresno to the Authority. A previous change order had provided $50,000 for a five-month lease extension. This change credits the Authority a portion of those costs. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 200 | 4/18/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | K. Morgan Relocation - Belmont | $2,204,171.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and construct the Kinder Morgan 12 inch petroleum pipeline that is in the way of the Belmont bridge work. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 197 | 4/18/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Opaque Solid Test Panels | $14,218.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design and construction of fence test panels. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 7.1 | 4/18/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | UNI: CL1/CL2 HazMat Supp1 | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to adjust the Hazardous Waste Removal quantities for the project. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | Glen Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 199 | 4/11/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | K. Morgan Relocation - Herndon | $5,883,644.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design and construction services to move the Kinder Morgan 12 inch petroleum pipeline that is in the way of the Herndon underpass work. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.5 | 4/11/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $4,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to provide environmental services to ensure the future high-speed rail system work complies with environmental requirements. | Joseph Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Glen Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 192 | 4/3/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UPRR Signal House at Herndon Avenue | $43,786.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for redesign of the UPRR temporary signal system to avoid moving the UPRR operational facilities near Herndon Avenue and Golden State Boulevard. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | Glenn Suitor - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 154 | 4/3/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | DL-0089 Clear Span BNSF ROW | $432,025.43 | This is a change to the contract for design services in the City of Fresno. The reason for this change is that the bent location of the Downtown Fresno Viaduct needed to be re-designed. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | Glenn Suitor, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 176 | 2/9/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | COF Weber Ave. Realignment Affecting | $47,544.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional design work for AT&T facilities between Ashlan and McKinley Avenues in Fresno impacted by the City of Fresno redesign of Webber Avenue. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 142 | 1/25/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | CHP Escort Reimbursement - COF Reqt. | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is a City of Fresno requirement for California Highway Patrol to escort large delivery loads within City of Fresno limits. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 184 | 1/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | BNSF Schmidt Creek Tributary Box | $18,382.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design services and third-party coordination to redesign Schmidt Creek Tributary culvert across the future high-speed rail system resulting from movement to the planned rail route. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 183 | 1/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Accommodate 10' Access Road for UPRR | $108,726.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design services and third-party coordination activities to provide a 10-foot wide access road across Herndon Canal for UPRR access. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 180 | 1/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Westside Shoofly single Track Shift | $85,585.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design costs to protect the existing Kinder Morgan pipeline and to modify the UPRR shoefly (rail bypass) at that location. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 141 | 1/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Intrusion Protection Barrier Design | $399,153.64 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to redesign a barrier preventing derailed conventional freight trains intruding into the high-speed rail system and portions of the Fresno Trench to comply with updated design criteria. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 120 | 1/24/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | General Order and Settlement Aggree | $345,531.51 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 14.1 | 1/19/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Revised Design Variance Request Form | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to an administrative change to revise the form used to request variances to the design criteria used on the project. | Steven Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 127 | 1/18/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Downtown HST Track Alignment- Design | $360,183.01 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design services to revise the future track allignment and associated facilities at Fresno Station. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 182 | 1/12/2018 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Relocation of the Kinder Morgan Pipe | $1,825,656.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move the Kinder Morgan pipeline near Dry Creek Canal out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Steve Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 181 | 12/20/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | WEF for the Exclusion of CTS | $1,607,740.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for new fence material to protect the California Tiger Salamander along the construction zone. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 74 | 12/20/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Maintain Access to Road 33 at Ave 7 | $1,615,455.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to construct a wider bridge to take Avenue 7 over the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 160 | 12/19/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Construction Grounding and Bonding | $702,843.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional electrical grounding and bonding at intermediate support columns for all bridges over which high-speed trains will travel. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 175 | 12/7/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Flagging And Temperary Signal Rd.26 | $229,159.76 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide temporary flagging and provide and operate a temporary traffic signal at a road intersection as requested by County of Madera during construction activities. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 169 | 12/7/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Excluded ICE Assessments for Execute | $144,088.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional independent engineering assessments that were excluded from several previous change orders, potential change orders, and task order proposals. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 168 | 12/7/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL-00130 R1 AR Fence Reqts - Design | $83,683.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for additional design related to revised design criteria for fence to keep people out of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 87.2 | 11/10/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Top Down Const SR 180 Supplemental 2 | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to perform Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (enhanced traffic mangement using California Highway Patrol) at State Route 180. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 166 | 11/9/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Drainage Basins at E Muscat - Design | $25,459.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to re-design the drainage basins under East Muscat Avenue Viaduct. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 178 | 10/23/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Partial Comp. for COF Utility Agrmnt | $2,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional construction as a result of the final utility agreement with the City of Fresno. This agreement, executed after the construction contract was awarded included additional work due to update City of Fresno standards. | Steve Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 177 | 10/11/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | UNI: Transfer Funds from Provisional | ($35,000,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to credit the Authority from the contractor's Utility Provisional Sum and the Construction Contract Work Provisional Sum. | Scott Jarvis, Chief Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 133 | 10/11/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Madera Settlement Ave 9,12,13 OH | $18,629,963.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and construct Avenue 9 and Avenue 12 as four-lane bridges and to remove the requirement to construct Avenue 13. | Scott Jarvis, Chief Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 151 | 9/27/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Environmental Scope Reduction | ($1,375,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to credit the Authority for environmental work. This work will be paid under change order 88. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 174 | 9/21/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Dispute Resolution | Settlement of disputed PCO's | $383,889.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change concludes negotiations regarding 20 disputed items relating to design services. | Steve Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 55 | 9/19/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UPRR Boundary Fence | $57,266.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to conduct additional work associated with a fence along the east side of land owned by Union Pacific Railroad. | Steve Milton, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 170.1 | 9/13/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Shaw Vertical Clearance- Design Supp | $44,902.33 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to supplement Change Order number 170 to pay for redesign for the West Shaw Avenue bridge and related road design. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | David Vallejos - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 69 | 9/13/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UPRR 10 foot Access Road | $128,602.12 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to design an access road along Union Pacific Railroad land. This access road is required by a maintenance agreement between Union Pacific Railroad and the Authority. | Steven Milton - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 62 | 9/13/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Methacrylate Overlay - Tuolumne Deck | $46,366.06 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to apply a protective coating to the Tuolumne Street bridge deck. | Steven Milton - Design and Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | David Vallejos, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 173 | 8/29/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Addtl Trestle Work SJRV Oberti Farms | $1,592,832.40 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to redesign and construct a continuous trestle from the south bank to the north bank of the San Joaquin River to provide access to the San Joaquin River Viaduct. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | John C. Lee DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 136 | 8/29/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Reconfig Stanislaus and Tuolumne St | $12,866,824.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and construct a bridge at Toulumne Street instead of Stanislaus Street and associated road way modifications. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 80.1 | 8/29/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Continued Site Camera Hosting Fees | $30,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to continue to provide time-lapse documentation of the construction of the future high-speed rail system at Fresno River Viaduct, Tuolumne Bridge and Starte Route 180 trench. | Terry Ogle, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 171 | 8/23/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | SR-145 Caltrans Project Report | $200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design and construction services required to implement the changes for the State Route 145 bridge from 90 feet to 125 feet 3 inches in length. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | John C. Lee DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 170 | 8/14/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: Shaw Vertical Clearance- Design | $127,506.17 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare a report to vary the design from the 27-foot vertical clearance requirements in the specification to 24-foot and to redesign the West Shaw Avenue bridge and road design. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | John C. Lee DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 172 | 8/10/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Safety and Security Certification | $180,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform safety and security planning activities during final design, including revising the plan and providing a certification package prior to work starting. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Project manager/director | John C. Lee DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.4 | 8/1/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $3,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to provide environmental services to ensure the future high-speed rail system work complies with environmental requirements. | Terry Ogle, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 48 | 6/26/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E & AT&T Facilies Relocations | $92,804,594.26 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to transfer responsibility of services from the Authority to the contractor. The transferred services are to manage the design and construction of PG&E and AT&T facilities to move them out of the way of future high-speed rail construction. | Scott Jarvis, Chief Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 97.1 | 6/19/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Westside Wye Shoofly Alt 1 - Design | $269,984.28 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design the railroad detour (shoofly) from the chosen alternative evaluated in contract change order number 97 to make way for the high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 163 | 6/13/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Ventura Street Underpass UPRR Bridge | $144,970.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform design required to widen the Union Pacific Railroad Ventura Street underpass to enable the construction of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 162 | 6/13/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Tulare Street Underpass UPRR Bridge | $137,189.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform design required to widen the Union Pacific Railroad Tulare Street underpass to enable the construction of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 121 | 6/13/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Combined Horizontal & Vertical Curve | $120,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to redesign the high-speed rail alignment where horizontal and vertical curves overlap and for track infrastructure at the future Fresno station. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 165 | 6/1/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Solid Barrier on Type 2 Overhead | $186,957.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design new barriers on all bridges that span the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Design and Construction Manager (Acting) | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 132 | 6/1/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | HST Drainage Modifications - Design | $31,814.96 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design services to modify designs for drainaige of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Design and Construction Manager (Acting) | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 164 | 5/26/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Final Determination of Environmental | ($1,082,684.94) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide the Authority credit for settlement of 10 previous change orders. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 128 | 5/23/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Grounding and Bonding Project Struct | $85,280.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide additional design services for electrical grounding and bonding at a bridge. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 158 | 5/17/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | BP-12 Road 27 | $374,345.62 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Road 27 in Madera County. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 157 | 5/17/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | BP-8 Hardy, Muscat, Central & Ameri | $640,033.74 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Hardy, Muscat, Central and American Avenues in the City of Fresno. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 156 | 5/17/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | BP-07 Herndon Canal to Ashlan | $7,251,599.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay AT&T to move its services out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. This work is coordinated by the general contractor who is responsible for designing and constructing the future system from Herndon Canal to Ashlan Avenue in the City of Fresno. | Scott Jarvis, Chief Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 159 | 5/16/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Belmont Avenue OH - Relocate Column | $750,000.00 | This is a change to the contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work related to the bridge at Belmont Avenue and the requirements of the Union Pacific Rail Road. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 161 | 5/15/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Muscat Revised Spans - Design | $446,965.80 | This is a change to the contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the design for the bridge over the future high-speed rail system at Muscat Avenue. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 126 | 5/15/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | N. Golden State Realignment - Design | $69,006.51 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform design for the movement of Golden State Boulevard. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 153 | 5/8/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Collision Pushover Analysis for SJRV | $42,808.64 | This is a change to the contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional engineering analysis to evaluate the amount of force the San Joaquin River Viaduct structure can withstand. | Terry Ogle, Acting Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 42.1 | 5/5/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Supplemental Addtl Space 1401 Fulton | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The contractor is leasing office space at 1401 Fulton Street in Fresno to the Authority. The reason for this change is to extend the current leasing agreement by five months. | Terry Ogle, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 152 | 5/2/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Olive OH Relocate Column Out of UPRR | $413,984.07 | This is a change to the contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to complete additional design work related to the bridge at Olive Avenue and the requirements of the Union Pacific Rail Road. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.3 | 5/1/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $3,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to provide environmental services to ensure the future high-speed rail system work complies with environmental requirements. | Terry Ogle, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 134 | 4/26/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | UNI: Permanent Fence at SJRV | $27,237.67 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to construct a chain link fence between the future high-speed rail system and Camp Pashayan. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 131 | 4/26/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UNI: System Site Revisions | $33,215.62 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to incorporate underground rail System Site Facility changes into the design. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 147 | 4/17/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Belmont Overcrossing Design Simulat | $12,901.47 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare a design simulation for the West Belmont Avenue Overcrossing to show what it would look like when finished. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 129 | 4/6/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Train Control Facilities | $36,399.87 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design additional Train Control Facility Sites at two locations. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.2 | 3/30/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $1,200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to perform environmental services as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 71 | 3/22/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Building HazMat PS Budget Increase | $8,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the budget for the removal of hazardous materials from properties acquired by the Authority. | Scott Jarvis - Chief Engineer | Chassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 149 | 3/21/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Const. Electrical Package K | $1,535,027.90 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E electrical distribution lines in the County of Fresno and County of Madera, to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 148 | 3/21/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Gas Distribution Const. Pkg. J | $115,730.87 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E gas distribution lines near Hardy Avenue in the City of Fresno, to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 68 | 3/21/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Grade & Reloc. Pump Stn. at Basin EE | $81,080.35 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move storm water infrastructure out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District Basin EE. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 63 | 3/21/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Belmont Avenue Design Refinement | $103,900.58 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to do additional roadway design and re-design at Belmont Avenue. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 144 | 3/20/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | ROW Access Lawson Prop. MF-10-0041 | $1,373.06 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move the high-speed train access restricting fence 15 feet east of an acquired parcel to provide access to an adjacent business owner. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 97 | 3/15/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Westside Wye Shoofly Design Study | $89,697.99 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to evaluate two alternatives for temporary freight rail detours (shoofly) while building the high-speed rail trench in the City of Fresno. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 100 | 3/14/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | DL-0097 City of Fresno Well Site 162 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move the City of Fresno (COF) well site 162 to to a more secure location then previously agreed. This is a zero-cost change order. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager | |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 146 | 3/10/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Gas Transmission Design Pkg. Z | $116,123.57 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E gas transmission utilities in the County of Madera and the City of Fresno to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 143 | 3/10/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PGE Design Elec Packages S, T and U | $693,932.44 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E electrical utilities at three locations in the County of Madera and the City of Fresno to make way for the future high-speed rail system | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 145 | 3/9/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Design Gas Dist. Pkg. W, X & Y | $427,925.36 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E gas utilities at three locations in the County of Madera and the City of Fresno to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88.1 | 2/9/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $3,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to perform environmental services as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 124 | 2/2/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | COF 24" and 30" Waterline Ventura | $26,216.40 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is change is to provide design services to meet the new standards of the City of Fresno to resolve conflicts between Ventura Street and City of Fresno water mains. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 79 | 2/2/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | GS Blvd 68' Widening(West Ave-SR99) | $375,880.19 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to widen Golden State Boulevard and re-design the McKinley bridge over the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 59 | 2/2/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Belmont Ave Final Facilty Plan | $72,331.71 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide roadway design services on Belmont Avenue. The designs are to include ADA-compliant ramps, accommodate truck deliveries, and modify intersections. Designs are to follow City of Fresno standards. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 57 | 2/2/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CuldaSac at East Ave Desig Refinemen | $5,462.34 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a cul-de-sac on East Avenue in accordance with City of Fresno standards. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 137 | 1/31/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Tuolumne Vault Relocation | $1,464,552.45 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E electrical distribution lines along Tuolumne Street in the City of Fresno out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 13.3 | 1/31/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | BETP Implementation Cost Komoto Bldg | $42,725.84 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct surveys and monitoring of construction activities on the Komoto’s Department Store building in Fresno. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 13.2 | 1/31/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | BETP Implementation Cost B of A | $52,810.41 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct surveys and monitoring of construction activities on the Bank of America building in Fresno. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 72 | 1/26/2017 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | ATT BP-04 Ashlan to McKinley | $9,694,318.86 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rial system between Ashlan and McKinley Avenues in Fresno. | Scott Jarvis, Chief Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 51 | 12/22/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Changes for Various CO | $613,341.51 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete additional design work at 14 locations. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 94 | 12/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Subcontract with Ferreira Coastal | $110,968.69 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is move an AT&T facility out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 64 | 12/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Installation of an Underground Elect | $30,963.46 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rial system at North Golden State Boulevard. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 82.2 | 12/15/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Valverde Construction for Pothole | $377,454.46 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to preform potholing to identify a 24 inch PG&E Gas Transmission Line. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 37 | 12/15/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Golden State Blvd. Widening Design | $7,644.97 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design roadway and drainage for Golden State Boulevard in Fresno. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 110 | 12/13/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PGE GT Conflict Designs1-003,005,018 | $215,350.25 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 73 | 12/13/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | G St Realignment Impacts Design | $53,006.53 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley.The reason for this change is to redesign the future high-speed rail alignment due to changes related to the location of G Street in Fresno. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 123 | 12/8/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Service Disconnects | $3,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for utility disconnection fees for PG&E and AT&T utilities prior to their removal. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 140 | 11/23/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Conceptual Design for Eminent Domain | $7,644.09 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to relocate a Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District (FMFCD) storm drain. FMFCD is a public entity that provides flood control and urban storm water services in the City of Fresno. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 99.1 | 10/12/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Completion Deadline Ex/Res.- Suppl. | $13,612,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to accelerate work in the contract by 7 months to recover from delays in buying land. | Scott Jarvis - Chief Engineer | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 108 | 10/10/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Additional Design Work PGE Conflicts | $279,188.75 | This is a change to the contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Avenue 17 and Roads 26 and 27 in Madera County. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 103 | 10/10/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PGE Design Package G | $444,116.88 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 47 | 10/10/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Project Scoping for the New PG&E | $17,250.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to prepare a Planning Information Package for a new PG&E Gas Regulator Station. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 119 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Railroad Utility App. License Fees | $860,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to acquire utility crossing, right of entry and permit fees to railroads. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 117 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Bond & Insurance Resolution | $379,751.28 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is is for additional bonding and insurance costs for previous change orders issued through July 1, 2016. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 116 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Signalized Intersection at Olive Ave | $34,844.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform design required to add a traffic signal at Olive Avenue and Roeding Park Entrance according to City of Fresno requirements. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 115 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Ventura Street and F Street Inter. | $43,024.31 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design the traffic signals at the intersection of Ventura Street and F Street according to City of Fresno requirements. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 113 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Steel Structures Inc. Building Fire | $32,076.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to design fencing to keep people out of the future high-speed rail system at a specific property in Madera County. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 111 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Add Design Work PGE 21 Conflicts | $370,082.07 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay Pacific Gas and Electric Company to move its facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. This work is coordinated by the general contractor who is responsible for designing and constructing the future system in the in the City of Fresno. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 60 | 9/26/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SE Ave Geometric Changes FB FEIR | $14,110.08 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to do additional design for sidewalks and turning lanes on East Belgravia Avenue. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 114 | 9/23/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Signalized Intersection at Belmont | $34,844.60 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design the traffic signals at the intersection of Belmont Street and Stafford Street according to City of Fresno requirements. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 105 | 9/7/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | AT&T Ductbank Install Madera Co. | $2,287,112.23 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities at Avenues 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 13 out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design and Construction | Ghassan Ariqat - Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 109 | 9/2/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Const. Services ATT Barrel Vault | $6,427.79 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at the intersection of Raymond Road and State Route 145 in Madera County. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 112 | 8/23/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | ATT Ductbank Muscat Ave | $19,509.17 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay AT&T to move its facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. This work is coordinated by the general contractor who is responsible for designing and constructing the future system at Muscat Avenue in the City of Fresno. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 107 | 7/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | AT&T Duct Bank Installation On Yale | $167,826.04 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Yale Avenue in Fresno. | Terry Ogle for Huge Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 106 | 7/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | ATT Facilities Relocate Rd 27 | $166,636.98 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities at Road 27 out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 104 | 7/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Elec 8 Central Malaga America | $145,569.55 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move 8 PG&E electrical utilities at Central, Malaga and American Avenues in Fresno out of the way of the of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat - Interim Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 101 | 7/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | ATT Vault Relocal Tuolumne OC | $129,740.36 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities at the end of the Tuolumne Street Bridge in the City of Fresno, to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 92 | 7/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Design Electrical ET1-5,6,8,9 | $671,540.77 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E electrical transmission line services out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 83 | 7/20/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Gas Distribution Relocations | $897,162.06 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to relocate PG&E gas distribution lines out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 98 | 7/5/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Install Ductbank Clinton & Belmont | $26,428,542.16 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T underground utilities at Clinton Avenue to Belmont Avenue, in the City of Fresno, to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Scott Jarvis - Chief Engineer | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 29.3 | 7/1/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Extra Work Bio Services | $600,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to implement requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 96 | 6/22/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: UG Duct Bank Ave15 1/2, 15 | $2,845,133.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T underground utilities at Avenues 11, 15, and 15-1/2, in Madera Count to make way for the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 90 | 6/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PGE-Utility Conflict E1-116 Road 1/2 | $1,624,717.55 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move PG&E underground electrical utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 75.1 | 6/21/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | UNI: Design PGE Dist. Conflicts | $1,031,028.90 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move PG&E utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at 49 locations. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 99 | 6/14/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Completion Deadline Ext/Resolution | $49,900,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add 17 months and additional budget to the contract to recognize the impact to the contractor caused by delays in buying land. | Jeff Morales - Chief Executive Officer | Ronald N. Tutor - Managing Partner | |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 82.1 | 6/8/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Additional Services SR 99 Realign | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct surveying and potholing to identify PG&E and AT&T utility locations with the future high-speed rail system. This supplements change order 82 to add the State Route 99 project area. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 91 | 6/1/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Design - PGE Utility Conflict E1 | $33,016.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change to move PG&E electric and gas utilities in Madera County out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 93 | 5/31/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Property Modification Design Only | $63,933.20 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design services for modifications to a property that the Authority has bought. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 44.1 | 5/31/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Utility Conflict (CO 44) | $221,984.44 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move PG&E facilities out of the way of future high-speed rail construction. The designs for these relocations were changed during the PG&E approval process. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 95 | 5/12/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | AT&T Design-Underground Ductbank | $868,479.70 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T underground utilities from the south of Santa Clara Street to south of East American Avenue in the City of Fresno to make room for the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 2.1 | 5/4/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Partnering Costs Supplemental | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue partnering meetings between the contractor and the Authority for the project. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 87.1 | 4/29/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Top Down Const SR 180 Supplmtl | $470,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement and perform Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (enhanced traffic mangement using California Highway Patrol) during construction at State Route 180. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 84 | 4/20/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Top of Rail Survey - UPRR | $4,866.22 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to survey the top of each Union Pacific Railroad rail on all their mainline tracks between 1000 feet either side of Ashlan and Clinton Avenues to satisfy the conditions of the Authority's agreement with UPRR. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 85 | 4/19/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Fresno River VECP | ($1,243,975.50) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a credit to the Authority for incorporation of the Fresno River Value Engineering Change Proposal. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 89 | 4/7/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | North Extension | $153,399,844.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to add approximately 2.72 miles of additional future high-speed rail system to this contract, to the northern boundary. This additional scope is mostly flat and is adjacent to the west side of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe tracks in the County of Madera. | Scott Jarvis, Chief Engineer | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 87 | 4/5/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Top Down Const SR 180/ Fresno Trench | $3,765,141.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and construct the tunnel under State Route 180 using the Top-Down Construction Method. | Terry Ogle, Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 88 | 4/4/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Additional Environmental Services | $1,800,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform environmental services as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 86 | 3/7/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | AT&T UG Ductbank Relocate Ashlan /SJ | $313,454.10 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to contribute to moving AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail alignment between Ashlan Avenue and the San Joaquin River. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 54 | 3/7/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Design AT&T Relocation-Madera County | $341,291.46 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Avenues 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 15-1/2. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 38 | 3/7/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | ATT Design-Belmont to Santa Clara | $245,868.06 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete plans to move AT&T facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 81 | 3/4/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E / AT&T Managemt Team/Bid Solic | $2,262,678.07 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to transfer responsibility of management services from the Authority to the contractor to move PG&E and AT&T facilities out of the way of future high-speed rail system. PG&E and provides gas and electric services in California. AT&T provides telecommunications services. | Terry Ogle, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 56 | 3/1/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Gas Relocate Kern / F St. | $11,039.85 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move PG&E facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 82 | 2/22/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Miscellaneous Survey & Pothole Work | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct surveying and potholing to identify PG&E and AT&T utility locations with the future high-speed rail alignment. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 75 | 2/22/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | EEI Engineering Design for Unit 2 | $508,875.25 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move PG&E utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at West Shaw Avenue, Tuolumne Street, Fresno-Tulare Street, Kern Street, Ventura Street in Fresno County and Avenues 11, 15 and 15 1/2 in Madera County. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 32.1 | 1/25/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Pedestrian Arch Field Surveys | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to perform Pedestrian Archaeological Field Inventory Surveys. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 29.2C | 1/22/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Extra work Biological Servies for CP1C | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to implement requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 29.1A | 1/22/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Extra work Biological Servies for CP1A/1B | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to implement requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 77 | 1/14/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Valverde Const. AT&T Conflict | $38,654.27 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move AT&T utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Raymond Road and State Route 145 in Madera County. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 49 | 1/14/2016 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | OCS Structural Connections | $1,874,151.32 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and install fittings on bridges into which future high-speed rail system components will be attached. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Ghassan Ariqat, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 43 | 12/29/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | EMMA and Sustainability | $72,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to authorize the additional level of effort required for entering data into the Environmental Mitigation Management & Assessment database. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 80 | 12/21/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CHSR Std. Spec Revision Photographic | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide time-lapse documentation of the construction of the future high-speed rail system at Fresno River Viaduct, Tuolumne Bridge and Starte Route 180 trench. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 65 | 12/10/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | OnSite Circulation Analysis FB100079 | $7,817.12 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to conduct analysis of tractor/trailer movements on property impacted by the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 78 | 11/20/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Potholing for Caltrans in SR99 ROW | $15,706.44 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to identify udnerground energy and telecommunications facilities that are within the project limits of the future high-speed rail system. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 12.2 | 11/20/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Archaeological Field Inventory | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct archaeological field surveys of additional properties. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 50 | 10/21/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | COF Relocation Agreement | $1,161,633.19 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to do additional design identified in the final agreement between the Authority and the City of Fresno. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 53.1 | 10/13/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Additional Assessments UPRR Parcels | $5,462.09 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to conduct environmental assessment on Union Pacific Railroad owned land. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 34 | 10/6/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Trackway & Structures - Chapter 12 | $589,533.66 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the design requirements for future high-speed rail bridges under 1000 feet in length. | Hugo Mejia - Design & Construction Manager | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 52 | 10/1/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | E. American Ave Design Speed Var | $63,874.94 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete traffic studies on East American Avenue to prepare a request to the City of Fresno to reduce the speed on East American Avenue from 65 to 45 miles per hour. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 53 | 9/29/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Third-party Related | Phase 2 Enviro Site Assessmt UPRR | $36,723.62 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to conduct environmental assessment on Union Pacific Railroad owned land. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 40 | 9/8/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | CP 1 Parcel Mgt & Security | $56,001.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide property management and site security prior to construction. | Michael Leonardo - Acting Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 45 | 9/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Site Specific Response Analysis FRV | $55,968.56 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide a seismic analysis for the structural design of the Fresno River Viaduct. | Hugo Mejia, Design & Construction Manager | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 44 | 8/20/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | PG&E Raymond Rd & SR 145 | $392,495.35 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to move electrical distribution facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail construction over the Fresno River. | Mike Leonardo, Acting Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 42 | 8/19/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Additional Space at 1401 Fulton | $235,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide the Authority with an additional 5,113 square feet of rentable office space at 1401 Fulton Street in Fresno. | Mike Leonardo, Acting Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 12.1 | 7/31/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Archaeological Field Inventory | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide additional archeological inventories to meet environmental requirements. | Michael Leonardo - Acting Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 35.1 | 7/21/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Archaeological Monitoring in 1C | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to perform Archaeological Monitoring and related reporting. | Mike Leonardo - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 29.2 | 7/21/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Post Permit Monitoring Efforts 1C | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. TThe reason for the change is to continue to implement requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Mike Leonardo - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 29.1 | 7/21/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Post Permit Monitoring Efforts 1A/1B | $150,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to continue to implement requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Mike Leonardo - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 28 | 5/29/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | 956 China-Additional Scope of Work | $11,221.08 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design services and monitoring for the restoration of the historical building at 956 China Alley in Fresno. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 13.1 | 5/29/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | BETP Task 2 and Task 3 | $60,714.86 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to develop a pland to protect important elements of the built environment identified in the environmental documents. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 41 | 5/27/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | Ground Penetrating Radar - Kern St | $9,567.91 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide subsurface images of Kern Street at Ofelia's Barber Shop/Restaurant and Dick's Store in Fresno. | Ofelia P. Alcantara, P.E., Director of Design & Construction | Jim Laing, Project Manager/Director | John C. Lee, D-B Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 35 | 5/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Archaeological Monitoring in 1C | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform Archaeological Monitoring and related reporting. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 31 | 5/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Archaeological Monitoring 1A & 1B | $500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform archaeological monitoring services and related reporting. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 30 | 5/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Biological Monitoring Services in 1C | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform biological monitoring services prior to construction. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 29 | 5/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Post Permit Monitoring Efforts 1A/1B | $96,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement requirements of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife permits as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 39 | 4/22/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Differing Site Conditions | 1528-1548 Tulare Street | $2,791.83 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare a report describing how to repair buildings. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 32 | 3/26/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Pedestrian Arch Field Surveys | $150,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform Pedestrian Archaeological Field Inventory Surveys. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 33 | 3/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Native American Monitoring for 1C | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform Native American Monitoring and Archaeological Monitoring. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 27 | 2/26/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Biological Monitoring | $50,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide biological monitoring services prior to construction. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 26 | 2/25/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Archaeological Monitoring Services | $250,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform archaeological monitoring. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 25 | 2/25/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Native American Monitoring | $250,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform Native American Monitoring. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 24 | 2/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Main Canal Survey Report | $12,354.25 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare environmental documents as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 23 | 2/4/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Changes to Plans and Specifications | COF Convert Data Points | $14,943.66 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to convert design data prior to submitting designs to the City of Fresno. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 22 | 2/2/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DRB Process Revision | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this no cost change is to streamline the dispute resolution process. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 20 | 1/8/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Small Mammal Burrow Excavation | $480,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to dig small burrows for mammals by hand, as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Ofelia Alcantara - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 18 | 1/8/2015 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | GIS Habitat Tracking | $244,811.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to set up a habitat tracking system as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Ofelia Alcantara - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John C. Lee - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 16 | 10/30/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | CBA Administrative Addendum 1 | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to update the contract to include revisions to the Community Benefits Agreement. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | PCM DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 19 | 10/21/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | DL 00004 - BETP Task 4 | $28,662.76 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete histoical architectural surveying work at Belmont Avenue subway. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John Foster - Project Controls Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 15 | 10/21/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Utility Relocation | Design for AT&T Relocation | $97,656.76 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move AT&T facilities relocation plans at Stanislaus Bridge and Fresno River Viaduct out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 14 | 10/21/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Revised Design Variance Request Form | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to an administrative change to revise the form used to request variances to the design criteria used on the project. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John Houseman - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 9 | 10/21/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | Revised Shear Wave 500-ft Boring | $275,227.04 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change provides environmental and design services at Fresno and San Joaquin rivers. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John Foster - Project Controls Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 17 | 10/13/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Subcontractor Mobilization Expense A | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the language in the contract that determines mobilization requirements of contractor staff to the project. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | John Foster - Project Controls Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 13 | 9/4/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | DL 00004 - BETP Task 1 | $280,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform pre-construction assessments at 8 properties. | Ofelia Alcantara - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 12 | 9/4/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Archaeological Field Inventory | $180,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide archeological inventories to meet the Authority's environmental commitments. | Ofelia Alcantara - Director of Design & Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 7 | 9/4/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Environmental | CL1/CL2 HazMat | $5,250,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to define the quantity and price for hazardous material removal and disposal in the contract. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 10 | 8/7/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Weed Abatement - Various Locations | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to cleanup vegetation and debris at property owned by the Authority. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 8 | 8/7/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DRB 3rd Member | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change revises the contract language regarding Dispute Resolution Board membership. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 5 | 8/7/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Local/ Long Distance Phone Charges | $79,546.85 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for Authority phone costs at office space provided by the general contractor for Authority's use per the contract. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 6 | 7/3/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | DRB Expenses | $180,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay the Authority’s share of Dispute Resolution Board costs for the project. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 3 | 6/30/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | SP20 Invoicing Changes | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the Special Provisions Section 20 of the contract. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 4 | 6/19/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | IBM Rational Doors | $7,987.34 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide one IBM Rational Doors authorized user license to the Authority (requirements management software). | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 2 | 6/19/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Partnering Costs | $108,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct partnering workshops and meetings between the contractor and the Authority for the project. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | Rick Stead - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 1 | HSR 13-06 | 1 | 6/2/2014 | Tutor Perini / Zachry/Parsons | Administrative | Addition of Copiers and Printer | $40,527.99 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide two copiers and a printer for Authority use. | Ofelia Alacantara - Director of Design and Construction | James Laing - Project Director | James Hanningan - Construction Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00369.2 | 11/28/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Tule River Viaduct – Pergola Only | $39,546,858.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractors, for the additional construction costs of Tule River Viaduct Pergola Work. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00369.1 | 11/28/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Tule River Viaduct – North Approach Only | $33,743,225.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractors, for the additional construction costs of Tule River Viaduct North Approach Work. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00379.2 | 11/28/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Vie-Del Private Steel Casings – Redesign – T&M | $30,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this Time and Materials Change Order is to compensate DFJV for all design costs necessary for the Vie-Del Steel Casing Redesign Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00148.3 | 11/27/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Hanford Viaduct Future Station Platform Integration – Design & Construction - T&M | $950,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this Time and Materials Change Order is to compensate DFJV for design and construction costs associated with the modifications to Hanford Viaduct. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Uday Bhaskar Rao Tumu - PCM Deputy Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00223.1 | 11/27/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Group Delta – Additional Field Exploration Costs – Design | $289,326.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors Jacobs and Group Delta for all costs necessary to carry out the Additional GDC Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Uday Bhaskar Rao Tumu - PCM Deputy Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00395 | 11/27/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | LTID Lawrence Ditch Undergrounding – Design | $35,204.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its design subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering, for the design costs necessary to redesign Lawrence Ditch within BNSF ROW. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Uday Bhaskar Rao Tumu - PCM Deputy Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00396 | 11/13/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Removal of the Chance Avenue Box Structure – Design | $45,347.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all design costs necessary to carry out the Chance Avenue Box Structure Removal Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00389 | 10/24/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Updated Caltrans Bridge Numbers for Type 2 OH Structures – Design Only | $53,612.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractor for all costs necessary to carry out the DL 188.1 Design Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00379.1 | 10/13/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Vie Del Private Steel Casings – Construction | $1,697,823.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractors, for all costs necessary to carry out Vie Del Steel Casing Construction Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00378 | 10/10/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | DL 43.7 – Segment 3 IPB Earth Berm Revisions – Design Only | $308,604.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractor for all costs necessary to carry out IPB Earth Berm Redesign Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00391 | 10/10/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Avenue 88/SR-43 Temporary Connector – T&M | $400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this Time and Materials Change Order is to fully and completely compensate DFJV on a time and materials basis for a Not-To-Exceed Amount which includes all costs necessary for the Avenue 88/SR-43 Temporary Connector Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00355 | 9/26/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Private Avenue 156 Box Underpass Revisions | $7,990,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Ave. 156 Roadway and Underpass Work. | Garth Fernandez - Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00379 | 9/25/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Vie Del Private Utility Steel Casings – Design Only | $112,350.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the Vie Del Steel Casing Design Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00312.4 | 9/25/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Interim Time Extension | $48,251,469.31 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is (1) for the Parties to adopt a new and revised schedule to complete the Collaborative Efforts Towards Completion (“CETC”) process pursuant to the schedule included on Exhibit A to this CO 312.4, including without limitation a contractually compliant, cost and resource-loaded mitigated Revised Baseline Schedule; and (2) for DFJV to receive an interim Contract time extension and an interim equitable adjustment for certain costs associated with said extension. This Change Order also serves as an interim equitable adjustment for certain subcontractors as defined herein. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Uday Tumu - PCM Deputy Project Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00400 | 9/21/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Conejo Ave Viaduct – Interim Change Order | $30,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for the Interim Conejo Ave Viaduct Work. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00369.3 | 9/21/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Tule River Viaduct – Second Interim Change Order | $42,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for the Second Interim Tule River Viaduct Work. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00299 | 9/15/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Retaining Wall at Houston Avenue Grade Separation Structure | $534,725.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for costs necessary to carry out the Retaining Wall at Houston Avenue Construction Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00066.1 | 9/13/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Fargo Avenue – West DOT Embankment – Out of Sequence | $850,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for costs necessary to carry out the Fargo Avenue Out of Sequence Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00359 | 9/5/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Revision of Type 2 Solid Barrier – Design Only | $239,698.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Access Deterring Solid Barrier Design Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00382 | 8/30/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Dutch John Cut and Cole Slough Foundation and Structural Redesign Design | $131,385.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the DL 122.1 Design Work and the DL 189 Design Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00326.1 | 8/18/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Relocation of Private Irrigation Line "Bloodline" FB-16-0170 – Construction | $548,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Relocation of Bloodline Construction Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00356.1 | 8/16/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Elkhorn Ditch Private Irrigation Service Lines – T&M | $400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this Unilateral Time and Material Change Order is to fully and completely compensate DFJV Not-To-Exceed the Change Order Amount which includes all costs necessary for the Elkhorn Ditch Private Service Line Location 1 Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00352 | 8/9/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Harlan Stevens Ditch - Accelerated Work - T&M | $150,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this Time and Materials Change Order is to fully and completely compensate DFJV Not-To-Exceed the Change Order Amount which includes all costs necessary for the Accelerated Harlan Stevens Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00388 | 8/9/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Lateral No. 3 and Crawford Lateral No. 5 | $975,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractors, for the Lateral No. 3 and Crawford Lateral No. 5 Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00086.14 | 8/9/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Updated Private Irrigation Crossings – Segment 2 | $898,685.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Segment 2 Private Irrigation Steel Casings Installation Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00387 | 8/9/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Connector Road Paving Impacts at Dover Avenue | $64,667.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the Paving Impacts at Dover Avenue Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00385 | 8/4/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Harlan Stevens Ditch – Nebraska Extension – Design Only | $25,401.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its design subcontractor, for all costs necessary to carry out the Harlan Stevens Ditch – Nebraska Extension Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00231.3 | 8/4/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Nevada Avenue Cul-de-Sacs | $302,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out Nevada Avenue Cul-de-Sacs Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00386 | 8/1/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Corcoran Highway – MSE Wall Mitigation – Design – T&M | $65,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for this Time and Materials Change Order is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and it's design subcontractor Not-To-Exceed the Change Order Amount for all design costs necessary for the Corcoran Highway Revised MSE Wall Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00086.15 | 7/27/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Stuber Steel Casing Relocation – T&M | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary for the Stuber Steel Casing Relocation Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00377 | 7/20/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | 8 Vie Del Private Utility Steel Casings – Procurement of Materials – T&M | $845,600.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to procure FOB Jobsite eight 24” steel casings required for the relocation of the Vie Del private utility lines (“Vie Del Steel Casing Procurement Work”). | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00313 | 6/30/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Intrusion Protection Barrier Design Revisions – Design Only | $1,216,889.69 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely and its design subcontractor for all costs necessary to carry out the IPB Design Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00384 | 6/23/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | CID Temporary Bypass Systems – Design & Construction – T&M | $2,657,661.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV on a time and materials basis for the CID Temporary Bypass Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00051.1 | 6/22/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | OCS Structural Connections | $6,229,237.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to carry out the OCS Foundation Work. | Garth Fernandez – Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00339 | 6/22/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Hanford Viaduct Maintenance of Traffic at SR 198 | $3,207,686.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to carry out the maintenance of traffic (MOT) work at SR 198 Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00281 | 6/22/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Mountain View Avenue Embankment Placement | $1,160,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Mountain View Avenue Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.9 | 6/20/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Dudek - Prolonged Environmental Costs - March 2022 - October 2022 | $5,360,600.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to carry out the Dudek Prolonged Services Work. | Garth Fernandez – Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.10 | 6/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Dudek - Prolonged Environmental Costs - November 2022 - January 2023 | $1,845,690.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to carry out the Dudek Prolonged Services Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00336 | 6/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Floral Avenue Embankment Placement | $800,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to carry out the Floral Avenue Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00369 | 6/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Tule River Viaduct – Interim Change Order | $18,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for the Interim Tule River Viaduct Work. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.40 | 6/12/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - December 2022 | $1,013,359.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for escalation costs for the month of December 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.39 | 6/12/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - November 2022 | $1,004,872.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for escalation costs for the month of November 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00368 | 6/12/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Curved Bridge Open Abutments – DL 44.1 | $1,429,006.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the Curved Bridge Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00381 | 6/12/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Pacific Boring Underground Obstruction - Lawrence Ditch | $58,203.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the Underground Obstruction at Lawrence Ditch Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00289.1 | 6/6/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Selma Building Lease Extension to September 30, 2023 | $138,043.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for the Selma Building Lease Extension through September 30, 2023. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00380 | 6/6/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Emergency Services Work – T&M | $5,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change order is to compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to perform emergency construction services support due to severe weather which impacted the State of California, including Fresno County, Kings County, and Tulare County, and other surrounding areas of the Project. | Garth Fernandez – Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00312.3 | 6/4/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Interim Time Extension | $16,020,251.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is (1) for the Parties to establish a schedule to complete the Collaborative Efforts Towards Completion (“CETC”) process established in Change Order 45.1 as per the attached Milestone Schedule (Exhibit A), including without limitation a contractually compliant, resource-loaded mitigated Revised Baseline Schedule (“RBS”); and (2) for DFJV to receive an interim Contract time extension and an interim equitable adjustment for certain costs associated with said extension, subject to the reservations herein. The time-related costs paid under this Change Order are based on a daily rate of $168,804.25 as set forth in DFJV-HSR-4422. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00349 | 6/4/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope changes | Tied Arch Bridge Superstructure Construction | $23,645,656.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV fully and completely for all costs necessary to carry out the Tied Ach Bridge Superstructure Work. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00373 | 5/31/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Lawrence Ditch Temporary Bypass Construction | $207,900.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Lawrence Ditch Temporary Bypass Construction Work as directed by the Authority. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00338 | 5/31/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Taylors Ditch | $1,024,440.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Taylors Ditch Additional Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00305 | 5/23/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Changes at Fowler, Elkhorn, and Clovis Avenues – Design Only | ($64,129.00) | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate the Authority for all Design Changes at Fowler, Elkhorn, and Clovis Avenues Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00356 | 5/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Three Private Irrigation Service Lines at Mountain View Avenue and S. Chestnut Avenue – Design | $224,689.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out Three Private Irrigation Service Lines Design Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00351 | 5/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Construction Costs for 28 Additional Wildlife Escape Ramps | $437,531.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to perform the Wildlife Escape Ramp Work as required by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00363 | 5/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Elkhorn Avenue Temporary Acces Roads | $294,095.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Elkhorn Avenue Access Road Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00358 | 5/19/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fresno Irrigation District Eastside Access Roads – Design | $169,385.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the FID Eastside Access Roads Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00344 | 5/16/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Dutch John Cut Temporary Trestle – Time and Materials Change Order | $14,200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for the Change Order work Not-To-Exceed value of $14,200,000.00 which includes all costs necessary for the Dutch John Cut Temporary Steel Trestle Work at the Dutch John Cut waterway. | William S. Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00342 | 4/24/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Cole Slough Temporary Trestle Time and Materials Change Order | $4,438,305.00 | This is a change to the Contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture for the construction of the temporary trestle which will facilitate the construction of the Cole Slough Viaduct. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00376 | 3/30/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier Rebar | $1,686,664.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for the Cost Difference Amount for cost of rebar, rebar installation including materials, hoisting, labor, equipment, subcontractor field and site supervision, subcontractor safety, subcontractor risk, and all markups allowed under the Contract ("IPB Rebar Work"). | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00361 | 3/22/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | BVLOS Hand Clearing Mitigation Measures Deer Creek | $80,537.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the BVLOS Hand Clearing Mitigation Measures Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00350 | 3/22/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Costs for Four Additional Wildlife Escape Ramps - DL 106 | $12,342.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its design subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering (“Jacobs”), for all of the design costs necessary to design four additional wildlife escape ramps at East Branch Peoples Ditch under Flint Avenue as requested by CDFW (the "Additional Wildlife Escape Ramp Design Work"). | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00321 | 3/16/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Remob and Demob - Dutch John Cut and Cole Slough - Geotech Subs - Design Only | $52,417.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and it's design subcontractor having to demobilize and remobilize its geotechnical subconsultants at the Dutch John Cut Viaduct and Cole Slough structure; DFJV's design subcontractors coordination, permitting, and site oversight costs related to the remobilization; and all of DFJV's design subcontractors costs regarding the added design scope that are related to the remobilization (collectively, the Remob/Demob Work). | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00331 | 2/21/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Carrier Pipe Upsizing at Selma Branch Ditch | $232,071.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the Selma Branch Ditch Upsize Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00366 | 2/15/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Private Irrigation Lateral at S. Chestnut Avenue | $397,944.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for installation and construction of the South Chestnut Avenue Irrigation Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00312.2 | 2/13/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Interim Time Extension | $16,020,251.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is (1) for the Parties to establish a schedule to complete the Collaborative Efforts Towards Completion (“CETC”) process established in Change Order 45.1 as per the attached Milestone Schedule (Exhibit A), including without limitation a contractually compliant, cost and resource-loaded mitigated Revised Baseline Schedule (“RBS”); and (2) for DFJV to receive an interim Contract time extension and an interim equitable adjustment for certain costs associated with said extension, subject to the reservations herein. The time-related costs paid under this Change Order are based on a daily rate of $168,804.25 as set forth in DFJV-HSR-4422. This Change Order also serves as an interim equitable adjustment for certain subcontractors. | Brian P. Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00340 | 2/10/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Oleander 18 and 19 – Jack and Bore FID Irrigation Facility | $6,780,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Oleander 18 & 19 Jack and Bore Work. | Garth Fernandez - Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00375 | 2/8/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Lumen Fiber Optic - Utility Acceleration Schedule at FID Facilities | $324,239.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to carry out the Acceleration of Lumen’s Fiber Optic Relocation Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00303 | 2/6/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Hanford Armona Temporary Bypass Road | $33,622.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its design subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering ("Jacobs"), for all costs necessary to carry out the Temporary Bypass Road at Hanford Armona Work. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.38 | 2/6/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - October 2022 | $3,114,198.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and it's subcontractors for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of October 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Benjamin Ruiz, Jr., PE, SE - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00348 | 1/27/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tied Arch Bridge at SR 43-Superstructure – Falsework and Formwor | $1,034,160.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all labor, materials, and equipment costs necessary to procure and furnish materials for the lower falsework, lower formwork, and upper formwork required for superstructure construction which includes, but is not limited to, plywood, steel and timber beams, steel pipe and timber posts, wire rope cable bracings, rebar bracings, timber corbels, timber foundation pads, sandjacks, steel plate, Simpson Anchors, salvage, and other required hardware items, collectively, the (“Tied Arch Bridge Falsework Material Procurement Work”). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00345 | 1/9/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Hanford Armona Overhead to Underground SCE Utility Relocation | $1,645,770.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the SCE Relocation at Hanford Armona Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00372 | 1/9/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Kings County Pothole Repair and Related Ancillary Work on Overhead Structures - T&M | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all activities necessary for DFJV to apply fog seal and provide pothole repair for potholes, which were not caused by DFJV or its subcontractors for the Jackson Avenue and Kent Avenue overhead structures located within Kings County (“Kings County Road Work”). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.37 | 1/3/2023 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Escalation Costs - September 2022 | $2,185,655.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for escalation cost for the month of September 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00148.1 | 12/24/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Hanford Viaduct Superstructure — Time and Materials Change Order | ($50,000,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is the Authority and DFJV agree to rescind Change Order No. 148.1 per the following: On December 8, 2021, the Authority unilaterally issued Time and Materials Change Order No. 148.1 to DFJV in the amount of $50,000,000.00, to allow DFJV to begin the construction, building, and installation of the Hanford Viaduct Superstructure. The Authority and DFJV have since executed Contract Change Order No. 148.2 on October 31, 2022, for the Hanford Viaduct Superstructure and Associated Civil Work in the amount of $242,073,679.00. With the execution of Contract Change Order No. 148.2, the Parties to the Time and Materials Change Order No. 148.1 mutually desire to rescind Time and Materials Change Order No. 148.1 pursuant to Section 6 of Contract Change Order No. 148.2 which states, in relevant part, as follows: For the Contract Price to reflect only the agreed upon amount reflected in the Terms of Compensation for this Change Order [No. 148.2], both Parties agree that Time and Materials Change Order No. 148.1 shall be rescinded by separate agreement and the overall Contract Price will be deducted by the aforementioned $50,000,000.00 amount. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.36 | 12/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Escalation Costs - August 2022 | $898,994.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of August 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.35 | 12/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Escalation Costs - July 2022 | $999,898.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of July 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.34 | 12/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Escalation Costs - June 2022 | $696,131.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of June 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.33 | 12/15/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Escalation Costs - May 2022 | $973,957.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of May 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 312.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00335 | 12/15/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Additional SCE Costs at Fargo Avenue | $390,550.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to complete the South California Edison (SCE) Work at Fargo Avenue. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.8 | 12/5/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Dudek’s Prolonged Environmental Costs and Tribal Monitoring Costs | $5,012,692.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture (“DFJV”) for DFJV’s prolonged environmental scope of work performed by its subcontractor, Dudek Environmental Services (“Dudek”), and Dudek’s approved subcontractors, as a result of the Authority’s delay in the acquisition of the Project-required right-of-way (“ROW”), among other delays. As a result of the extension of the Substantial Completion Date, it became necessary to expand the scope of environmental compliance work provided by Dudek, and Dudek’s approved subcontractors during construction activities, thereby giving rise to a compensable change and fully compensate DFJV for all costs necessayr to carry out the Dudek Prologend Service Work. Additionally, this Change Order fully compensates DFJV for the tribal monitoring services performed by Tule River Tribe of California and Santa Rosa Rancheria and required as a result of the Project delay for the time period of January 2020 through February 2022. | Garth Fernandez - Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00334 | 12/5/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | FID Design Changes and Settlement of Dispute 80 | $34,240.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely resolve Dispute 80 and compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the FID Design Change Order Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00328 | 10/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Relocate Lumen Fiber Optic – T&M | ($150,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is the Authority and DFJV mutually agree to rescind Change Order No. 328 per the following: the Authority acknowledges that the DFJV is currently performing work under the Time and Materials Change Order No. 328. The Authority and DFJV have since approved Change Order No. 328.1 Lumen Fiber Optic – Lump Sum with the execution date of September 21, 2022. Change Order No. 328.1 supersedes, and replaces in its entirety the Time and Materials Change Order No. 328, approved on July 29, 2022. To rescind Time and Materials Change Order No. 328, the Authority and DFJV have agreed to sign a separate "Mutual Rescission Agreement". On October 25, 2022, the Mutual Rescission Agreement was signed, and on the same day, Change Order No. 328 was rescinded in the Contract Management System (CMS). However, the rescission of this change order was not reflected in October’s monthly summary upload; therefore, it is being reported in November’s data to ensure the change is noted. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00374 | 11/30/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Deer Creek Viaduct | $205,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely resolve the Deer Creek Viaduct Disputes and Claims and compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Deer Creek Viaduct Work. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00333 | 11/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Taylor’s Ditch Redesign and Settlement of Dispute 82 | $112,350.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely resolve Dispute 82 and compensate the Contractor for all costs necessary for the redesign of the Lower Tule Irrigation District’s Taylors Ditch crossing at Avenue 120 from a flow capacity of 50 cfs to a flow capacity of 150 cfs to include: (1) civil and hydraulic design; (2) structure design; (3) plan updates; (4) quality control, reviews and pre-NDC submittal; (5) quality control, reviews and RFC 1 submittal; and (6) third party coordination and General Package updates, collectively, the “Change Order Work” and more fully-described in DFJV-HSR-3206.1, dated October 22, 2020. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00268.1 | 11/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | Jacobs Delay Impacts – Category 2 – Additional Schedule-Based Costs for Design Services During Construction (DSDC) 2019 | $921,712.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and Jacobs for the Category 2 delays for SBS as defined in DFJV-HSR-3966 and DFJV-HSR-4367, delay-related impacts, and damages arising therefrom, including overhead and escalation, arising from events, acts and/or omissions occurring on the Project during the Delay Period as incurred by the DFJV’s subcontractor, Jacobs. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00286 | 11/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Dover Avenue – Opaque Solid Barrier – Walkway Overhang Impacts | $33,228.17 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out The Change Order Work for the purchase and furnishment of the additional materials required to construct the temporary walkway overhang at Dover Avenue (collectively, “the Change Order Work”). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Erik van Jaarsveld - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00148.2 | 10/31/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Authority Directed Scope Changes | Hanford Viaduct - Superstructure | $242,073,679.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV, and its subcontractors, for the construction work necessary for the Hanford Viaduct Superstructure and all associated civil work. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00312.1 | 10/31/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Interim Time Extension | $17,860,945.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is (1) for the Parties to establish a schedule to complete the Collaborative Efforts Towards Completion (“CETC”) process established in Change Order 45.1 as per the attached Milestone Schedule (Exhibit A), including without limitation a contractually compliant, resource-loaded mitigated Revised Baseline Schedule (“RBS”); and (2) for DFJV to receive an interim Contract time extension and an interim equitable adjustment for certain costs associated with said extension, subject to the reservations herein. The time-related costs paid under this Change Order are based on a daily rate of $168,804.25 as set forth in DFJV-HSR-4422. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00337 | 10/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Delays | SENER Engineering-Time and Delay Related Impacts | $2,422,307.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and SENER for all delays, delay-related impacts, and damages arising therefrom, including overhead and escalation, arising from events, acts and/or omissions occurring on the Project during the Delay Period as incurred by DFJV’s subcontractor, SENER. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00330 | 10/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Redesign of FID Storey No. 237 and Oleander 19 – DESIGN ONLY | $106,611.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for work required to perform additional design work to produce design submittals for these two FID irrigation crossings (“DFJV’s FID Redesign Work”). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00329 | 10/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Redesign of FID Oleander 17, Oleander 18, Washington Colony, and Wilson 230 - T&M | $167,470.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for work required to perform additional design work to produce design submittals for these four FID irrigation crossings (“DFJV’s FID Redesign Work”) | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00231.2 | 10/20/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Revise Overhead Widths at Flint, Fargo, and Idaho Aves. (Type 2 Structures) DL No. 99-Civil Work | $408,155.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for additional labor and material costs to construct the Type Two Structures including costs to strip and compact original ground; buy, haul, and place additional import of borrow material, aggregate base material, asphaltic concrete; and costs for direct support of field work including Quality Analysis and Quality Control testing, environmental monitoring, and safety monitoring, collectively, the Change Order Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00323 | 10/4/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Project Floodplain Limit Increases (GBR-C) | $10,124,011.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for this additional floodplain limit increase of 2.6 miles that will require DFJV to excavate 22,201 CY of ground layer for the placement of drainage layer; excavate 5,104 CY of ground layer for the placement of rip-rap; place 1,576,488 SF of filter fabric; furnish, haul, and place 67,515 CY of drainage layer; furnish, haul, and place 12,843 CY of rip-rap; provide additional storm water pollution prevention planning materials; and provide additional water supply (collectively, the “Change Order Work”). | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00317 | 9/27/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | PureGro Facility Site Corcoran-Clean Fill | $189,259.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all costs for the construction Work for the placement of clean fill at the site (PureGro Facility Site Corcoran), the “Changed Work”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00332 | 9/27/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Wildlife Exclusion Fencing Ave 16 to Ave 8 | $189,584.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Ave 16 to Ave 8 Wildlife Exclusion Fencing (WEF) Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00264.2 | 9/27/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Dutch John Cut-Foundation Redesign Concurrent Load Test - DESIGN ONLY | $22,825.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is compensates DFJV for all redesign work performed on the Dutch John Cut Structure for the production piles and shafts due to DL-122 through November 30, 2021, as stated in DL 122.1, collectively, the “Change Order Work”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00306 | 9/27/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Fresno County Additional Requirements Iowa Ditch Casings | $1,023,615.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for both the design and construction phase costs of the Iowa Ditch Steel Casing Work, which includes, but is not limited to, updating the design submittals to reflect and implement the steel casings; design quality control checks; preparing design submittals for Fresno County approval; furnishing and installing 180 linear feet of 36” steel casing and 18” RGRCP for Manning Avenue; furnishing and installing 180 linear feet of 78” steel casing and 54” RGRCP for Manning Avenue; the impacts to the 108” back-up standpipe; mobilization/demobilization; all necessary SWPPP measures; and DFJV’s direct support of its field work. This Change Order also accounts for the credit to the Authority for the original scope of work of installing 180 linear feet of 18” RGRCP for Manning Avenue and 180 linear feet of 54” RGRCP for Maple Avenue. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00233.2 | 9/23/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Civil Sweeper 9th/Cairo/Peach Avenue Bridges (Cable Trough) | $200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV under this Time and Materials Change Order for actual work performed on activities necessary to carry out the Cable Trough Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Unilateral | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00328.1 | 9/21/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lumen Fiber Optic – Lump Sum | $898,199.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out DFJV’s Fiber Optic Relocation Work: Trench or perform a horizontal directional drill; furnish materials, including, but not limited to, marker posts, copper tracer wire, and mule tape; implement a track monitoring system; install the casing and conduit; install enclosures, vaults, or boxes for the conduit; backfill; restore the original ground; and provide direct support for the field work (collectively, “DFJV’s Fiber Optic Relocation Work”). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00326 | 9/21/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Line Relocation- FB-16-0170-Design Only | $10,214.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate DFJV for the design Work to relocate a 18-inch diameter private irrigation line to include 1) Site background review; 2) RFI preparation; 3) Coordination meetings with property owner; 4) civil design; 5) Preparation of a plan and profile sheet; 6) Quality Control (QC) review and revisions; 7) Comment resolution with property owner; and 8) Plan updates; collectively, the “Change Order Work”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Sean M. Lind - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00324 | 9/21/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Modifications – 9th and Cairo Avenues Structures | $198,695.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate DFJV for additional construction costs to change the width for two underpasses to accomodate King County's concern for the safety and mobility of agriculture equipment to include 1) bridge materials; 2) bridge superstructure work; 3) rebar and placement; 4) posttension concrete work; 5) derailment wall work; 6) parapet wall work; 7) grounding material work; and 8) other direct support costs; collectively with the payment items shown below, the “Change Order Work”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00327 | 9/21/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party | Night Work at Kings River - Remobilization Costs - DN115 | $72,225.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV and its Subcontractor, Drill Tech Drilling & Shoring, Inc., for all direct cost impacts associated with Dispute 115, including, without limitation, all costs to remobilize to the Kings River Bridge site in October 2021. This includes, but is not limited to, all categories of costs and expenses related to the remobilization effort, all DFJV and Subcontractor hours, administrative support, tools, labor, machinery, DFJV and Subcontractor overhead and direct costs, and coordination and consultation efforts. This lump sum includes any applicable escalation costs and all contractually allowable markup. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00325 | 8/12/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossings-Segment 2 (COP 221.16) | $673,037.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to to remove, design, relocate, or furnish and install steel casings for private irrigation crossings throughout the project. The additional Scopeof Work under this Change Order includes the furnishing and installing of 1) 503 Lineal Feet (LF) of 24 inch diameter steel casing at four locations; 2) 382 LF of 30 inch diameter steel casing at two locations; and 3) 250LF of 36 inch diameter steel casing at two locations. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00309 | 8/10/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Elimination of Elder Ave Grade Separation - DESIGN ONLY | ($207,480.00) | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate the Authority for all Design costs reduced from DFJV’s scope of work due to the Elimination of Elder Ave. Grade Separation Work,including all categories of costs and expenses related to this Design work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00308 | 8/10/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Elimination of Lincoln Ave Overcrossing - DESIGN ONLY | ($113,112.00) | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate the Authority for all design costs reduced from DFJV’s scope of work due to the Elimination of Lincoln Ave. Grade Separation Work, including all categories of costs and expenses related to this design work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00328 | 7/29/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Relocate Lumen Fiber Optic – T&M | $150,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the relocation of Lumen Technology’s a/k/a Level 3 Communications (“Lumen”) fiber optic utility lines. Work will include, but is not limited to, trenching or horizontal directional drilling; furnishing DFJV’s materials; implementing a track and monitoring system on the adjacent BNSF railroad; installing the casing and conduit; installing enclosures, vaults, or boxes for the conduit; backfill; and restoring the original ground (collectively, the “Lumen Fiber Optic Relocation Work”). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Girish Kripalani - (Acting) PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00316 | 7/7/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to the Plans and Specifications | Directive Letter 155 MOI Facility Culvert Extensions | $72,572.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design revisions by extending the length of these culverts to accommodate future construction of the MOI siding track to include 1) reviewing and revising design calculations for 3D model grading for the access road, drainage openness ratio, and structural calculations for the box culvert spans to meet openness ratio and minimum cover requirements; 2) updating design plans and sheets including track guideway, drainage, composite utility, and general package culvert box details; 3) Quality Control (QC) and reviews for Notice of Design Change (NDC) submittals; and 4) QC, reviews, and update plans for Ready For Construction (RFC) submittals; collectively, the “MOI Facility Culvert Revisions”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.32 | 7/7/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - April 2022 | $2,628,809.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of April 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00302 | 6/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Viaduct Over SJVR Design Resubmittals Design Only | $113,983.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for the Design Work to resubmit the 30% and 60% submittals to the UPRR for approval. UPRR also added a new specification requirement for lighting underneath the viaduct which required DFJV to update the specifications to include the UPRR lighting specification and prepare and submit lighting plans, collectively, the Change Order Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00319 | 6/17/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Additional Fresno County Concurrent Roadway Closure Fee at Adams/South Avenue | $743,700.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture (“DFJV”) and its subcontractors for the additional permitting costs pursuant to General Provisions (“GP”) Sections 17, 23 and 49.4.10 due to a change in the terms of the Cooperative Agreement with the County of Fresno. The additional permitting costs being imposed by the County of Fresno are for impacts caused by the public traffic delays resulting from the concurrent closure of Adams and South Avenues. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00298 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | CalTrans 2018 Specifications - DESIGN ONLY | $20,091.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs requiring the use of Caltrans 2018 Standard Specifications at the following six locations 1) State Road (SR) 43 at Kent Ave.; 2) SR 43 at Ave.128; 3) Hesse Ave. Overhead (OH) at Ave. 120; 4) SR 43 at Ave. 112; 5) Ave. 88 at SR 43; 6) SR 43 OH near Jersey Ave. This change required the DFJV to revise the Caltrans plans and specifications for these locations to include: 1) updating the title sheet note referring to the 2018 standards; 2) adding a note to the plans that all safety related items within or affecting the Caltrans Right of Way (ROW) comply with the most recent Caltrans standards; 3) review and compare the Caltrans 2015 and 2018 Standard Specifications, Standard Special Provisions (SSP), and revised Standard Specifications developed for the Corridor-wide Construction Specifications and assess any potential design impacts or increased construction costs; and 4) revise the SSP for each of the affected Caltrans specification packages to be consistent with the 2018 Caltrans standards based on the findings in the review and comparison of the 2015 and 2018 Caltrans SSP, collectively, the “Caltrans 2018 Specifications Work”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00301 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | BNSF Conejo Siding Revisions - DESIGN ONLY | $668,750.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Design Change Work in accordance with the BNSF revised design standard requirements after the bid, prompting the Authority to issue Directive Letter (DL) 8 on February 18, 2016, which directed DFJV to stop the design work at this location. The Authority then issued DL 8.1 on May 13, 2016, directing DFJV to restart the design work (10% track relocation design) after the BNSF revised its design requirements. The Authority then issued DL 47, on July 26, 2016, to incorporate these revisions and include the relocation of the BNSF track storage from the proposed Conejo track storage sidings, located between BNSF mileposts (MP) 981 and 982, to the Bowles relocation area located between MP 987 and 990. This resulted in changes in the design, coordination, and development of the track geometry charts in this area, approximately 4,200 LF of track added to the final design requiring revisions to the subsequent submittals, and modifications to the South Avenue grade separation design resulting in additional boring and redrilling at the center bent of this structure. BNSF made further revisions to its original design standards by requiring a five-foot setback clearance of its Right of Way (ROW) resulting in additional design revisions, collectively, the Change Order Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00320 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional Material Hauling-Whitley Ave. to Curved Bridge | $200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Whitley Ave. additional Hauling Work to transport this material from the Whitley Ave. site to the SR-43 Curved Bridge site, collectively, the Whitley Ave. Additional Hauling Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00268.2 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Jacobs Delay Impacts – Category 1 – Group Delta Consultants | $296,754.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the delays, delay-related impacts and resultant damages including, but not limited to, time-related overhead, associated expenses and delay escalation arising from events, acts and/or omissions occurring on the Project from September 1, 2017 to July 31, 2019 (the “Delay Period”) incurred by DFJV’s subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering, which caused, contributed to, or resulted in the extension of the Substantial Completion Deadline to February 14, 2022, and Final Acceptance Deadline to April 18, 2022, this extension having been ratified in the Authority’s previous settlement with DFJV in Change Order Nos.45.1 and 268. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00307 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Harlan Stevens Winery, Wristen Ditch Jack and Bore Design, and South Avenue Changes due to DL 43, 78, and Fresno Co | $218,137.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for DFJV to design and construct the Westside Access Maintenance Road within BNSF ROW. Notwithstanding, BNSF did not allow DFJV to use temporary shoring within their ROW. DL 78 and BNSFs change in applicable Third-Party Standards required DFJV to redesign Harlan Stevens Winery and Wristen Ditch irrigation facilities using jack and bore construction methods and to redesign the South Avenue roadway package, all reflected in the following submittals: Harlan Stevens Winery RFC Pre A, RFC 0, and RFC 0 Resubmittal, Wristen Ditch RFC 0, and South Avenue Notice of Design Change (NDC) No. 048, collectively the Change Order Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.31 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - March 2022 | $699,989.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of March 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00259 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Coopers Ditch Redesign - DESIGN ONLY | $102,348.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Order compensates DFJV and its design subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering (“Jacobs”), for 1) the cost to design/redesign the RFC submittals for Coopers Ditch to implement the Authority’s direction in DL 172 to change the design from a 48-inch reinforced concrete pipe (“RCP”) to a 6-foot span x 6-foot height single-cell precast RCBC (“Coopers Ditch Redesign Work”); and 2) compensates DFJV and Jacobs for the actual costs incurred to previously design/redesign Coopers Ditch from a 36-inch RCP, inside of 60-inch steel casing, to a 48-inch RCP, inside of 72-inch steel casing. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00314 | 6/9/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Design and Relocate Lumen Fiber Optic Utility Near FID | $916,218.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Lumen Fiber Optic Relocation Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00312 | 5/27/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Interim Time Extension | $14,179,557.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is (1) for the Parties to establish a schedule to complete the Collaborative Efforts Towards Completion (“CETC”) process established in Change Order 45.1 as per the attached Milestone Schedule (Exhibit A), including without limitation a contractually compliant, resource-loaded mitigated Revised Baseline Schedule (“RBS”); and (2) for DFJV to receive an interim Contract time extension and an interim equitable adjustment for certain costs associated with said extension, subject to the reservations herein. The time-related costs paid under this Change Order are based on a daily rate of $168,804.25 as set forth in DFJV-HSR-4422. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00300 | 5/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Cross Creek Structure Redesign- DL-42 Design Impacts Earthquake Design and Analysis-Design Only | $79,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Design Work to revise the dynamic site response analyses, develop final design earthquake ground motions, and reevaluate the adequacy of the foundation and structure design, collectively, the Cross Creek Structure Redesign Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00294 | 5/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Avenue 156 Underpass Revisions-DL-171 Design Only | $39,566.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Design Work for DFJV to revise Submittal S0824 Plan set Volume No. 311-Ave.156 to 1) furnish and install a one foot berm above original ground elevation surrounding the roadway within the limits of the roadway grading at the top of slope; 2) delete the installation of the Type 60 D concrete barrier at the private roadway Avenue 156 underpass and roadway; 3) design and install drainage at the low point of the roadway in the underpass and incorporate a drain inlet at the shoulder on both sides of the roadway, mounted on a precast concrete vault to accommodate drainage; 4) design the invert of the vault with aggregate base to allow rainwater to seep into the ground and provide drainage; 5) design the vault with a heavy-duty traffic-rated lid and grate inlet; 6) design lighting and power on the exterior of the structure to an electrical panel in coordination with the owner of parcel FB-54-0201, collectively, the Private Road Underpass Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00264.1 | 5/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Cole Slough Foundation Redesign for Concurrent Load Tests - DESIGN ONLY | $36,096.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the design change is for the Authority issued Directive Letter (DL)-122 which removed the requirement that test piles and shafts be verified for deep foundation design prior to installing production piles and shafts resulting in shortening the time needed for construction, testing, and verification of the load test results for production piles and shafts at this location. This directive letter also required DFJV to design based on conservative factors increasing the pile capacity/design length as a risk mitigation. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00311 | 5/17/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Deer Creek Viaduct - Steel Casing | $0.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is this Change Order temporarily reallocates budgeted amounts from the schedule of values from the Activity Descriptions listed below to a new budget line item (the Deer Creek Casing Pending Dispute Resolution line item) dedicated to the procurement of the materials listed above payable in accordance with General Provision 17.9. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00219.1 | 5/13/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional GEDR Revisions per DL-042 - DESIGN ONLY | $293,603.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the increased number of GEDR/GDR revisions required due to the use of GBR-B to advance design per Directive Letter (DL) No. 042. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00304 | 5/11/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Fresno Irrigation District (FID)-New Third Party Standards for Jack and Bore Design-Directive Letter DL-166-Design Only | $97,217.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for the Design work to prepare preliminary plans for the redesign of six crossings, collectively, the FID Crossing Redesign Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00292 | 5/11/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Wreden Ditch Plan Set – DL No. 00146 – DESIGN ONLY | $25,010.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the design change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs associated with the Wreden Ditch Design Work to develop a site-specific design. As a result, DFJV incurred additional costs beyond its original scope of work for efforts to design the Wreden Ditch private irrigation crossing, which include design development, a preliminary plan and profile sheet, memo preparation, quality control review, and updates based on Authority design review to ensure the Authority could obtain the necessary permit from CDFW and that DFJV could install a casing at the Wreden Ditch irrigation crossing, collectively the Wreden Ditch Design Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00290 | 5/11/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Wilson 230 and Oleander 19 ‐ New FID Requirements - DESIGN ONLY | $12,505.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the FID Redesign Work. The Fresno Irrigation District (FID) required Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture and its subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering, to make revisions to the designs requiring revised design efforts to revise the top of standpipe elevations and shifting baffle walls to provide a minimum of 18 of separation between baffle walls and standpipes to account for new high water marks, collectively the FID Redesign Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00295 | 4/28/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Caltrans CalME Pavement Calculations - DESIGN ONLY | $11,890.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Caltrans Design Standards Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00293 | 4/28/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | UPRR Temporary Fence Hanford Viaduct (DL 168) - DESIGN ONLY | $37,721.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for all costs associated with the additional efforts and costs to perform the DL 168 Design Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00267.1 | 4/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SR-137-Whitley Ave Cal Trans UTC - Construction Costs | $4,876,709.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Whitley Avenue Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00010.12 | 4/23/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Avenue 24 - Cast in Place Boxed Undercrossing | $13,076,256.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Avenue 24 Construction Work as described in this change order. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 169.1 | 4/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Southern California Gas (Sempra) Additional Cost | $15,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate DFJV for all costs required to pay costs related to Third-Party Facility Work as needed to effectuate relocations pursuant to the terms of the CP 2-3 Contract and the applicable Master/Cooperative Agreements. This obligation extends to Southern California Gas/Sempra (“Sempra”). Pursuant to the terms of the Master Agreement between Sempra and the Authority available at bid (the “Master Agreement”), the charges for relocation work imposed by Sempra Sempra’s costs for design and construction of its facilities at the locations as described in this Change Order (collectively, the “Relocations”). | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00297 | 4/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | V&V Construction Costs from November 2020 to September 2021 DL-116.1 - Design Only | $514,640.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the V&V Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00285 | 4/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Opaque Barriers at South Avenue | $608,004.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Opaque Barrier at South Avenue construction Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00287 | 4/22/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Keller North America Standby and Delay Costs | $332,091.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the BNSF Form B Moratorium Costs, including all categories of costs and expenses related to this work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00296 | 4/15/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Agreement for Settlement, Release, and Waiver for Intrusion Protection Barrier Work | $144,949,345.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for construction costs associated to construct all the IPB for the Project as described in the IPB Drawings including, but not limited to the cost of labor, materials, equipment, tools, software, software licenses, contractor and subcontractor markups, expert and technical consultations, engineering support, the preparation of all requisite reports and as-built plans and all other categories of costs and expenses necessary to carry out said Work. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00291 | 4/13/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Demolish Building – City of Corcoran | $97,638.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the Orange Avenue Demolition Work including all categories of costs and expenses related to this construction work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.30 | 4/13/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - February 2022 | $1,619,540.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of February 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00282 | 3/24/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Fresno Irrigation District Pipeline Damages | $29,817.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to repair the FID’s damaged irrigation pipe located at the Oleander South Branch of the South Branch Pipeline No. 19. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.29 | 3/24/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - January 2022 | $847,503.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley.The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of January 2022 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.28 | 3/24/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - December 2021 | $455,106.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of December 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00261.2 | 3/3/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Getting to Construction-Peach Avenue (Construction Only) and South Avenues (Design Only) | $178,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate for all costs necessary to carry out the COP 301.1 Work described herein including all categories of costs and expenses related to this work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00237 | 2/21/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Armona Ditch Rev SCE Conflicts | $3,455.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV for all costs necessary to carry out the SCE Drainage Ditch Design Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00277 | 2/21/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Harlan Stevens Ditch-200% Design Capacity Upsizing- DL-00025 and Additional Work Required by DL-00125 | $2,358,540.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design, furnish, and install 1) 269 LF of 78” sleeve and 278 LF of 54” RCP pipe inside the sleeve and 2) the associated ancillary structures required to relocate this CID canal to accommodate the project. Directive Letter-0025 changed the scope of Work by doubling the design capacity of this ditch thereby requiring an additional 269 LF of 78” sleeve and an additional 273 LF of 54” RCP pipe inside the sleeve to the revised transition structures and required revisions to the associated ancillary structures. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.27 | 2/17/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - November 2021 | $625,465.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley.The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of November 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00049.1 | 2/17/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Shrew Mitigation Measures Dutch John Cut – Hand Clearing | $146,827.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all costs necessary to carry out the BVLOS Mitigation Measures Work – Hand Clearing, including all categories of costs and expenses related to this work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00269 | 2/14/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tule River Structure Pre-Foundation Package | $250,392.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign to accelerate design completion of the Tule River structure before all the planned subsurface explorations were complete. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.26 | 2/14/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - October 2021 | $2,902,068.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of October 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00288 | 2/14/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | COP 697 – State Fire Marshal – Requested Changes | $11,860.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to carry out the new Office of the State Fire Marshal design requirement Work, including all categories of costs and expenses related to this work | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00060.4 | 2/14/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Alpaugh Irrigation District – Ground Disturbance | $158,400.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate DFJV for all costs paid to AID for AID’s performance of ground disturbance activities between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, on AID property/properties awaiting acquisition by the Authority for project purposes between July 2021 and June 2022. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00289 | 2/14/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Selma Building Lease Extension | $269,354.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture for the Selma Building Lease Extension through March 31, 2022. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00049.2 | 2/14/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Shrew Mitigation Measures Cole Slough - Hand Clearing | $131,389.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all costs necessary to carry out the BVLOS Mitigation Measures Work – Hand Clearing, including all categories of costs and expenses related to this work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.7 | 2/2/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extended Environmental Scope Services - May 2021 | $489,693.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs arising out of delay-related changes to the project schedule addressed by Change Order No. 45 (“CO 45”) and Change Order No. 45.1 (“CO 45.1”), where in CO 45.1, the Substantial Completion Deadline for the Project was extended from August 19, 2019, to February 14, 2022. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture and its subcontractors forall costsnecessary to carry out the Environmental Services Work between May 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.6 | 2/2/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extended Environmental Scope Services - April 2021 | $533,687.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs arising out of delay-related changes to the project schedule addressed by Change Order No. 45 (“CO 45”) and Change Order No. 45.1 (“CO 45.1”), where in CO 45.1, the Substantial Completion Deadline for the Project was extended from August 19, 2019, to February 14, 2022. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture and its subcontractors forall costsnecessary to carry out the Environmental Services Work between April 1, 2021, and April 30, 2021. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.5 | 2/2/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extended Environmental Scope Services - March 2021 | $417,163.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs arising out of delay-related changes to the project schedule addressed by Change Order No. 45 (“CO 45”) and Change Order No. 45.1 (“CO 45.1”), where in CO 45.1, the Substantial Completion Deadline for the Project was extended from August 19, 2019, to February 14, 2022. The reason for the change is to fully and completely compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture and its subcontractors forall costsnecessary to carry out the Environmental Services Work between March 1, 2021, and March 31, 2021. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00034.2 | 1/27/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Unforeseen Field Conditions - T&M | $150,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the DFJV and its subcontractors to provide necessary labor, equipment, material, tools, and incidentals and as directed by the Authority in the field, resolve any unforeseen work that could not have been determined at the time of Bid. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Unilaterally Executed | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00284 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Dutch John Cut & Cole Slough - Deeper Borings at CIDH Test Shaft Locations | $105,735.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the design changes for the geotechnical exploration borings requirements for the test pile shafts at Dutch John Cut and Cole Slough structure locations including all categories of costs and expenses related to this work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00283 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fargo Avenue - Overhead to Underground Utilities Relocation | $310,991.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the the redesign and relocation of the Fargo Avenue overhead electrical utilities to underground in coordination with SCE. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00261.1 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | 9th Avenue Pile Foundation Change –Eliminate Battered Piles | $70,231.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to eliminate battered piles and redesign the pile lengths and bridge foundations at the 9th Avenue Bridge. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00279 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hazardous Materials Encountered at Tule River Viaduct | $42,757.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the actual work performed on activities necessary to excavate, store, protect in place, accelerated testing, load, and off load hazardous materials to the proper disposal site at Bents 14-17 between the Tule River Viaduct and Avenue 144 on the west side of the BNSF tracks. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Unilaterally Executed | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.25 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - September 2021 | $262,950.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of September 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.24 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - August 2021 | $949,878.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of August 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00231.1 | 1/26/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Revise Overhead widths at Flint, Fargo, and Idaho Aves. (Type 2 Structures) and Modifications at Cairo Ave. (Type 1 Structure)-DL No. 00099 | $1,814,760.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is Directive Letter DL-00099 dated June 5, 2019, expanded the scope of work in Part B-Modifications of Selected Overhead widths-Modify the following overpasses to 40 foot clear roadway widths at Fargo Ave., Flint Ave., and Idaho Ave. and Part C, in part, Modifications at Cairo Ave. (Type 1 Structure) extends the Cairo Avenue structure by 5 feet to maintain a 32 foot clear roadway width. The additional clearance widths to design and construct these revised structures represents a change in the Scope of Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00203.1 | 1/25/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | COP 195.3A - Gejeian 164 – Jack & Bore Irrigation Facility | $771,419.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs and expenses required to perform the described work at the Gejeian 164 irrigation facility. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00268 | 1/19/2022 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Jacobs Delay Impacts | $7,874,092.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for delays, delay-related impacts and resultant damages including, but not limited to, time-related overhead, associated expenses and delay escalation arising from events, acts and/or omissions occurring on the Project from September 1, 2017 to July 31, 2019 (the “Delay Period”) incurred by DFJV’s subcontractor, Jacobs Engineering, which caused, contributed to, or resulted in the extension of the Substantial Completion Deadline to February 14, 2022, and Final Acceptance Deadline to April 18, 2022, this extension having been ratified in the Authority’s previous settlement with DFJV in Change Order 45.1. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00148.1 | 12/8/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Viaduct Superstructure - Civil | $50,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the actual work on the manufacture, installation, construction performed for/on Hanford Viaduct superstructure. | Brian Kelly - Chief Executive Officer | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00080.2 | 12/6/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Install Hot Tap on Water Line – Corcoran | $106,054.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to furnish and install a hot tap (tie-in the new 16” water line to the live existing water line) on both ends of the existing 16” water line on Avenue 4 1/2 in Corcoran at Stations 12+10 and 16+38 that is required to be relocated as set forth in Change Orders 80 and 80.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00278 | 12/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Salvador Ditch North Phasing | $270,838.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional mobilization and demobilization costs; costs to acquire and install round Sonovoid forms necessary to create a round void to connect both phases of pipe installation; slurry material and wire mesh reinforcing; costs to excavate, set, and install a temporary headwall and a connection to the existing headwall; removing and disposing of all temporarystructures before the second phase; and providing a temporary fix to the landowner’s driveway in between the phased work; collectively the “Salvador Ditch North Phased Work.” | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00270 | 11/17/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | HSR Embankment Change at Settlers Ditch per DL 144 | $21,115.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide for the alternative, “Plan B” design for the HSR embankment and retaining fill to cross the Settlers Ditch Company’s (SDC) West Branch Canal without needing to consider the SDC irrigation per DL 144. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00157.1 | 11/12/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Bevins Lateral Temporary Pass | $22,261.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to carry out the tasks to redesign the Bevins lateral irrigation crossing in Fresno County, California pursuant to DL 96. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00271 | 11/2/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Angiola Canal Redesign | $56,130.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design services related to the Angiola Canal crossing due to the implementation of DL 30. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00275 | 10/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Building 76 Miscellaneous Maintenance, Key Cards, and Alarm Codes | $25,000 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the all activities necessary to address the maintenance problems and access issues for the building commonly referred to by the Authority and DFJV as “Building 76.” | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00272 | 10/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | California Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) Reimbursement Agreement - PureGro Corcoran | $37,545 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the costs incurred by Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture (DFJV) for soil sampling, testing, and analysis required by the California Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) for the property located at 6911 Nevada Avenue in Corcoran, California. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.3 | 10/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extended Environmental Scope Services | $398,510 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs arising out of delay-related changes to the project schedule addressed by Change Order No. 45 (“CO 45”) and Change Order No. 45.1 (“CO 45.1”), where in CO 45.1, the Substantial Completion Deadline for the Project was extended from August 19, 2019, to February 14, 2022. This Change Order compensates DFJV for the following work executed between January 1, 2021, and January 31, 2021, collectively the “Environmental Services Work.” | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.4 | 10/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extended Environmental Scope Services | $368,981 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs arising out of delay-related changes to the project schedule addressed by Change Order No. 45 (“CO 45”) and Change Order No. 45.1 (“CO 45.1”), where in CO 45.1, the Substantial Completion Deadline for the Project was extended from August 19, 2019, to February 14, 2022. This Change Order compensates DFJV for the following work executed between February 1, 2021, and February 28, 2021, collectively the 'Environmental Services Work." | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00024.21 | 10/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hazardous Materials – Asbestos and Lead Abatement – 2460 E. Manning Ave. | $163,292 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the demolition Work required to remove and dispose of hazardous waste materials (asbestos and lead) and demolish the structures at 2460 E. Manning Avenue in Fresno, California. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00273 | 10/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Increase Carrier Pipe Size | $28,496 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign of the carrier pipe used to relocate the Selma Branch Ditch canal through HSR embankment by increasing the diameter of the carrier pipe from 42 inches to 48 inches based on direction by the Authority in Directive Letter 132. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00070.1 | 10/19/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | GTC - Kent Kansas Phase 2 | $647,100 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture (DFJV) for all costs necessary to carry out the loading, transporting, and returning the stockpiled material to the embankments. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00267 | 10/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Whitley Ave (SR137) Design Changes for Caltrans UTC | $867,600 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate DFJV and its subcontractors for all costs necessary to redesign the Whitley Avenue/SR 137 overcrossing from a two lane to a four-lane design in compliance with Caltrans’ Ultiamte Transportation Concept (UTC) requirements. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00262 | 10/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Hanford Armona – AT&T Utility Relocation | $46,392 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to relocate an AT&T utility pole and install associated conduit and ductbanks necessary to provide telephone service to Baker Commodities, Inc. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00263 | 10/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Nighttime Construction Light Shading | $91,346 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensates DFJV and its subcontractors to prepare a construction lighting impact analysis, cost estimates for installation, maintenance, and removal of temporary shade cloth or other light baffling methods to all construction activities at Deer Creek, Deer Creek Retention Basin (Reservoir 3), and Lake Alpaugh (Reservoir 2) areas during hours pursuant to Directive Letter 115, and design engineering support for the lighting plan selected by the Authority, collectively the Work. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00274 | 10/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Caltrans Specifications Change – Radar Feedback Sign(s) at Tule River Bypass | $45,297 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to install a “radar speed feedback sign” at the Tule River Bypass on State Route 43, in compliance with the 2018 Caltrans Standard Specifications. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00177.1 | 10/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lawrence Ditch Grading at Te Velde Dairy | $54,510 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work related to the increased earthwork quantities at the Pacific Rim Dairy Ponds and Te Velde Canal that were previously authorized by Change Order No. 177 (CO 177) and Directive Letter No. 62 (DL 62). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00060.3 | 10/15/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Alpaugh Irrigation District Ground Disturbance | $52,800 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for costs DFJV paid to Alpaugh Irrigation District (AID) at the Authority’s request for its (AID’s) performance of ground disturbance activities every 30 days from March 2021 through June 2021 on AID right of way which is awaiting acquisition by the Authority for project purposes. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.23 | 10/14/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - July 2021 | $1,151,483 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of July 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00034.1 | 9/28/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Clearing Authority Parcels - T&M | $1,000,000 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all activities necessary to clear properties/parcels acquired by the Authority which are not required for the construction of the CP 2-3 Project so as to remove vegetation (such as trees, logs, stumps, tree roots, brush, grass, weeds) and other materials such as concrete, masonry or debris including demolition of buildings, structures, and other types of encroachments/improvements. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00113.1 | 9/28/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Wristen Ditch Additional Concrete Lining | $558,303 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide an additional 334 linear feet (17,638 sq. ft) of concrete lining for the realigned Wristen Ditch between Stations 27+86 and 31+20. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00060.2 | 9/27/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | AID - Ground Disturbance | $169,400 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for costs DFJV paid to Alpaugh Irrigation District (AID) at the Authority’s request for its (AID’s) performance of ground disturbance activities every 30 days from December 2019 through February 2021 on AID right of way which is awaiting acquisition by the Authority for project purposes. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00261 | 9/27/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Peach Ave - Pile Foundation Change - Eliminate Battered Piles | $128,235 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to eliminate battered piles and redesign the pile lengths and bridge foundations at the Peach Avenue Bridge. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00146.1 | 9/27/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Davis and Elkhorn - BNSF Structure CAD Standards-Additional Changes Made during the Resubmittal Process and Revise CWCS to 2019 BNSF Standard Sepceifications (LTR0925) | $165,926 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise its design drawings to meet BNSF CAD bridge structure standards relating to the additional scope of work required by the Authority for five additional design changes to both the Davis and Elkhorn Ditches. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00266 | 9/27/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Clear & Grub Parcels FB-16-0017-02-01 and FB- 16-0915-10-01 | $211,633 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to clear parcels FB-16-0017-02-01 and FB 16-0915-01-01 which are owned by the Authority but outside the footprint of the CP2-3 project. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00264 | 9/24/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Foundation Redesign for Concurrent Load Tests | $236,918 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to redesign foundations and develop a revised pile testing plan for the following bridge structures: 1) SR-43 Tied Arch Bridge and 2) Deer Creek Bridge as directed by the Authority in Directive Letter 122, issued August 14, 2020. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.22 | 9/21/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - June 2021 | $1,439,717 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of June 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.21 | 9/21/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - May 2021 | $859,814 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of May 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00233.1 | 9/21/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Sweeper Civil Work | $48,783 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the following design changes at all elevated (type 1) structures: 1) Design and construct all required cable troughs within the space between available trackway parapet walls and trackside derailment walls; 2) Design cable troughs and lids capable of supporting emergency walkways and anticipated maintenance work loads; 3) Cable troughs and lids shall be capable of supporting emergency walkway and anticipated maintenance work loads; 4) Cable trough inverts shall be constructed to allow proper drainage Specifically, this change order compensates DFJV only for the cost to update design drawings implementing the design changes described supra at the locations and structures described in collectively the Cable Trough Design Drawing Work. The Cable Trough Design Drawing Work also includes revisions to Directive Drawings DD-ST-900 and DD-ST-903. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 140.1 | 7/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tied Arch Bridge 1H-03 Highland | $1,491,429 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to construct concrete-in-hole (CIDH) test and production piles at bridge structure 1H-03 Tied Arch Bridge, Highland Street. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00258 | 7/13/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Dutch John Cut Hammerhead Piers | $144,768 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign of the Dutch John Cut bridge necessitated by new information obtained as a result of access to the property where it is located, and subsurface and soil studies conducted thereon. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00253 | 7/8/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Cole Slough Structure | $156,420 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign of the Cole Slough bridge and abutments necessitated by new information obtained as a result of partial access to the property where it/they is/are located and subsurface and soil studies conducted thereon. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00251 | 7/6/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party | Bevins Casing for Fresno County Maintenance Requirements | $8,887 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a steel casing around irrigation pipe owned by Consolidated Irrigation District (CID) under Floral Avenue at the request of Fresno County. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00254 | 7/6/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | MINA Orchards - Utility Crossing | $292,765 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for electric service line underneath HSR embankment at engineering station 2927+50 for the benefit of Mina Orchard, LLC as required by the terms of the Tulare County Superior Court order entered in case No. 265376 (an eminent domain action filed by the Authority). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.20 | 6/29/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - April 2021 | $342,772 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for escalation for the month of April 2021 which is calculated pursuant to the formula set forth in Change Order 45.1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00252 | 6/29/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Telecommunications_Video Surveillance Services or Equipment | $35,404 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the “Video Equipment Replacement Work”, which includes the cost to replace and install video surveillance equipment at project storage yards and office facilities at the following locations: Selma HUB Office, Segment 1 Field Office, Segment 3 Field Office. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00256 | 6/29/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Costs related to DTSC – Approved Soil Sampling Workplan not covered by CO 115 | $60,742 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the soil sampling, testing, and analysis required by the California Department of Toxic Substances (DTSC) for the property located at the former PureGrow Facility in Corcoran, California purchased by the Authority for the project. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00257 R1 | 6/29/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Sempra - Avenue 24 | $1,984,054 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for Directive Letter No. 98 (DL 98) instructing DFJV to design and construct the Avenue 24 undercrossing in Tulare County. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00155.1 | 6/21/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Additional Bond Costs | $11,106,009 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is additional direct costs of performance and payment bond premiums in excess of: (1 ) the $77,000,000 line item in the Signature Document base contract price (FRA Cost Code 40-FC-8005 Mobilization, Insurance, and Bonds), (2) the $14,470,000 paid under Change Order No. 00045.1 for the extension of the revised Substantial Completion Deadline to February 14, 2022 and increase in the contract price to $1,909,641,887. | Brian Kelly - CEO | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00240 | 6/11/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Crotch Bumble Bee Survey | $26,113 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is because the Crotch Bumble Bee (CBB) was added to the California Endangered Species List on June 18, 2019, requiring an amendment to the Authority’s Master Streambed Alteration Agreement (MSAA) with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). The Authority subsequently issued Directive Letter 128 (DL 128) instructing DFJV to draft a survey protocol for the CBB to include habitat suitability analysis and survey methodology and to coordinate with the Project Biologist, Randi McCormick, and the Authority and to present the protocol to CDFW for review and approval, collectively the “CBB Protocol Work”. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.2 | 6/4/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Extended Environmental Scope Services | $2,992,956 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional costs arising out of delay-related changes to the project schedule addressed by Change Order 45 (CO 45) and Change Order 45.1 (CO 45.1), whereby the Substantial Completion Deadline for the Project was extended from August 19, 2019 to February 14, 2022. As a result of the extension of the Substantial Completion Date, it became necessary to expand the scope of environmental compliance work provided by subcontractor Dudek Environmental Services (Dudek) during construction activities giving rise to a compensable change pursuant to General Provision 17.2(16). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00249 | 6/1/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Soft Soils - Segment 3 | $212,313 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to carry out all the analyses required to delineate the extent of ground improvements needed for the Segment 3 South embankment footprint south of Avenue 56, including, but not limited to, Flac3D modeling that was performed at the request of the Authority to refine the CVR estimates from the WinSASW analyses and delineate which areas and which soil layers need to be mitigated through ground improvement. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.19 | 5/27/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - March 2021 | $640,128 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of March 2021 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.18 | 5/21/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - February 2021 | $302,525 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of February 2021 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.17 | 5/21/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - January 2021 | $500,179 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of January 2021 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00197.2 | 4/20/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | BNSF Form B Delays | $31,232.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the extra costs incurred due to BNSF's cancellations for flaggers and not providing the Form B coverage required for the DFJV's referenced subcontractor to perform the construction Work at Wristen Ditch. The dates of these Form B cancellations are 6/19/2020, 7/20/2020, 7/21/2020, and 7/27/2020. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00250.1 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Kings County Water District (KCWD) – Improvements at Batti Basin | $37,789.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Work to furnish and install trash racks for the box culvert at the east side of Batti Basin directed by the Authority to implement Kings County Water District (KCWD) new requirement. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00239 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Cross Creek Clearance | $19,750.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to implement the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00121 Cross Creek North/South Side Access” in accordance with Corcoran Irrigation District’s (Corcoran ID) access requirements for the North/South Side Access to Cross Creek. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00197.1 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | BNSF Form B Delays | $18,122.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the extra costs incurred due to BNSF's cancellations for flaggers and not providing the Form B coverage required for the DFJV's referenced subcontractor to perform the construction Work at Conejo Ave. The dates of these Form B cancellations are 7/17/2020, and 07/23/2020. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00197.3 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | BNSF Form B Delays | $56,485.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for the extra costs incurred due to BNSF's cancellations for flaggers and not providing the Form B coverage required for the DFJV's referenced subcontractor to perform the construction Work at Mountain View Ave. The dates of these Form B cancellations are 07/24/2020, 7/27/2020, and 7/28/2020. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00250 | 4/14/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Kings County Water District – Batti Basin Trash Racks | $58,460.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional Work to design the trash racks for the box culvert at Batti Basin directed by the Authority per Kings County Water District new requirement. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00024.20 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hazardous Materials – 9909 Ponderosa Rd | $24,596.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the demolition Work for the concrete slab removal and disposal of Asbestos containing hazardous materials located at 9909 Ponderosa Road. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00243 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fresno County Design Exceptions/Betterments | $438,757.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the design, preparation of exhibits, coordination, and conceptual submittals for Fresno County in order to address out of scope and betterment requests regarding design speeds, criteria, and applicable standards. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00232 | 4/16/2021 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | IPB Redesign to Eliminate Retaining Wall | $842,934.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the cost of the additional design Work to revise the design for the Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) requirements per the Authority issued Directive Letter No. 00043.4 and Request for Information (RFI) No.771.1 which represents a change to Third Party Standards, Directive Drawings, and Design Criteria Manual requirements. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00245 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Segment 3 South Additional Geophysical Testing | $82,897.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the Work is for additional geophysical testing for Segment 3 - South. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00244 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Soil Sampling, Analysis & Reporting for HSRA / DTSC at 6505 Nevada Ave. | $40,639.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Soil Sampling, Analysis & Reporting for HSRA/DTSC at 6505 Nevada Ave. (Former Pure Gro Facility Site). | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00238 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Asphalt Grindings/Dust Control at Holt Property | $82,366.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Work to furnish, place, and maintain asphalt grindings as dust control measures so that DFJV could utilize the Holt property (FB-16-0459) to access the test piles on the south side of Cross Creek. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00248 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Revised Track Embankment | $660,243.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform extra design modification/construction work related to the Alpaugh Irrigation District’s (“AID”) Reservoir Nos. 2 & 3 levees and Deer Creek Viaduct area pursuant to HSRA’s issuance of three Directive Letters (DLs) #’s 00111, 00111.1 and 00111.2. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00229 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Harlan Stevens (Winery) – Vent Modification Study | $9,556.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the vent design modification study directed by HSRA for the Harlan Stevens Ditch at the Vie Del Winery property. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00247 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Conejo IPB RFC Wall Plans | $13,225.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work per the Authority issued Directive Letter Nos. 43 through 43.5 for submittal and preparation for a separate IPB Ready for Construction (RFC) Wall plan set for two retaining walls (T110 and T112) adjacent to the Conejo Viaduct structure. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00241 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Segment 3 Settlement | $298,620.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work for the evaluation of settlement time periods in Segment 3 South and the development of schedule mitigation measures for four affected structures related to settlement: Stoil Spur, station 3675+98, Avenue 24, and Deer Creek. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00246 | 3/3/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extra Work / Expansion of Precast Yard | $3,774,352.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional construction Work to be performed as outlined in Construction Memo No. 227, dated September 11, 2020. DFJV is to clear and grub the excess land and for the expansion of the precast yard to develop the EBC Farms property adjacent to its precast yard to increase storage capacity. This Change Order is a schedule mitigation measure. Work to be performed at the following parcels FB-16-0440-1,-2,-4,-5 and FB-16-0119-1. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00231 | 3/1/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Nevada OH Elimination, Irrigation, and Access Road Revisions | $71,693.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign Work per the Authority issued Directive Letter No. 00099 “ Revise Select Kings County Locations per Settlement Agreement.” Per the Directive Letter, Nevada Avenue is to be closed at the High-Speed Rail (HSR) alignment and DFJV is to address impacts due the overpass elimination. Nevada Avenue east of HSR alignment will be closed by cul-de-sac and the intersection of SR-43 and Nevada Avenue will be closed to the east. The scope of services required by the implementation of DL 00099 shall include the addition of a Cul-De-Sac for Nevada Avenue and associated design associated with the roadway and drainage. | Ben Ruiz - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00242 | 2/19/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Out of Sequence Work – Dover Avenue | $1,493,542 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the out of sequence construction Work to build the embankment on East/West Dover and South 8th Avenue. In accordance with the Project Schedule, the roadway embankments at Dover Avenue and South 8th Avenue were to be constructed during concurrent with the guideway embankment that took place between June 2020 and October 2020. Due to late removal of the interfering PG&E utilities, the roadway embankments could not be constructed as originally planned by DFJV. The scope of this Change Order covers the following additional scope of work as a result of the inability to construct as originally planned. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.16 | 2/19/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - December 2020 | $879,147 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of December 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00206 | 2/19/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | PG&E Provisional Sum Task Order 30.4 – Addendum to Task Order 30.Bldg.Rental | $104,908 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the payment for the rental Building 76 located at 1775 Park Street, Selma, CA, which is an addition to the office space required per Book 1, Part B.1 – 13 of the Special Provisions. The payment will be paid for the rental period starting on April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2022. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00176 | 2/19/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | South Avenue Temporary PG&E Line Conflict | $384,678 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for a specialty crane (MLC300 385-ton crawler crane) and associated crane mats, additional crane de-mobilization and mobilizations required to cross the BNSF track, as required to avoid a conflicting PG&E power line. This Work was performed to mitigate schedule delays. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00218 | 2/19/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tied Arch Bridge 1H-03 Highland CAWF 42 Girders and Isolation Bearings | $1,870,088 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to fabricate and deliver the concrete precast floor beams (CAWF 42 Girders) and the Isolation Bearings for the SR43 Concrete Tied Arch Bridge. This is a supplemental Change Order for the super-structure portion of the SR43 Concrete Tied Arch Bridge while the super-structure is being finalized. An adjustment to the costs will be made accordingly in the final Change Order for the super-structure. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00234 | 2/9/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Placed Shoulder Backing | $203,284 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional construction Work per the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00136 Placed Shoulder Backing,” which requires DFJV to place shoulder backing material, 3-feet, on both shoulders of Cedar Avenue between Elkhorn Avenue and Conejo Avenue in Fresno County, in accordance with specifications in Section 19-9 “Shoulder Backing” of the Caltrans 2015 Standards Specifications. The Authority has elected to use the low-price proposal (Papich Construction) submitted by the DFJV and acknowledges that the pricing assumes that the material generated onsite will meet the Shoulder Backing specification noted above. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00137.1 | 1/29/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Storage Issues at Pre-Cast Yard | $4,943,442 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason is for the relocation of the Tub Girder production for the bridges listed below to Authority right-of-way near Cole Slough: Kings River Bridge, Dutch John Cut Bridge, Cole Slough Bridge, Conejo Bridge | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00233 | 1/29/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Sweeper Civil Works | $570,580 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional cost and design Work for the Type 1 structures required per the Authority issued “Directive Letter (DL) No. 00105 Sweeper Civil Work”, with the exclusion of item 1 (design of the stairways) in DL 00105. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00168.1 | 1/26/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Extended Environmental Scope (Dudek Invoices) | $2,579,837 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is additional environmental compliance Work resulting from the Right-of-Way (ROW) delays. These costs are from April 1st, 2020 to July 31st, 2020. Additional costs beyond these dates will be evaluated in accordance with the Contract. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00227 | 1/26/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Kings County Utility Agreement | $108,230 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to redo all design submittal packages to Kings County due to the Kings County Utility Agreement executed on June 8, 2020, which requires DFJV/Jacobs to resubmit all design submittal packages which were previously approved by the Authority on majority of the Kings County crossings submittals. This change incurred due to the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00006 Project Submittals to Kings County and Directive Letter No. 00055 Use of Zumwalt Hanson and Associate as Kings Co. Representative”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00230 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans Pavement 40 Year Design Life | $6,693 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to update the pavement design life for Roadway Pavements to 40 years per Caltrans Highway Design Manual (HDM) 2018 revisions which changed pavement design life from 20 to 40 years. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.15 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - November 2020 | $908,783 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of November 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00194 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Provide Sand for Stuber Property FB-16-0243 | $13,441 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to supply sand to the property owner of FB-16-0243 per the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00107 Diaz Property FB-16-0144, FB-16-0145 and Stuber Property FB-16-0243”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00213 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Pure Grow (DTSC) HazMat Stockpile/Disposal | $666,678 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work for excavation, stockpiling, transportation, and disposal of Non-RCRA materials currently known at this time, approximately 5990.29 tons for the previously unidentified pesticide laden hazardous materials at the Pure Grow site and will haul it to Clean Harbors, a cost-effective disposal facility that will accept this material at the Buttonwillow location in California. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00202 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | BNSF CP Bowles Remobilization | $700,568 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the three additional mobilizations for the construction Work to complete the CP Bowles Work to mitigate delays in Right-of-Way delivery. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00224 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Demolition at Gray Property at Ponderosa | $9,416 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work for remobilization and trucking disposal of materials at a private property structure on FB-16-0132 located at the Ponderosa Subdivision. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00225 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Priority Irrigation Packages | $143,760 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work resulting from preparing separate design submittals to mitigate Right-of-Way (ROW) delays for the following irrigation facilities: Consolidated Irrigation District (CONSID) - Priority 2, Fresno Irrigation District (FID) - Priority 2, Kings County Water District (KCWD) - Priority 2, Peoples Ditch Company (PDC) - Priority 2, Lakeside Ditch Company (LDC) - Priority 2, JG Boswell (JGB) - Segment 3 - Priority 2, Corcoran Irrigation District (CORCID) - Segment 3 Priority 1, Corcoran Irrigation District (CORCID) - Segment 3 Priority 2 | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00226 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Nebraska Multiple Span Addition | $456,562 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to extend the bridge at Nebraska Avenue by three additional spans and add retaining walls to support the roadway embankment to the east of the structure. In addition to designing the new bridge spans and retaining wall configuration, Jacobs must reevaluate and revise the roadway embankment, drainage system, and utilities in and adjacent to the revised structure footprint per the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 61.2 Nebraska Multiple Span Addition”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00228 | 1/20/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Harlan Steven Winery | $45,425 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work and scope change as part of the ongoing coordination with the Vie-Del Winery, DFJV shall modify the standpipe design and the concrete collar connection to the east of the BNSF mainline tracks for the Harlan Stevens Ditch - North Pipe design package. These modifications to the standpipe connection east of BNSF are required to allow for the future redevelopment of the winery facilities and the operation of truck traffic over and across the planned Corcoran Irrigation District (CID) project improvements for the Harlan Stevens (Winery) Irrigation Canal per the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00125 Harlan Stevens Ditch - North Pipe Standpipe Modification”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00193 | 1/7/21 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Settlers Branch RCB Shoring- Hanford Armona | $176,117 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional construction Work to install shoring to mitigate delays due to delays in right of way acquisitions necessary for PG&E overhead lines relocations. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00217 | 12/29/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Track Packages_NDCs | $76,518 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design work to provide the “Track Package Notice of Design Changes (NDCs) design submittal packages, due to Delayed Geotech Data to support the advancement of RFC Track packages by defining what portions of the package have the final geotechnical information that is available to proceed to construction. The NDCs were prepared as a mitigation measure in order to advance the design per Directive Letter (DL) No. 00042 “Use of Geotechnical Baseline Report for Bid”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00220 | 12/29/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Impact due to Design Hold at the 90% | $149,272 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work per the Authority issued “Directive Letter (DL) No. 00042 Use of Geotechnical Baseline Report for Bid” provided direction to advance the design to a pre-RFC stage utilizing the GBR-B and other geotechnical information provided to the DFJV during bid phase for areas where access has not been available to perform geotechnical exploration activities. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00191 | 12/29/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Wildlife Entrap Ramp Irrigation | $40,908 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Final design Work to design (11) wildlife escape ramps within irrigation district facilities as described in the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00106 CDFW – Escape Ramps” | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 0024.19 | 12/29/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Hazardous Materials – 2742 8 ½ Ave. and Cairo Ave. | $76,084 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the cost of the remediation Work to be performed on a Time and Material Basis (T&M) for the abatement of hazardous waste materials of the asbestos and lead contamination at 2742 8 ½ Avenue and Cairo Avenue. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00223 | 12/22/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Additional Field Exploration | $2,297,312 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs incurred (between April 15, 2018 and July 24, 2020) associated with the geotechnical field exploration program due to delayed delivery of the Right-of-Way (ROW) per the Right-of-Way Acquisition Plan (ROWAP). | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00199 | 12/22/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Critical Velocity 3D Validation/Modeling | $755,453 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the design work and computer software to implement a numerical modelling for the CP2-3 embankment design using 3D FEM. The design work includes submittal of technical Report (Geo-Dynamic 3D Modelling of Track Bed and Rail Embankment), technical analysis of the soft soil Segment 3 South area (SEG3S) conditions, and the technical collaborative effort necessary to issue DL 074, DL 109, 109.1, and 110. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00221 | 12/21/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Use of GBR-B for GEDR/GDR’s to Advance Design | $2,079,682 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to develop multiple Geotechnical Engineering Design Reports (GEDRs) using the Geotechnical Baseline Report — Bid (GBR-B) to advance the Design and updating the GEDRs and Geotechnical Data Report (GDR) as new geotechnical data is available from field investigation as a mitigation measure per the Authority issued Directive Letter No. 00042 “Use of Geotechnical Baseline Report for Bid”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00219 | 12/18/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional GEDR Revisions | $387,569 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design Work for developing multiple Geotechnical Engineering Design Reports (GEDRs) using the Geotechnical Baseline Report – Bid (GBR-B) to advance the Design and updating the GEDRs and Geotechnical Data Report (GDR) as soon as new geotechnical data is available from the field investigation. The additional GEDR revisions are per the Authority issued Directive Letter No. 00042; “Use of Geotechnical Baseline Report for Bid”. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.14 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - October 2020 | $914,233 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of October 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00185 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | AT&T Temporary Relocation at Elkhorn | $150,996 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work for a temporary AT&T relocation for mitigation due to the ROW delays on the start of the Elkhorn civil structure. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00204 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | BNSF East Access Road | $264,789 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to implement the changes requested by BNSF on the track realignment packages for CP Bowles, CP Monmouth, and Conejo Siding. Jacobs will design an east side access road and create additional CPUC exhibits to show accessibility to the proposed overhead structures along the BNSF corridor. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00205 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tule River SR 43 Detour Change | $145,659 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design work to revise the Tule River SR43 Detour MOT Plan. This bypass is a mitigation measure to allow the construction of the bridges to progress sooner and to prevent the compaction of work activities associated with the schedule critical path. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00207 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Irrigation Phased Construction Plans | $51,035 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work for the phased construction plans for the Fresno Irrigation District (FID) crossing the BNSF ROW in the northern most six miles of the alignment for CP 2-3 due to the lack of a Relocation and Construction (R&C) agreement between the Authority and BNSF. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00208 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Dias and Stuber Property | $57,799 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional costs incurred due to the Authority issued “Directive Letter (DL) No. 00107 Dias and Stuber Property” to perform testing of the HSR embankment for human waste from STA 1867+10 to STA 192+00at 200 feet intervals. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00211 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | H&H Reports | $262,569 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work and cost incurred in creating and processing Hydrology & Hydraulics (“H&H”) sub-Reports due to related ROWs not being delivered in the manner and timeframes as indicated in the Contract. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 222 | 12/17/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) Part 3 | $1,235,242 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to revise the design for the Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) requirements per the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00043.4 Intrusion Protection Barrier” and Request for Information (RFIs) Nos.715 and 716 which represents a change to Third Party Standards, Directive Drawings, and DCM requirements. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00173 | 11/25/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Unforeseen Field Conditions - Unknown | $22,493 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the additional construction Work for the removal of unforeseen irrigation line buried below subgrade at four separate locations. Station S604+50: Removal of unforeseen Irrigation Line buried below subgrade. Station S681+50: Removal of unforeseen Irrigation Line buried below subgrade. Station 707+00 to 709+10: Removal of unforeseen Irrigation Line buried below subgrade. Station S897+00: Removal of unforeseen Irrigation Line buried below subgrade. FB-10-0385-3 | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00186 | 11/24/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | BNSF Westside Access Road | $79,593 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for all Final Design Work effort required to revise the BNSF West Side Access Road plans resulting from the issuance of Directive Letter 43.4 and RFI 715. Directive Letter 43.4 changed the design of the Intrusion Protection Barrier. The changes in turn impacted the BNSF West Side Access Road plans, which required revisions. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00200 | 11/24/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CIDH Piles at Tule River Viaduct | $537,373 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the extra costs incurred for the stand-by costs for the specialized Drilling Equipment (Bauer BG 45 Rotary Drilling Rig Drill and SCC Crane) between March 24, 2020 and October 16, 2020 (146 Working days), due to the Authority failure to deliver the Right-of-Way (ROW) by March 1, 2020, specifically the parcels necessary for the western alignment of the Tule River Viaduct, which resulted in further delays in the relocation of several utilities (PG&E power lines, Gas and Water lines) that interfere with the construction activities and use of the specialized equipment. Supplemental costs will be evaluated in accordance with the Contract. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00201 | 11/24/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CIDH Remobilization – Tule River Viaduct | $316,407 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work at Tule River Viaduct. DFJV and its subcontractor will erect equipment for drilling CIDH piles at bents 3E thru 6E will re-mobilize the CIDH equipment on the east side of the Tule River over to the west side of the Tule River as a mitigation measure due to the Right-of-Way (ROW) delays. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00197 | 11/20/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | BNSF Form B Delays | $132,736 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for extra costs incurred due to BNSF’s cancellations for flaggers and not providing the Form B coverage required for the DFJV’s referenced subcontractor to perform the construction Work. The dates of these Form B cancellations are 9/20/19, 9/26/19, 9/27/19, 10/3/19, 10/4/19, 10/18/19 and 10/28/19. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00198 | 11/20/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier - DESIGN ONLY Part 2 | $2,011,079 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional Part 2 design Work to revise the design for the Intrusion Protection Barrier requirements along railroad corridors in the Design Criteria Manual per the Authority issued Directive Letter 43.3 Intrusion Protection Barrier. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00203 | 11/20/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Taylor Ditch - DESIGN ONLY | $311,144 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for final design Work to redesign the Taylor Ditch irrigation facility that requires modification as part of incorporating a maintenance access road on the western edge of the BNSF existing and future rights-of-way per the issued Authority Directive Letters (DL)00078/78.1 "Jack & Bore Irrigation Facilities Impacted by BNSF Westside Road”. This Change Order also compensates DFJV for incorporation of the design of pipe collars into the current design plans for Taylor’s Ditch design per issued Authority Directive Letter No. 00118. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00050.2 | 11/19/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | AAAT Bike – Pedestrian Underpass - DESIGN ONLY | $2,825,675 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to construct a bikeway and pedestrian underpass for Atwell Island/Atwell/Allensworth Trail (AAAT) at Station 3809+66 of the HSR alignment per Authority issued Directive Letter Nos. 63 and 63.1 and per RFC plan set 1 002 029. Civil work includes grading and access restriction fencing work. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00179 | 11/19/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Areas Available to Work — Out of Sequence S3 | $3,956,911 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the out of sequence Work for installation of guideway embankment between Station 3729+00 to 3753+50 (Area A), and Station 4013+50 to 4045+55 (Area K) “Phase I” as shown on Exhibit 1 (GE-A0007-S3P2). This out of sequence work is a mitigation measure to the ROW procurement delays due to late ROW delivery, delayed third party relocations and environmental clearances. This Change Order will allow potential early construction starts with modified sequence. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00188 | 11/19/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lawrence Ditch - DESIGN ONLY | $86,001 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work to incorporate Lower Tule River Irrigation District (LTRID) request for design changes at Lawrence Ditch. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00212 | 11/19/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lansing Avenue Underpass | $4,952,329 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work of the Lansing Avenue Wreden Ranch (Agricultural) Underpass at HSR Station S2, 2462+13.14, per the Authority issued “Directive Letter No. 00075.1 Agricultural Underpass at Lansing Avenue.” DFJV will construct the underpass as shown on plan set 1 002 072_Pre-A_S1134_RFC_Seg2_Lansing Ave UP Plans dated Mar 29, 2019. The DFJV has anticipated constructing this Work in one continuous operation and no phasing is included in the price. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00215 | 11/19/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DOORS Architecture | $1,535,917 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for technical and administrative Work to restructure the Requirement Management (RM) database according to Directive Letter No. 00104 DOORS ARCHITECTURE. Except as modified by Directive Letter No. 00104. No Verification and Validation or other CP2-3 contract requirements are eliminated or superseded. This Change Order compensates SENER for Time and Materials (T&M) work through August 31, 2020 and the remaining Lump Sum work for both SENER and the DFJV through the Revised Substantial Completion Deadline as noted in CCO No. 0045.1. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00214 | 11/18/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Salvador Ditch North | $2,399,592 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for construction Work at Salvador Ditch North as revised due to the construction of Lansing Avenue Wreden Ranch (Agricultural) Underpass at HSR Station S2, 2462+13.14. DFJV will construct the Canal improvements as shown on plan set 1 001 4 32_NDC138_S0494_IRR_JGB_P2-S2_Salvador_For_District_Approval Plans as prepared by Jacobs dated 5/28/2020 per the new requirement from JG Boswell. The DFJV has anticipated constructing this Work in one continuous operation and no phasing is included in the price. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00045.13 | 11/12/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Escalation Costs – September 2020 | $903,757 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the accumulative escalation costs for the month of September 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 00177 | 11/2/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Pacific Rim Dairy Ponds – Increased Earthwork Quantities | $2,257,120 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for construction Work for the changed conditions at Pacific Rim Dairy Ponds. Increasing Earthwork Quantities in the amount of 70,892 cubic yards due to configuration changes per “Directive Letter No. 00062 Te Velde Canal” and from HSRA ROW /parcel acquisition delays, as depicted in the Lower Tule Irrigation District plans and cross-sections attached. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 0086.12 | 11/2/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossing Segments 1&2 | $720,558 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for final construction efforts required to install steel casings in the trackway embankment for crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities. The location and quantity of casings have been confirmed through Requests For Information (RFI). | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.13 | 10/31/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossing Segments 2 | $919,540.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for all final construction efforts required to install steel casings in the trackway embankment for crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.12 | 10/27/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - August 2020 | $1,000,635 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of August 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 174 | 10/23/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Agricultural Debris – FB 10-0446 | $11,648 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work per direction of the Authority for the removal and disposal of agricultural debris from the remaining property that the landowner placed onto the acquired Project Right-of-Way (ROW) (FB-10-0446). | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 183 | 10/16/20 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Silveira Box Culvert Ave 156 DESIGN | $56,287 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional design Work to revise the dimensions of the box culvert structure at FB-54-0201, Silveira. The size of the three season undercrossing at approximately Sta 2983+00 shall be revised to a 15’ x 25’ box culvert structure per the Authority issued Directive Letter (DL) No. 00059.1 “Silveira Box Culvert Increased Height”. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 178 | 10/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Salvador South Irrigation Crossing - DESIGN | $109,020 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign Work per the new requirement from JG Boswell to redesign the Salvador South irrigation crossing from a 60” reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) to a 5’ x 5’ reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC). at Flint Avenue. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 184 | 10/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Corcoran Hatching - DESIGN | $95,984 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the design work to resequence for Corcoran Irrigation District facilities. This added scope of work is a mitigation measure implemented in order to advance the design to construction. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 187 | 10/13/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tied Arch Bridge Pt. 2 - DESIGN | $1,066,898 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional design Work not included in prior Change Order 00105. These additional costs are for the structures design progression at (IH-03) SR43 Tied Arch Bridge-90% through RFC Design & Prior to Final Design (PFD) Packages, Roadway MOT Plans per Directive Letter (DL) 82, Redesign per DL 42 & Submittals, Comment Resolution & Third-Party Coordination. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.11 | 10/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossing Segments 2 | $1,548,756 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the all final constructionb efforts required to install steel casings in the trackway embankment for crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 171 | 10/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Cairo Ave. Kings County Settlement - DESIGN | $142,703 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for redesign Work and construct the Cairo Avenue structure and roadway that removes any curves from the Cairo Avenue roadway and extends the Cairo Avenue structure to maintain a 32-foot clear roadway at Cairo Avenue per Authority issued Directive Letter (DL) No. 00099 “Revise Select Kings County Locations per Settlement Agreement”. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 172 | 10/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Early Start Work – Discing First 6 Miles | $613,164 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to start the Early Start scope of work, discing for the north 6 miles of Segment 1, weeding, and maintaining the parcels to begin construction of the HSR alignment within the first six miles per Authority direction. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 164 | 10/5/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Viaduct – Precast Plant Additional Forms/Modifications | $7,206,869 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work for the additional forms and modifications to the precast plant in preparation for the Hanford Viaduct. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design and Construction | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 92 | 10/2/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | GTC – Drive Piles at Excelsior Avenue | $238,150 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is additional equipment mobilization at Excelsior Avenue to perform the precast pile installation, this change on equipment size was necessary due to the changes to the embankment slope caused by interfering utilities. The pile installation is part of the overall effort to accelerate construction of the foundation piles at Excelsior Overhead Structure prior to completion of the roadway embankment as a mitigation measure due to the delay in delivery of the Right-of-Way (ROW). | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 168 | 10/5/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Extended Environmental Scope (Dudek Invoices) | $4,930,386 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional environmental compliance Work resulting from the Right-of-Way (ROW) delays. These costs are from August 1, 2019 through March 31, 2020. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 175 | 10/8/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Viaduct - DESIGN | $5,089,302 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for final design Work, to design the 6400-foot-long Hanford Viaduct Structure at the Kings/Tulare Regional Station in the vicinity of HSR overcrossing SJVR rail line to replace current at grade HSR track section design, including associated design work for irrigation, roadway, drainage, utilities, geotechnical, and redesign of the Grangeville Blvd. UP. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 182 | 10/8/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional Efforts GBRC - DESIGN ONLY | $2,765,276 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for additional Final Design Work to provide multiple GBR-C reports as a pre-requisite for the Ready for Construction (RFC) design submittal package. The multiple GBR-C reports were prepared as a mitigation measure in order to advance the design per Directive Letter (DL) No. 00042 “Use of Geotechnical Baseline Report for Bid”. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 157 | 9/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Bevins Lateral Irrigation | $805,245.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to furnish and install all required material to relocate the Bevins Lateral Irrigation Facility as well as install the steel casing and carrier pipe at Floral Avenue per the issued Authority Directive Letter No. 00078.1 “Jack & Bore" Irrigation Facilities Impacted by BNSF Westside Road” per plan set 1 001 636 RFC 1 S0698 S1 CID P1D Bevins PLANS. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 163 | 9/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lawrence Ditch | $5,375,264.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction work to install 48” RGRCP pipe and to tie into original Lawrence Ditch in new junction structure – bore and jack installation under BNSF using Jack-and-Bore methodology per the Authority Directive Letter No. 00062 “Te Velde Canal” and Directive Letter No. 00078.1 “Jack & Bore Irrigation Facilities impacted by BNSF Westside Road”. | Elias Mahfoud - Director of Design & Construction | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 180 | 9/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Modify OH Widths Flint,Fargo,Idaho | $172,914.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all final design Work effort required to redesign the Flint Avenue, Fargo Avenue and Idaho Avenue Overhead widths to 32’.The revisions to the widths of the three overheads were a result of the settlement agreement between the Authority and Kings County and the DFJV was given direction through Directive Letter (DL) No. 00099 to perform the design revisions. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 189 | 9/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lawrence Ditch Temp Bypass | $98,939.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design Work for a temporary bypass drainage system at Lawrence Ditch in order to advance construction and a permanent detour structure that will facilitate construction at Flint Avenue. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 150 | 9/25/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans SPR5 SR43_Corcoran HWY Pkg. | $9,199.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design required by Caltrans at SR43 and Corcoran Highway Intersection (Work beyond Project Footprint, but within Caltrans sphere of influence). | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 165 | 9/25/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Jackson Avenue Embankment | $713,663.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction work at Jackson Avenue. DFJV will re-sequence the embankment operation to utilize on-highway haul to truck the material on-road down the alignment to the Jackson Avenue bridge embankment as a mitigation measure in order to meet the dates currently shown on the draft Revised Baseline Schedule under review by the Authority. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 166 | 9/25/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Sweet Canal | $266,315.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to install the reinforced box culvert at the Sweet Canal. DFJV will perform the work in two phases as a mitigation measure due to the delays associated with the ROW delivery needed to perform the entire Sweet Canal relocation. Then DFJV will follow back to complete the RCBC and irrigation shift after complete delivery of ROW (Phase 2) not included in this Change Order. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 170 | 9/25/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Daily Site Security and Maintenance Checks | $222,013.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Work for providing daily site security and maintenance checks to the Right-of-Way (ROW) parcels due to the delay of delivery for the ROW from April 14, 2017 to September 10, 2018 . It was agreed between DFJV and CHSRA that a daily inspection program is necessary and DFJV implemented a rotating inspection program to record the condition of delivered parcels and assigned one individual to visit all delivered parcels to identify any required actions, for safety, security, or general maintenance during the ongoing ROW delay. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.11 | 9/25/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - July 2020 | $792,547.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of July 2020 described in and pursuant to Executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 167 | 9/23/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Davis SW Quadrant Shared Driveway | $59,052.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the final design Work to update the design at Davis Avenue Roadway to incorporate the location of the “shared driveway” to be shifted from the current location per the Authority’s direction in Directive Letter No. 00102 “Revision to Davis Avenue Roadway Plans”. | Ben Ruiz- Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 151 | 9/14/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | PGE Provisional Sum | $90,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to increase the PG&E Provisional Sum by the amount of $90,000,000 from the original amount of $160,000,000 to $250,000,000. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 162 | 8/26/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tule River Detour/Bypass | $3,076,896.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to install and completely remove a temporary detour/bypass around the bridge construction at the Tule River location. This bypass is a mitigation measure to allow the construction of the bridges to progress sooner and to prevent the compaction of work activities associated with the schedule critical path. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.10 | 8/21/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - June 2020 | $599,785.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of June 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 161 | 8/21/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Shoring on People's Ditch at Flint Avenue - Design Only | $5,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design Work per the Authority’s direction to implement the shoring design for the work on People’s Ditch Company (PDC) at Flint Avenue. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 158 | 8/21/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Alpaugh Well Removal - Design Only | $14,418.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the redesign Work per the direction of the Authority for the well removal at Alpaugh Irrigation District west of SR-43 and north of Avenue 56. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 153 | 8/10/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Loss of Ditch Excavation-Subsidence | $61,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is construction work for loss of ditch excavation per Directive Letters (DL) Nos. 00035, 00069 and Contract Change Order (CCO) 00097. This Change Order covers all costs for the additional import, haul, and placement of embankment materials needed along the HSR alignment for the embankment construction in the areas as described in Change Order Proposal (COP) No. 35.3 and for the import, haul, and placement of additional HSR embankment material necessary to mitigate subsidence along the mainline track required in areas where the design could not be modified to mitigate the effects of subsidence occurring between 2011 and 2015 (as reflected in the 2015 Lidar survey performed in accordance with DL-00012 and CCO 00005, the “2015 Lidar Survey”) | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 160 | 8/5/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford HST Access Road - Design Only | $66,953.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the design Work to design the Hanford HST Access Road alignment, profile and design a new intersection between the HST Access Road and Hanford-Armona Road. | Ben Ruiz - Acting Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 149 | 7/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Additional Project Biologist Coordination CDFW | $30,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to facilitate expedited approvals of preconstruction deliverables to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Through this Change Order, The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is directing Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture (DFJV) to make their Project Biologist, Ms. Randi McCormick, available to participate in weekly meetings with CDFW. | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 159 | 7/27/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier Yield Line Theory Analysis | $35,770.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the revised design Work per direction of the Authority for DFJV to use the Yield Line Theory Analysis for the design of the Intrusion Protection Barrier. For development and Quality Control (QC) calculation for use in the IPB redesign going forward, presenting the results to the Authority and incorporate their comments and update plans to include the revised design. | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 155 | 7/23/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Insurance Costs | $18,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for certain additional direct costs of insurance premiums in excess of: (1) the $77,000,000 line item in the Signature Document base contract price (FRA Cost Code 40-FC-8005 Mobilization, Insurance, and Bonds), and (2) the $14,470,000 paid under Change Order No. 00045.1 to extend coverage for the time extension and increase in Contract price therein. The insurance costs shall be paid on a direct, dollar-for-dollar pass-through basis as incurred. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.10 | 7/16/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossings - Segment 2 | $538,820.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all final construction Work efforts required to install steel casings in the trackway embankment for crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities. | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 156 | 7/16/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Fresno County - Concurrent Roadway Closure at Adams/South Avenue | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional permitting costs pursuant to General Provisions (G.P.) Section 49.4.10, due to a change in the terms of the Cooperative Agreement with the County of Fresno. The additional permitting costs being imposed by County of Fresno are for impacts caused by the public traffic delays resulting from the concurrent closures of Adams and South Avenues. The concurrent roadway closure at Adams and South Avenues is planned for 270 days for the construction operation at Adams and South Avenues. The closure will facilitate construction of overcrossing at Adams and South Avenues over the existing BNSF railroad and the future High-Speed Rail alignments concurrently. | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 154 | 7/16/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tule River Relocate Gas Line | $314,058.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to Relocate the gas line at the Tule River Viaduct to be completed in 2 Phases, north of Tule River and under Tule River. | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.9 | 7/9/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - May 2020 | $441,274.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of May 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1 | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.18 | 7/9/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | HazMat — Asbestos/Transite Pipe Segment 3@ Various Locations | $121,170.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to be performed on a Time and Material (T&M) basis for the abatement of hazardous waste materials to remove and dispose of the Asbestos/Transite Pipe at various locations, Newark Avenue, Van Dorsten Avenue and Corcoran Highway in Segment 3. | Ben Ruiz for Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 148 | 6/22/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Viaduct Substructure and Grangeville Blvd. Underpass | $99,114,327.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the construction Work at Hanford Viaduct Substructure and the Type 1 structure at Grangeville Boulevard. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.8 | 6/19/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs_April 2020 | $1,900,511.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of April 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 140 | 6/16/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tied Arch Bridge - 1H-03 Highland | $1,785,616.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the the identified substructure portion of Work related to Bridge 1H‐03 "Tied Arch." A subsequent Contract Change Order will be issued to DFJV for all remaining superstructure work for this bridge. Cost items in this substructure change include: Piles (assumed lengths), Abutment Footings, Wing Walls, and Back wall as well as the portion of costs related to substructure for Maintenance of Traffic (MOT), SWPPP, Survey, QC/QA. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 145 | 6/11/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lawrence Canal BNSF Jack and Bore | $132,520.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Final Design Work to revise the design to extend Lawrence irrigation canal east underneath the BNSF tracks utilizing jack-and-bore methods. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 147 | 6/4/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fowler Ave. Detour/Bypass for Elkhorn and Davis Avenues | $1,532,877.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the design and construction work to install and the complete removal of the temporary detour/bypass around the bridge construction at Fowler, Elkhorn and Davis Avenues locations as a mitigation measure to construct the bridges to progress work sooner and to prevent the compaction of work activities later with other critical path activities. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 146 | 6/4/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | BNSF CAD Standards for Irrigation Pkgs. Davis/Elkhorn Ditch | $23,359.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the Final Design Work to resubmit the design drawings for Elkhorn Ditch and Davis Ditch to BNSF CAD Standards for Irrigation Packages. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 128 | 6/4/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | BNSF Track Work | $4,429,498.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the construction Work to move the BNSF track storage from the RFP proposed Conejo track storage sidings, which are located approximately between milepost (MP) 981 and 982 to the Bowles relocation area between MP 987 and 990. This directive work shall include shifting of the sidings to reduce impacts at Manning Avenue grade separation and modify the South Avenue grade separation per the issued Authority Directive Letter No. 00047 – BNSF Coordination Solutions at Conejo Siding and per plan set drawings 1 001 328_PRE_C_S0390_BNSF_CPBOWLES. western edge of the BNSF existing and future rights-of-way | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 144 | 5/14/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third Party Related | Jack and Bore Irrigation Facilities - Design Only | $531,533.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Final Design Work to redesign the (8) Irrigation facilities that require modification as part of incorporating a maintenance access road on the western edge of the BNSF existing and future rights-of-way | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.7 | 5/14/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - March 2020 | $1,171,420.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of March 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.6 | 5/14/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - February 2020 | $1,388,381.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of February 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.5 | 5/6/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs - January 2020 | $1,646,117.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for all the accumulative escalation costs for the month of January 2020 described in and pursuant to executed Change Order 00045.1. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 142 | 5/5/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Jackson Avenue and Idaho Avenue Detour/Bypass | $1,180,909.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the install and for the complete removal of the temporary detour/bypass for the construction of Jackson Avenue and Idaho Avenue bridges as a mitigation measure to construct the bridges to progress work sooner and to prevent the compaction of work activities later with other critical path activities. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 135 | 5/4/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Kie Con Pile Storage Fees-Adams Avenue | $31,030.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the costs of the storage fees to store the concrete pile for the Adams Avenue Bridge. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.1.3 | 4/29/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | HazMat Abatement UST/NAC Disposal FB-10-0388 | $8,455.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the added scope resulting from remediation costs associated with abatement of hazardous materials due to an underground storage tank (UST), located at 2287 E. Floral Avenue, Fresno, CA (FB-10-0388), as identified in property assessment on September 1, 2017 and the Moore Twining lab tests for the UST and surrounding soils taken on August 31, 2018 and for the disposal of the Vac Tank Contents and UST disposal. The UST identified needed to be rinsed and removed from the site. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 139 | 4/29/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Elimination of Iona Avenue Overcrossing - DESIGN ONLY | $9,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the elimination of Iona Avenue Overcrossings and to design cul-de-sacs on each side of the High-Speed-Rail Tracks on Iona Avenue as required per Authority Directive Letter No.00073, Elimination of Iona Avenue Overcrossing. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.11 | 4/29/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Ave. 136 Extension East to SR 43 - DESIGN ONLY | $34,470.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is because of Avenue 136 extending east to SR 43 per RFI 00587 response “Tulare County Utility Agreement that 0.43 miles is the length of the roadway improvements that the improvements shall extend east to SR 43”. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 129 | 4/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | BNSF Westside Maintenance Road - DESIGN ONLY | $1,375,913.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is to design and prepare construction plans for the BNSF Westside Access Road in reference to the Authority's Directive Letter No. 00078, Implementation of BNSF Westside Access Maintenance Road within BNSF right-of-way. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.17 | 4/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | HazMat – Treated Wood Waste at Hwy.43/FB-10-0479 | $194,174.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the added scope resulting from remediation costs associated for the abatement of hazardous waste materials to remove and dispose of the Treated Wood Waste at Hwy. 43 and (FB-10-0479). | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 143 | 4/27/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Reduce Impact to Dairy @ Houston Ave. - DESIGN ONLY | $87,393.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a 300-foot-long retaining wall on the southeast quadrant of the Houston Avenue Grade Separation per Authority Directive Letter No. 00071.1 to Reduce Impact to Dairy at Houston Avenue Grade Separation. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.16 | 4/27/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | HazMat - Treated Wood Waste at Davis Avenue | $49,637.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the added scope resulting from remediation costs associated for the abatement of hazardous waste materials to remove and dispose of the Treated Wood Waste at Davis Avenue (FB-10-0474-1, -3, -4, -6, -7). | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 141 | 4/24/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Kings River Complex Trestle | $4,796,474.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the construction work to install, maintain and the complete removal of the temporary Trestle for the construction of the Kings River Viaduct as a mitigation measure to construct the viaduct in less time than originally anticipated. Construction impacts, if any, associated with the construction of the Kings River Viaduct from the temporary Trestle are not included in this Change Order. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 65.1 | 4/7/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | GTC - Flint Avenue | $995,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is because of the impact on the construction of the bridge structures. DFJV will construct the west side embankment and to start the bridge settlement period. DFJV will remobilize to complete the west embankment once the utility has been relocated and will construct the remaining embankment. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 113 | 3/30/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Flow Capacity at Wristen Ditch | $5,739,371.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is a change in law to require doubling the flow capacities at several areas by the Consolidated Irrigation District (CID) resulting in an increase in the scope of the contract. | Elias Mahfoud, Director of Infrastructure Delivery (CEA B) | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 121.1 | 3/28/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Hanford Viaduct Reallocation | $0.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for reallocation of budgets within the contract amount. This is a net zero cost change order. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 136 | 3/26/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | GTC - Embankment Const Nevada-Ave144 | $14,666,140.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the additional costs to utilize on road trucking and additional mobilizations to complete the construction work for constructing the embankment from Nevada Avenue to Avenue 144. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 109.1 | 3/26/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Project Floodplain Limit Increases | $22,283,480.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is because there was a change in the limits of the FEMA floodplain within the project limits resulting in an increase in the scope of the contract. | Joe Hedges, COO, CHSRA | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 131 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | South Ave. Jack Bore RC Agrmnt TM | $42,055.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is because BNSF had not executed a Relocation and Construction Agreement (“R&C”). This change compensates the Contractor for additional mobilization costs incurred due to the delay in execution of the R&C Agreement. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 138 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Secondary Pre-Cast Girders Storage -- Police Escorts. | $652,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change work for Police escorts required to transport the Project precast elements from the existing precast yard location to the secondary precast storage yard through Fresno County to be paid on a Time and Material (T&M) basis as costs are incurred. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 137 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Precast Girders Storage | $4,925,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change was executed as a mitigation to on-going project delays, to develop a secondary storage area for the Project precast girder elements (467 each), including transportation of these precast girder elements from an existing precast yard to a secondary storage area, and unloading of these girders at the secondary storage area. This change allows the Contractor to continue production of precast elements for the project. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 133 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Barcelos Water Service Connection | $375,236.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is to furnish and install up to 3,200 linear feet of 16in diameter permanent PVC water line adjacent to the existing basin within Parcels HSR# FB-54-0003-2 and 0003-3 and to backfill and compact 1,100 linear feet of existing irrigation ditch as needed. The property owner north of Avenue 144 requires a private water service connection to a private irrigation ditch. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 132 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | ROI Acquisition Addtl ROW Utl. Reloc | $387,272.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional work associated with the Report of Investigation (ROI) Reports for ROW Utility Relocations. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 127 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Maintenance Access Roads Under Type 2 Structures | $2,100,413.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is because of the requirement for a maintenance access ramp and a maintenance access bench at the Type 2 Bridge Structures, a change in the requirements from the Directive Drawings, resulting in an increase in scope of the contract. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 126 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | 10" HDPE Level 3 Overholser-Kamm Ave | $492,048.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is BNSF changed its pre-bid requirements, requiring casings for utilities crossing the BNSF right-of-way, resulting in an increase in the scope of the contract. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 125 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | 10" HDPE Level 3 - Conejo Avenue | $189,428.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is BNSF changed its pre-bid requirements, requiring casings for utilities crossing the BNSF right-of-way, resulting in an increase in the scope of the contract. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 124 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | 10" HDPE Level 3 Sumner-Huntsman Avenues | $606,248.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is BNSF changed its pre-bid requirements, requiring casings for utilities crossing the BNSF right-of-way, resulting in an increase in the scope of the contract. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 80.1 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Unidentified Additional Waterline at 4 1/2 Avenue | $377,858.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for an unidentified additional waterline that was not shown in the RFP documents. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.4 | 3/20/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs_December 2019 | $412,220.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to resolve delay related escalation costs for the month of December 2019 due to late delivery of the Project right-of-way by the Authority. CO 45.1 allowed for payment of escalation costs beginning August 1, 2019 thru the end of the project.” | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Troy Tambay, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.10 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | TCO Ave 24 Redsgn GW Above Elevation | $306,448.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional out of scope design work for the Avenue 24 Underpass. This change order is pursuant to an Authority agreement with Tulare County to add an underpass at Avenue 24. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 120 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | New Caltrans Requirements for ITS , Barrier and Traffic Lines | $35,310.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is a revision in Caltrans design standards for ITS, Traffic Barriers, and Traffic Lines. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 119 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Wristen Ditch - Design | $105,037.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design work resulting from a change in design standards due to new legislation regarding groundwater sustainability. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 117 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Corcoran Design Speed Reduction | $74,900.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the additional design costs resulting from a change in local agency design standards for local agency roadways. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 94 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Conejo Viaduct CIDH Test Pile | $1,031,196.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the inefficiencies associated with the Authority directed early installation of three test piles at the Conejo Viaduct within the restricted area of the incidental take permit footprint. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.3 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs_November 2019 | $1,427,172.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to resolve delay related escalation costs for the month of November 2019 due to late delivery of the Project right-of-way by the Authority. CO 45.1 allowed for payment of escalation costs beginning August 1, 2019 thru the end of the project.” | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.2 | 2/12/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Escalation Costs_Aug Sept Oct 2019 | $2,509,853.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to resolve delay related escalation costs for the months of August, September and October 2019 due to late delivery of the Project right-of-way by the Authority. CO 45.1 allowed for payment of escalation costs beginning August 1, 2019 thru the end of the project.” | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.9 | 2/8/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Change to the Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossings Segment 2, Parcel FB-16-0006 | $165,385.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is addition in scope to install steel casings in the trackway embankment for the crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities at Parcel FB-16-0006. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.15 | 2/8/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement - FB-10-0398 | $23,315.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the added scope resulting from remediation costs associated with abatement of hazardous materials as identified in an Asbestos and Lead Survey report (ASR). The ASR identified lead based paint in the structure to be demolished, requiring lead abatement. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.8 | 1/30/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossing Segment 2, Parcel FB-16-0063 | $106,930.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is required to install steel casings in the trackway embankment for crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities at Parcel FB-16-0063. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.6 | 1/30/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossing Segments 1, 2, and 3 | $468,392.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is required to install the steel casings in the trackway embankment for the crossings of privately owned irrigation facilities.. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 60.1 | 1/30/2020 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Alpaugh Irrigation District Permit | $80,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is to allow the Contractor access to complete work in coordination with the Alpaugh Irrigation District. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 121 | 12/14/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Hanford Viaduct Reallocation of Activity ID's Budgeted Amount. | $0.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for reallocation of Activity ID's Budgeted Amount. This is a net zero cost change order. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.7 | 12/6/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossing Segment 1 | $244,872.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for relocation of privately owned irrigation facilities. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.5 | 12/6/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Private Irrigation Crossings Design | $255,685.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the design for Private Irrigation Crossings Casings per the Authority’s Construction Memos. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.9 | 12/6/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Tulare County Roadway Improvement in compliance with Sub-Utility Agreement | $1,343,756.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the construction costs related to Avenue 24 reconstruction Work from Road 72 to Road 80 as part of Tulare County Sub-Utility Agreement 1.07. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 116 | 12/5/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Davis Avenue Ancillary Redesign | $40,219.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is to accommodate relocating the Pacific Gas and Electric relocation within the existing right-of-way. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 111 | 12/5/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | State Route 43 Crossing near Tule River-3H-17 | $1,123,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the design work as required to revise the design (change in law) to meet Caltrans future expansion of State Route 43 crossing near the Tule River (Bridge 3H-17). | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 106 | 12/5/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Caltrans Median Study | $133,750.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is Caltrans changed both its Standard Specifications and Transportation Concept Report after the Proposal Deadline. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 118 | 11/23/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hanford Viaduct Precast Concrete Piling Order | $2,898,450.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is a time and material change of precast conrete pile to be used for construction of the Hanford Viaduct structure. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45.1 | 11/20/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Agreement for Settlement, Release and Waiver for (1) Time Impacts and Delays Through July 31, 2019; (2) Certain Disputes | $133,930,912.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change order is to resolve delays, delay related impacts and specific disputes with the contractor. Please see the change order for an explicit listing of resolved disputes. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Jose Luiz Mendez - President, Dragados/Flatiron | Alberto Lopez - State Senior Contract Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 114 | 10/12/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Ancillary Facility Site Changes | $137,214.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the design work for the modified ancillary facility locations, as well as the additional design effort to finalize the ancillary facility locations. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 105 | 9/27/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | State Route 43 Crossing Kings River (1H-03) | $791,800.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for redesign work. Caltrans issued the State Route 43 Ultimate Transportation Concept Report (TCR) which included implications for the design of California High Speed Rail Authority Bridge 1H-03 after Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture (DFJV) was awarded the project. A study was performed by DFJV to determine the specific impacts of the TCR at the Kings River (DFJV Bridge 1H-03). The optimum Alternative identified in the DFJV study that facilitated the required Caltrans 62’ median width at this location and did not affect the California High Speed Rail profile was a single span concrete tied arch bridge type. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 115 | 9/23/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Party Related | Department of Toxic Substance Control Reimbursement Agreement | $13,876.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for reimbursement of paid services to the Department of Toxic Substances Control . | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 109 | 9/6/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Project Floodplain Limit Increases | $18,809,463.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is because there was a change in the limits of the floodplain within the project limits and this change occurred well after Contractor could have planned it into its original scope of work. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.8 | 9/6/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Tulare County Avenue 136 - Concrete Box Structure and Roadway | $5,846,353.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for redesign for a new box structure undercrossing for the High-Speed Rail alignment at Avenue 136 in Tulare County. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.1.2 | 9/2/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Credit from Change Order 24.1 | ($2,412.04) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for remediation costs associated with the abatement of hazardous materials located at 2310 E. Floral Avenue, Selma, CA (FB-10-0708), as identified in the Asbestos Survey Report (ASR) for subject property. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 110 | 9/2/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | CTC FB160291 10" Carrier Pipe | $28,355.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the installation of a pipe on a specific property. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 108 | 9/2/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | CID 200pct Flow - Iowa Ditch | $1,431,274.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the relocation of an irrigation facility out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 107 | 9/2/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | CID 200pct Flow - Davis Ditch | $844,191.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order increases the size of an irrigation facility under the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 103 | 9/2/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Fargo Redsgn Due Rev ROW Acq. Limits | $33,170.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order fits the design for Fargo Avenue within new land constraints. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.12.1 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement Conc. Slab Removal | $30,998.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the removal of hazardous materials located on high-speed rail right of way Oregon Avenue and Road 19 near Corcoran, CA. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 112 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | South Ave. Grade Separation | $982,667.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order changes the shoulder width of the South Avenue bridge over the high-speed rail system in accordance with Authority’s Directive Letter number 65. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 104 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Type 2 Structure Concrete Barrier | $839,950.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order allows for a re-design of a concrete barrier to a new specification. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 101 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Dover Intersection Sight Distance | $42,800.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order is to design the North 8th Avenue Connector Road to Dover Avenue to miss and protect a tree located along the road. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 100 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | Elkhorn Ditch Relocation Final Dsgn | $165,850.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order is to move an irrigation ditch out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 95 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-Pary Related | Doubling Flow Capacity of Consolidated Irrigation District at Elkhorn Ditch | $4,460,874.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is change in law to require doubling the flow capacities to facilities of the Consolidated Irrigation District (CID), which resulted in additional scope to the contract. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.14 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 0088.14 | $98,094.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the removal of hazardous materials from buildings located on high-speed rail right of way on E. Clarkson Avenue and Elkhorn Avenue in the city of Fresno. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.11 | 8/30/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement FB-10-0398 | $17,969.18 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the removal of hazardous materials from buildings located on high-speed rail right of way on E. Nebraska Avenue in the city of Fresno. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 102 | 8/27/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | City Corcoran Increased Dsgn Speed | $124,950.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the design of new connector roadways at County roads 5 1/2 Avenue to Niles Avenue; and 5th Avenue to Orange Avenue to comply with the change in criteria for a higher vehicle speed limit. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 99 | 8/27/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SR43 Ave 88 Struct.Dsgn CALTRANS UTC | $84,263.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order incorporates the 2015 update to the Caltrans Standard Specifications and the Transportation Concept Report for State Route 43 into the construction contract for the design of the Avenue 88 bridge. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 98 | 8/27/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SR43 Hesse Ave Dsgn Struct.CT UTC | $84,263.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order incorporates the 2015 update to the Caltrans Standard Specifications and the Transportation Concept Report for State Route 43 into the construction contract for the design of the Hesse Avenue bridge. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 87 | 8/27/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | E. Lincoln Ave Grade Separation | $58,088.16 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order develops a design for an underpass for Lincoln Avenue in accordance with Authority’s Directive Letter number 28. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 73 | 7/25/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Primary Type 2 Open Abutments-Const | $30,773,032.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change order is to implement new design requirements for bridges over the future high-speed rail system. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 97 | 7/17/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Engineering Solutions to Stay within ROW | $1,712,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order allows for completion of the design of trackway drainage, intrusion protection barriers and utility relocations based on revised standards in Directive Letter no. 00035 (DL 35) to stay within Authority's right-of-way. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.3 | 7/17/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Segment 2 - Private Irrigation Cross | $2,285,989.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order pays for installation of steel casings to protect private irrigation pipes that cross under the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.5.1 | 7/16/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Tulare Co.Force Account Fees | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order is for design services and third-party coordination to provide roadway improvements at Avenue 120 and Avenue 24, and reconstruction of a waterline in Tulare County. The work is coordinated by the general contractor in Wasco responsible for designing and constructing the future system. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 91 | 7/16/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Undertrack Conduits | $255,291.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design undertrack conduits and implement revised standards in Directive Letter no. 00091 (DL 91). | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 81 | 7/16/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Kings Co. Underpasses at Cairo & 9th | $38,520.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order provides roadway design services for underpasses at Cairo Avenue and 9th Avenue. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 78 | 7/16/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Traffic Studies at Mountain View | $4,225.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This change order allows for completion of traffic studies on Mountain View Avenue | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 70 | 7/16/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | GTC - Kent & Kansas E/W Embankment | $459,495.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allow for completion of construction on the embankment between Kent Avenue and Kansas Avenue in Kings County for the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez - Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola — Project Director | Patrick Jolly - PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 90 | 5/27/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | UG Ductbanks-Manholes System Sites | $236,924.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design of ductbanks and manholes for the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez, Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola, Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, PCM Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.4 | 5/22/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Segment 1, 2, 3 - Private Irrigation | $1,055,726.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to construct 10 steel casings to protect private irrigation pipes that cross under the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez, Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola, Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, PCM Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 80 | 5/22/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | Add'l Waterline at 4 1/2 Ave -Design | $32,100.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to for additional design associated with an unexpected water line. | Alberto Lopez, Senior Contract Manager | Vincente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 89 | 5/9/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Caltrans 2015-16 6th Edition Update | $17,883.00 | This is a change to a contract for final design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design work to implement updates to design required by the 2015 and 2016 changes to the 6th Edition of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual. | Alberto Lopez, Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola, Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, PCM Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 93 | 5/3/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | GTC - HOUSTON/IONA TO LANSING | $4,700,329.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete construction on the embankment between Iona Avenue and Lansing Avenue in Kings County for the future high-speed rail system. | Alberto Lopez, Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola, Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, PCM Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 77 | 4/24/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Maint. Access Under Type2 Structures | $339,242.43 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design of maintenance access for future high-speed rail under bridges. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Vincente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 76 | 4/24/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | GTC - Wristen Ditch Bypass | $392,924.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design and construction work to build a temporary bypass for a drainage ditch to allow construction of a bridge embankment. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Vincente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 75 | 4/24/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Special Trk Work Crossover Turnouts | $60,545.28 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design of track work based on revised standards for train speeds in areas not on the main line track. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Vincente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 50.1 | 4/24/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | AAAT Bike Pedestrian U/P Design | $413,483.31 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to finalize the design of the bike and pedestrian underpass at the White River crossing. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.13 | 4/24/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.17-FB100876 | $11,431.43 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove asbestos in one of the structures to be demolished for the construction of high-speed rail. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Vicente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 85 | 4/18/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Subsidence Impacts Various Locations | $989,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to purchase, haul and place additional embankment materials to address subsidence at specific locations. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Vincente Alberola - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 44.1 | 3/12/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Increase One Span at Nebraska Ave | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the design of the Nebraska Avenue overcrossing to make it longer. The costs for this change order, $134,426.51, were paid in change order number 48. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 1.1 | 3/12/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | DFJV-HSRA Partnering Costs | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for the Authority to meet their contractual obligations to pay 50% of the costs associated with partnering activities. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 88 | 3/9/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Minnewawa Ave. RDWY Improvements | $48,150.00 | This is a change to a contract for final design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design of a roadway based on revised standards in Directive Letter no. 00093 (DL 93) to improve Minnewawa Avenue Roadway. | Alberto Lopez, Senior Contract Manager | Vicente Alberola, Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, PCM Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.2 | 3/4/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Segment 3 - Private Irrigation | $469,325.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for installation of steel casings to protect private irrigation pipes that cross under the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley, Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa, Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, PCM Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86.1 | 3/1/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Segment 2 - Private Irrigation | $3,082,679.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for installation of steel casings to protect private irrigation pipes that cross under the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 86 | 3/1/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Segment 1 - Private Irrigation | $1,014,708.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay for installation of steel casings to protect private irrigation pipes that cross under the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 83 | 2/20/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Undisclosed Dump Site | $370,446.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete removal and disposal of debris from a dump site that was discovered after the contract was executed. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.5 | 2/20/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Ave 120 and Ave 24 Reconstruction | $4,679,109.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete construction of road improvements in the County of Tulare. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 72 | 2/8/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | CID 200% of Existing Flow Capacity | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design of irrigation facilities based on revised standards for flow capacity. The costs for this change order, $34,233, were paid in Change Order number 48. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 62 | 2/8/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | BNSF Bowles Re-Exam | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the work required to environmentally clear a change to the design negotiated with BNSF. The costs for this change order, $36,916, were paid in Change Order number 48. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 53.1 | 2/8/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Lawrence (Te Velde) Canal | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to finalize the design for the realignment of the Lawrence (Te Velde) canal through the Te Velde Dairy property. The costs for this change order, $179,602.92, were paid in change order number 48. 1 | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 41.1 | 1/31/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Install Spare Conduits_CONSTRUCTION | $3,943,136.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to install spare conduits for future use by communication companies. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick E. Jolly, P.E.- PCM Design Build Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 63 | 1/16/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Rare Plant Salvage | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to comply with environmental requirement to preserve and store plant seeds for replanting after the construction. The costs for this change order, $7,500, were paid in Change Order number 48. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 71 | 1/15/2019 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | GTC - CP Bowles Embankment | $285,686.00 | This is a change to the contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to move BNSF railroad track out of the way of the future high-speed rail track. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.6.1 | 11/1/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 0088.10.1 | $24,399.92 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials from a property acquired by the Authority. | William Grimsley - Interim Deputy Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.10 | 11/1/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.14, 2 Sites | $98,713.19 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is for the added scope resulting from remediation costs associated with abatement of hazardous materials as identified in an Asbestos and Lead Survey report (ASR). The ASR identified lead based paint in the structure to be demolished, requiring lead abatement. | William Grimsley, Director of Infrastructure Delivery (CEA B) | Michael Cost Project Manager | Patrick E Jolly, PE DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 74 | 10/16/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | PG&E Facility Work Settlement CO | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to finalize negotiations of disputes regarding PG&E work, specifically regarding sub contractor coordination fees (mark ups), insurance costs and liability, including delays that would impact the contractor's ability to finish on time. | William Grimsley - Interim Deputy Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.10.1 | 9/11/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.1 | $32,074.62 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous waste from a property owned by the Authority and make the sites safe for work. | William Grimsley - Director of Design and Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.12 | 9/11/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 0088.16 | $60,050.70 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials from a property acquired by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.4.1 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | HazMat Lead Abatement COP 88.7.1 | $286,431.52 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials from a property acquired by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.1.1 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.9 - 1 Site | $15,120.39 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials from a property acquired by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 67 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | GTC-Avenue 88 E/W Embankments | $1,858,935.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to bring in material for construction at Avenue 88 by a longer route with additional trucking costs. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 66 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | GTC-Fargo Avenue East Embankment | $1,715,322.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to bring in material for construction at Fargo Avenue by a longer route with additional trucking costs. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 65 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | GTC-Flint Avenue East Embankment | $1,126,716.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to bring in material for construction at Flint Avenue by a longer route with additional trucking costs. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 64 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | GTC-Excelsior Ave E/W Embankments | $3,299,700.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to bring in material for construction at Excelsior Avenue by a longer route with additional trucking costs. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 60 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Alpaugh Irrigation District Permit | $75,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to finalize negotiations with Alpaugh Irrigation District. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 59 | 7/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Study Shift Avenue 56 GS Alignment | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct an impact study of moving the Avenue 56 bridge further south. The costs for this change order, $26,665.39, were paid in Change Order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 58 | 7/18/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Manning Expressway Cross slope Rev | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to allow future road widening at Manning Avenue. The costs for this change order, $184,681.26, were paid in Change Order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 57 | 5/9/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Access Restriction Fencing | $81,385.04 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to modify the design for fencing to keep people out of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 56 | 5/9/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lansing Ave Undercrossing - Design | $637,520.35 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a new crossing under the future high-speed rail system at Lansing Avenue. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 55 | 5/9/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Silveria Box Structure - Design | $446,267.02 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a new crossing under the future high-speed rail system at Avenue 156. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 54 | 5/9/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hormel Feed Mill Horz Wly Main Shift | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to modify the final route in the vicinity of Hormel Feed Mill to avoid impacts to the mill. The costs for this change order, $285,499.23, were paid in Change Order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 52.1 | 5/9/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Houston Ave - Fire Station Drvwys | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to modify the design at Houston Avenue to reduce impacts to Kings County Fire Station 4. The costs for this change order, $150,368.02, were paid in Change Order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 35.2 | 5/3/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Caltrans IQA - Phase 2 ROW | ($640,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement the agreement between the Authority and Caltrans for Caltrans to bill their services on the project directly to the Authority. This change order provides the Authority a credit for removing these activities from the contract. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 52 | 4/24/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Houston Ave Grade Sep Span Reduction | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design the Houston Avenue bridge as a shorter structure. The cost for this work, $147,244.45, is included in change order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 35.1 | 4/19/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Caltrans IQA - Construction Phase | ($4,130,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement the agreement between the Authority and Caltrans for Caltrans to bill their services on the project directly to the Authority rather than through the general contractor. This change order provides the Authority a credit for removing these activities from the contract. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Patrick Jolly - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 53 | 4/10/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Design for Te Velde Dairy (Ave 136) | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the design for avoidance of the TeVelde Dairy. The cost of this work, $535,010.36 is included in change order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 36.2 | 4/3/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | Deductive Change Order - Unilateral | ($922,883.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to rescind change order numbers 36 and 36.1. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.9 | 3/21/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.13 -5 Sites | $116,755.47 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at five properties bought by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.8 | 2/20/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.12, 1 Site | $10,528.77 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at one property in Hanford bought by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.7 | 2/13/2018 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.11, 2 Sites | $26,156.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at two properties on E. Floral Avenue in Fresno bought by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 51 | 12/29/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | OCS Strcl Conn to Type 1 Aerial Strc | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design future high-speed rail overhead electrical system connections to bridges. Some of the work ($113,555.24) was paid via change order number 48. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 50 | 12/29/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Prepare AAAT Bike/Ped Design Concept | $21,379.43 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare the AAAT Bike/Pedestrian Design Concept. | Scott Jarvis - Chief of Engineering | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 45 | 12/20/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Time Extension No. 1 | $50,750,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to settle and resolve all time delays and impacts prior to August 31, 2017. | Thomas Fellenz - Interim Chief Executive Officer | Rishard Grabinski - Senior Vice President, Western Region | Roy Hill - Chief Program Officer |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.6 | 12/19/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.10 - 1 Site | $51,896.64 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at two properties bought by the Authority on E. Floral Avenue in Fresno. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.5 | 12/19/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.8 - 1 Site | $11,984.72 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove a hazardous underground storage tank on a perperty bought by the Authority. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.7 | 12/15/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Small Mammal Trapping | $347,339.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct small mammal trapping as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 49 | 12/6/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Costs Associated with BVLOS | $18,785.82 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to protect the Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 17.1 | 10/23/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Jurisdictional Waters Add'l Work | $11,199.37 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to finish the report authorized in change order number 17 based on additional Authority comments. The report details which permiting agency has jurisdiction over water resources in the Kings River Complex. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 36.1 | 10/12/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | Rescinded - PGE-DFJV Staffing | $669,168.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to design and construct the relocation of PG&E facilities to move them out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costs - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carlo Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 44 | 10/10/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL061, Nebraska Ave GS Design Concep | $33,425.55 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design for a bridge at Nebraska Avenue. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 48 | 10/9/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Administrative Change Order | $2,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement a partnering agreement between the Design-Builder and the Authority. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 43 | 10/9/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | DL 56, Richards, Singh, Bettencourt | $49,417.42 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is for design services at a property impacted by the future high-speed rail system. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 42 | 10/9/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL 065, 8' Shoulders South Avenue GS | $60,231.21 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design roadway shoulders to a new standard at South Avenue Grade Separation. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 41 | 10/9/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL 20.1, Spare Conduits, Design Cost | $199,535.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform design and construction of utility conduits under the future high-speed rail system. | Gladys Guzman - Design and Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole N Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 30.1 | 10/9/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Open Abutment Supplemental - DL 44.1 | $504,587.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to do geotechnical investigations at 28 bridge sites due to a design change. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 15.1 | 10/9/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Early Work Bridge Design Supplement | $343,946.68 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform early design work on a bridge. It includes a $1,094,775.39 credit to the Authority for work authorized in change order number 15. | Glady Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Dragados / Flatiron Joint Venture | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.4 | 9/14/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement, COP 88.7, 7 Sites | $273,069.13 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at 7 sites. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.3 | 9/14/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement, COP 88.6 - 2 Site | $120,993.61 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at 3 sites. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 40 | 8/8/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Increase in required BNLL Surveys | $352,490.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide environmental surveys and reports for Blunt Nose Leopard Lizard on additional areas. | Gladys Guzman - Acting Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.6 | 8/8/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Tulare Co. Review Cost for Sub-Utili | $85,727.76 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fulfill Tulare County Sub-Utility Agreement 1.01. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.2 | 7/13/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement, COP 88.5 - 3 Prop | $98,208.59 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at 3 sites. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Michael COsts - Project Director |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 38 | 7/11/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Early Work Environmental Re-Exam | $218,788.21 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete environmental re-examination and permit amendments associated with advanced designs. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 15 | 7/11/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Early Start Design - 8 Bridges | $1,094,775.39 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide proposals to accelerate work. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 39 | 7/7/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Bio Precon Surveys (ITP) for Geotech | $200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide biological pre-construction clearance surveys in accordance with the Authority's environmental commitments. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 33 | 7/7/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Study for DL59, Dover & Silve | $9,334.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design drawings for 8th and Dover and Silveira property. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 37 | 7/3/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Study, DL 60, Flood Property | $4,927.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design drawings for Flood Property. | Gladys Guzman - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Carole Sanders - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 32 | 7/3/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design Study for DL57, Elkhorn Ditch | $35,739.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide design drawings for Elkhorn Ditch for an alternative route for the future high-speed rail system. | Gladys Guzman for Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 29.1 | 6/12/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Dudek's Early Start Staffing | $57,138.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide environmental services to accelerate the start of construction. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24.1 | 5/24/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Haz Mat Abatement COP 88.3 and 88.4 | $142,712.55 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials from a property acquired by the Authority. | Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 36 | 5/10/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | Rescinded - PG&E Provisional Sum | $253,715.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide management and support of activities to move PG&E facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 30 | 5/5/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | DL 44.1 - Open Abutments Type 2 Stru | $2,782,471.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement new design requirements for bridges over the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 28 | 5/5/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | RAM Reporting and Analysis | $1,200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide plans, reports, manuals and tests related to the Reliability, Availability and Maintainability requirements. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 27 | 5/5/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Utility Disconnects | $2,700,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to disconnect utilities from structures planned for demolition. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 19 | 5/5/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Adjust Design Grade for Subsidence | $2,527,630.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to update the design to reflect new survey data. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.4 | 5/5/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Ave 24 - 4 Seasons Crossing Design | $698,625.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design Avenue 24 as a four-season undercrossing beneath the future high-speed rail system due to the high groud water in Tulare County. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.3 | 5/5/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Tulare Co Item 1.08 Road 24 Overlay | $660,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform construction work on Road 24 to fulfil commitments made to Tulare County | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 34 | 4/26/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Unforseen Field Conditions T&M | $150,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to address unexpected conditions. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 31 | 4/26/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Inefficiency with using EMMA 1.0 | $290,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to implement the Authority's environmental requirements tracking software. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 35 | 4/25/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Deductions for Caltrans IQA Design | ($4,800,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to amend the contract to remove the Caltrans quality assurance scope from the contractor and to give it to the Authority. Caltrans provide quality assurance on high-speed rail design affecting the state highway system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 26 | 3/8/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Aesthetic Treatments on Type 1 Struc | $560,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide consistent aesthetic treatment on future high-speed rail bridges to make them look the same as those bridges. | Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 29 | 1/25/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | DFJV Early Start Staffing | $4,100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to advance design to accelerate the start of construction activities. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 20 | 1/24/2017 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | South Ave to Adams Clear and Grub | $12,290.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to construct irrigation pipe protection in various locations where irrigation crosses the future high-speed rail system. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Michael Costa - Project Director | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 23 | 12/22/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Reexam Fowler Elkhorn Clovis Davis | $67,018.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare additional environmental analysis at the Fowler, Elkhorn, Clovis and Davis bridges. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 24 | 10/14/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Material Abatement COP 88,88.1,88.2 | $528,610.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at 26 sites. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 22 | 10/14/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Storage of Foundation Piles | $7,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to store construction elements prior to installation. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 18 | 9/26/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Washington IC, People's, Lakeside | $117,662.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide plans for interpretive, educational materials and photography for Washington Irrigated Colony and Peoples Ditch as well as plants to screen the Lakeside Cemetery. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 17 | 9/26/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Third-party Related | Jurisdictional Delineation | $138,266.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide environmental work within the Kings River Complex of rivers. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.2 | 9/26/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Tulare Co Landowner ROW (Design) | $331,167.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to develop alternative design solutions to accommodate landowner facilities near Avenues 88 and 24. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 21 | 9/16/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Additional Allowable Stored Material | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the Special Provisions section 8.2, Unincorporated Materials, to include a list of specific materials. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 16 | 8/22/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Cultural Mitigation of Two Buildings | $92,778.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide cultural mitigation evaluations of buildings in Fresno as part of the Authority's environmental commitments. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Drew Erickson - Third Party Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 13 | 8/15/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design CP 2-3 to meet CP1 profile | $77,446.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to coordinate the design between Construction Package 1 and Construction Package 2-3 at the point where they meet. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10.1 | 7/18/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Tulare Co Overlay No. 1.09 | $1,596,855.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to perform road construction work on Road 40 to fulfil commitments made to Tulare County. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 14 | 6/30/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Orthographic Photography | $8,160.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide high resolution pictures and maps of the project area. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 12 | 5/13/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Abatement of Hazardous Materials | $456,905.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to remove hazardous materials at 13 properties owned by the Authority. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 10 | 5/11/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Tulare County Agreement - Design | $1,899,482.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design and develop final construction cost estimates for Tulare County's requirements at 18 roads and associated land acquisition activities. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 11 | 5/5/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Start Bridge Construction | $327,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to assess the potential risks and benefits associated with early bridge construction. This included assembling a team to review the Contract Baseline Schedule, design processes, permitting processes, Right-of-Way availability, attend briefings, prepare a cost estimate and schedule analysis, and present the findings and recommendations to Authority staff. | Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal - Project Manager | Charlie Guess - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 9 | 5/4/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Differing Site Conditions | Analysis of Subsidence Survey Data | $20,954.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to prepare a digital terrain model. | Jorge Granados - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal - Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 8 | 4/7/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Utility Relocation | Evaluation of PG&E Provisional Sum | $105,891.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to estimate the scale of work to move all PG&E facilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 7 | 4/4/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Environmental | Tribal Monitoring | $130,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct daily Tribal Monitoring during the Authority’s pre-construction phase. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 4.1 | 3/23/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Supplemental ROW Delineators | $2,932.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to buy, install and maintain more poles to show the limit of property bought by the Authority. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 4 | 3/1/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Right-of-Way Delineators | $107,467.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to buy, install and maintain poles to show the limit of property bought by the Authority. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 5 | 1/29/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Subsidence Survey | $335,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to survey the gradual caving in or sinking of an area of land (subsidence). This scope of work includes data collection, planning and reporting with remote sensing technology (LIDAR). | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 2 | 1/4/2016 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Hormel Feed Mill Alignment Study | $29,963.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to re-design the route of the future high-speed rail system to avoid the Hormel Feed Mill. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 3 | 11/12/2015 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Early Start Analysis Staff | $120,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is the addition of two contractor management staff to assist the Authority in evaluating the effort needed to start early construction. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 2-3 | HSR 13-57 | 1 | 7/31/2015 | Dragados/Flatiron Joint Venture | Administrative | Partnering & DRB | $270,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to account for the partnering and Dispute Resolution Board (DRB)expenses the Authority shares with the contractor. The Authority is responsible for 50% of the Partnering and DRB costs over the planned four year duration. | Jorge Granados, P.E. - Design & Construction Manager | Lloyd Neal, Project Manager | Charlie Guess, DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 216 | 11/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Temporary Power Generators at Amtrak and Poso Avenue | $163,884.13 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the installation and maintenance of solar power generators to power illumination and pump stations at the Amtrak Pedestrian Underpass and Poso Avenue Underpass until PG&E service is active. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.6 | 11/16/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Additional costs associated with Project delays in accordance with the Proposed Schedule 23. TIA#17 | $1,751,540.10 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to award CRB an interim time extension of 30 Working Days and associated field office and job site overhead costs while the Authority negotiates and completes a comprehensive delay-related Change Order with CRB. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 172 | 10/19/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | TIA #6 Subcontractors Delay Claims - Pacific Steel | $380,352.32 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate California Rail Builder for costs related to its subcontractor, Pacific Steel Company, delay claim associated with Time Impact Analysis (TIA6). | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 165.1 | 10/10/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Facilities - Construction Costs | $18,565,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for all direct construction costs associated with the Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) Facilities Relocation Work. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 165 TA | 10/10/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Facilities - Construction Costs | ($7,500,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to void / nullify Change Order CO 00165 - Semitropic Facilities - Construction Cost, executed on December 22, 2022. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Not Required | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 213 | 10/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from April 2023 to May 2023 | $512,853.21 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between April 2023 and May 2023. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 214 | 10/2/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Crimson Midstream Additional Costs | $752,722.98 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for direct costs by Crimson Midstream to relocate Conflict #11000 at Merced Avenue. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.5.1 | 9/11/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Additional Insurance Premium Costs Beyond May 3, 2023 | $6,185,950.82 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate California Rail Builder for the additional insurance premium costs assuming corresponding proof of payment is provided to the Authority. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.5.2 | 9/11/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Escalation Costs - TIA#16 - March 1, 2023 thru June 30, 2023 | $1,560,674.70 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from March 01, 2023, through June 30, 2023, as stipulated in CO-00032R5 and pursuant to the escalation formula set forth therein and mutually agreed upon. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 207 | 9/11/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from March 2023 to April 2023 | $401,027.92 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between March 2023 and April 2023. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 209 | 9/18/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Reimbursement of CDFW Fees | $17,101.28 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the fees paid to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) by CRB for Incidental Take Permit (ITP) amendments. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 211 | 9/25/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Solid Barrier Additional Costs | $77,084.41 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the additional costs associated with complying with Directive Letters DL-00010, DL-00125, and DL-00125.1, that increases the limits of the solid barrier and installation of a 4’-6” high chain link fence with an Opaque Solid Barrier (no polycarbonate panels). | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 212 | 9/25/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | City of Wasco G Street Lighting | $816,089.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to new permanent lighting along G Street as directed by DL-00135. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.1.1 | 8/16/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | TIA#6 Subcontractor's Delay Costs-Griffith Company | $631,668.40 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to its subcontractor, Griffith Company, delay claim associated with Time Impact Analysis (TIA6), and Change Order (CO) -00032R1. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 208 | 8/14/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract - 10th Submission | $15,094.49 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for its payments to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) for its legal costs associated with the acquisition of real property- 10th Submission. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 204 | 8/13/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from February 2023 through March 2023 | $422,450.79 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between February 2023 and March 2023. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.5 | 7/19/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Adjustment to Completion Deadlines and Contract Price due to Delays (TIA16) | $11,170,910.11 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for claims for delay claims through April 30, 2023, incurred costs of acceleration efforts to be undertaken by CRB as directed by the California High-Speed Rail Authority, and for cost reimbursement for Poso Avenue BNSF Shoofly. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 189 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | City of Wasco Changes - Poso Avenue and J Street | $1,450,697.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for all design and construction costs associated with the additional requirements imposed by the City of Wasco for the Poso Ave and J Street connector. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 199 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Additional Insurance Premium Costs - Sixth Submission | $204,735.04 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for additional General Liability and Excess Liability insurance premium costs; this submission includes the final audit invoices for coverages up to June 30, 2022. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 200 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Changes to NKWSD Conflict 5002 | $565,875.36 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Changes to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) Conflict 5002, replacing the existing pump and its equipment with a new, energy-efficient variable frequency drive (VFD) pump and relocating it to a specified location on the southwest side of Canal 9-22. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 201 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Conflict 8010 Asbestos Pipe Removal | $48,988.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for cost incurred for removing and disposing of the Hazardous Material encountered during the relocation of the City of Wasco Conflict 8010. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 203 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Temporary Power Generators and Electrical Modifications at McCombs and Merced | $306,473.32 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for installing and maintaining solar power generators to illuminate McCombs Road and Merced Avenue until PG&E services are active and electrical modification at McCombs Road and Merced Ave are complete. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 205 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract - 9th Submission | $11,924.64 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for its payments to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) for its legal costs associated with the acquisition of real property- 9th Submission. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 206 | 7/28/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Water Storage District Costs Reimbursement | $23,547.76 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for payments made to the Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) related to the costs of the preparation, reviews, negotiations, and execution of ROW easements. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 11.2 | 6/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Extension to Authority's Wasco Office Internet Upgrade to 20 Mbps | $9,814.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the costs associated with Extending Change Order CO-00011.1 that upgraded internet in the Authority's Wasco Office from 10 Mbps to 20 Mbps. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18.7 | 6/22/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Additional Environmental Surveys & Investigations - R7 | $1,103,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Additional costs associated with environmental Surveys & Investigations. | Garth Fernandez – Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.4 | 6/15/2023 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Interim Adjustment to Completion Deadlines and Contract Price | $1,535,262.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the interim contract extension - 22 days. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 141.2 | 6/14/2023 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation Costs-TIA #13-December 1, 2022 thru March 1, 2023 | $767,291.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from December 01, 2022, through March 01, 2023. | Garth Fernandez – Director of Infrastructure Delivery | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 175 | 6/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional Costs due to Delays on Vacations of Kern County Roads | $1,875,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the additional expenses associated with remobilization and completion of the remaining work on the high-speed alignment resulting from the delayed resolution of Kern County Roadway vacations. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 186 | 6/15/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from December 2022 through January 2023 | $394,304.36 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between December 2022 and January 2023. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 188 | 6/26/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Kern County Roads Improvement | $1,727,966.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the design and construction costs associated with Kern County road improvements. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 190 | 6/20/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | PG&E Conflicts 12039-12041 Out of Sequence Work | $378,257.10 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for all additional costs incurred due to the delays in the relocating PG&E conflict 12039, 12040 and 12041. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 191 | 6/20/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | PG&E Conflict 12065 Out of Sequence Work | $212,212.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for all additional costs incurred due to the delays in the relocating PG&E conflict 12065. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 192 | 6/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | PG&E Conflict 12038 Out of Sequence Work | $362,790.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for all additional costs incurred due to the delays in the relocating PG&E conflict 12038. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 193 | 6/11/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from January 2023 through February 2023 | $525,814.52 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between January 2023 through February 2023. | William Casey Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 195 | 6/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract - 7th Submission | $25,119.41 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for its payments to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) for its legal costs associated with the acquisition of real property. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 196 | 6/9/2023 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional Insurance Premium Costs-Workers' Compensation and Automobile Liability Insurance | $223,100.33 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for actual costs of insurance premiums paid. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 197 | 6/23/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CRC Relocation Support | $36,356.85 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the additional costs incurred due to the removal and reconstruction of the roughed-in fill for the Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) at Station 15482+00. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 198 | 6/21/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract | $5,709.16 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for ts payments to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) for its legal costs associated with the acquisition of real property. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 187 | 5/1/2023 | California Rail Builders | Utility Relocation | Poso Avenue Steel Structure Storage Fees | $232,147.20 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Poso Avenue Steel Structure Storage Fees. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 150.1 | 4/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Merced Avenue Resurfacing | $1,136,474.43 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for resurfacing old Merced Avenue between Scaroni Avenue and SR-43 resulting from additional requirements imposed by Kern County. | Daniel Teran Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32.3 | 4/25/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Interim Adjustment to Completion Deadlines and Contract Price | $4,396,432.95 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Adjustment to Completion Deadlines and Contract Price for 63 Working Days. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 118r2 | 4/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Ceiling Increase for Continued Wasco Ave Detour | $253,679.37 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase the ceiling for California Rail Builder's continued Wasco Ave detour. This Change Order fully compensates California Rail Builders for the additional costs associated with continued maintenance of the Wasco Avenu Detour through the end of June 2023. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 169 | 4/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Facilities' Design Costs | $500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the actual cost incurred for Semitropic Facilities' Design. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 171.1 | 4/26/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract | $21,518.77 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to establish a mechanism to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs associated North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract, specifically for its legal costs associated with the acquisition of real propert. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 177 | 4/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Lapidary Farms Access Road | $308,160.16 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for costs associated with the Lapidary Farms Access Road design and consturction. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 178 | 4/6/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Addtl Costs September 2022-November 2022 | $933,789.22 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional Environmental Monitoring Costs September 2022-November 2022. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 179 | 4/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Steel Casing RAM Analysis Documents (DL-00122) | $21,904.56 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Steel Casing RAM Analysis Documents (DL-00122). | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 180 | 4/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Maintenance Manuals Update and Rework | $23,540.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Maintenance Manuals Update and Rework. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 181 | 4/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Additional Costs Incurred at Peterson Bridge Resulting from Authority's Directive to Stop Work | $171,920.99 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for Additional Costs Incurred at Peterson Bridge Resulting from Authority's Directive to Stop Work in August 2020. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 182 | 4/5/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Water Storage District Costs Reimbursement | $83,171.51 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to establish a mechanism to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs associated with Semitropic Water Storage District Costs. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 184 | 4/6/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from September 2022-November 2022 | $544,793.05 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional Environmental Monitoring Costs September 2022-November 2022. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 185 | 4/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Canal 9-22 Access Road from Old McCombs Road | $819,757.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to establish a mechanism to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs associated with designing and constructing the access road between Canal 9-22 and McCombs Road. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - Project Director & CEO | Brian Stover - Design Built Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 168 | 3/6/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from August 2022 to September 2022 | $411,585.99 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between August and Septemer 2022. | Brian Kelly - Executive Director | Miguel Mora - CEO | Brian Stover - Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 173 | 3/22/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from July 2022 to August 2022 | $419,243.57 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between July and August 2022. | William Casey - Chief Operating Officer | Miguel Mora - CEO | Brian Stover - Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 141.1 | 3/29/2023 | California Rail Builders | Adminstrative | Escalation Payment for the Period from January 01, 2022 through November 30, 2022 | $3,237,398.02 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from January 01.2022, through November 30, 2022. | Daniel Teran - Senior Contract Manager | Miguel Mora - CEO | Brian Stover - Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 163 | 2/1/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Canal 9-22 Bypass Construction | $2,322,466.03 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for constructing and removing a temporary bypass for the North Kern Water Storage District's (NKWSD) Canal 9-22, including additional design costs resulting from NKWSD’s additional requirements not covered under Change Order CO-00125. | Daniel Teran | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 141 | 2/10/2023 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation Costs Mechanism - TIA# 13 | $0.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason is to establish a mechanism to compensate CRB for all costs associated with escalation for the 301 Working Days of delays associated with TIA#13 due to Third Party Facilities (Semitropic) as established by Change Order CO-00032R2 amendments. | Garth Fernandez | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 174 | 2/27/2023 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Conflict 8006 Asbestos Pipe Removal | $12,762.50 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for the actual cost incurred for removing the asbestos pipe encountered during the relocation of the City of Wasco Conflict 8006, identified as Hazardous Material but not classified as Class I or Class II. | Daniel Teran | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 84.2 | 1/20/2023 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Quality Milestone Data Pack Structure and Content | $1,669,790.98 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for all efforts to comply with the Quality Milestone Data Pack Structure and Content per Directive Letters DL-00073 and DL-00083. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 170 | 1/12/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Reimbursement of CDFW Fees | $22,995.91 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the fees paid to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife by CRB for Incidental Take Permit amendments. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 171 | 1/12/2023 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | North Kern Water Storage District Additional Costs not Covered under the Contract | $29,105.18 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for its payments to North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD) for its legal costs associated with the acquisition of real property. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 165 | 12/22/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Facilities - Construction Costs | $7,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for all direct costs associated with the Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) Facilities relocation work and for any additional direct construction costs associated with Authority-issued Directive Letters to November 3, 2022. | Garth Fernandez | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 166 | 12/13/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs-June 2022-July 2022 | $410,730.21 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between June and July 2022. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18.6 | 12/12/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Additional Environmental Survey & Investigations | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase the Not-to-Exceed (NTE) amount of Change Order 18 to $8,222,556.20. | Garth Fernandez | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 118.1 | 12/7/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Ceiling Increase for Continued Wasco Ave Detour | $216,937.19 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the additional costs associated with continued maintenance of the Wasco Ave Detour through the end of 2022. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 167 | 11/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | SWSD Additional Costs not Covered under Contract (3rd Submission 01/01/2022 - 06/30/2022) | $19,801.41 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to pay California Rail Builders for payments made to Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) the Additional Costs on behalf of the California High-Speed Rail Authority between 01/01/22 and 06/30/22. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 162 | 10/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Southern California Gas (Sempra) Additional Costs - CWA 6th Street Phase II Reauthorization | $1,129,269.14 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to reimburse California Rail Builders for payments made to Southern California Gas Company (Sempra) related to the Collective Work Authorization for work at the 6th Street Phase II Crossing. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 164 | 10/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional Insurance Premium Costs resulting from Contract Extension of Time - TIA #13 - 2nd Submission | $13,456,829.39 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for actual costs of insurance premiums paid. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 160 | 10/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Costs-May 2022 to June 2022 | $348,251.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional environmental monitoring costs during May 2022 to June 2022, due to delays in the acquisition of project-required Right of Way. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 161 | 10/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Costs-April 2022 to May 2022 | $387,854.34 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional environmental monitoring costs during April 2022 to May 2022, due to delays in the acquisition of project-required Right of Way. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 157 | 9/15/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Increase Cost due to Hazardous Materials Feb 2022 | $11,850.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs (except markup for overhead and profit) associated with removals and disposals of all Hazardous Materials encountered during demolitions of buildings on properties required for construction of California High-Speed Rail structures. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 158 | 9/29/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Frontier Conflict 2003 Additional Costs | $371,178.75 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders to relocate the Frontier Communications line identified as Conflict #2003, These costs are in addition to CO 00072. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 159 | 9/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Dedicated Wildlife Crossings Precast Boxes Storage and Freight | $200,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley.The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs associated with the storage of precast dedicated wildlife crossing box culverts at Pre-cast Product, Inc storage facility resulting from delays in the right-of-way (ROW) acquisition of Zone 1-5. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 154 | 9/17/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier at the Amtrak Station | $1,400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to redesign and construct the cast-in-place Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) wall and the associated Cast-In-Drilled-Hole (CIDH) piles between stations 15587+12.15 and 15589+77.68 at the Amtrak Station in Wasco, CA. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 150 | 9/14/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Costs resulting from Kern County's Additional Requirements | $3,800,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional costs incurred as a result of the additional requirements imposed by Kern County in regard to the Merced Ave. Overpass and associated roadway works. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 135 | 8/27/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Reduction of Utility Provisional Sum Amount | ($31,000,000.00) | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reduce the Utility Provisional Sum amount. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 144 | 8/17/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Cable Troughs & Emergency Walkways | $4,763,573.95 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for all costs associated with the design and construction of cable troughs and lids and emergency walkways per the Directive Letter, DL-65r2, and the Contract requirements. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 149 | 8/24/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from January 2022 through March 2022 | $527,463.57 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between January and March 2022. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 151 | 8/29/2022 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | PG&E Poso Alley Reconductor Mitigations | $457,078.32 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for the mitigation costs at J Street to mitigate the delays resulting from the delayed resolution of Right-of-Way (ROW) and land rights issues for the relocation of the PG&E Poso Alley Reconductor Utility Conflicts and to maintain the current Substantial Completion Deadline of March 1, 2023. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 152 | 8/27/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Relocated System Site Design Cost | $52,035.64 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for all the design costs associated with developing a final design plan for the Scofield Switching Station at its new location near the intersection of Scofield Avenue and Road 80 and related access roads. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 153 | 8/24/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from March 2022 through April 2022 | $469,673.69 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between March 2022 and April 2022. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 155 | 9/6/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Insurance Premium Costs | $5,421,961.05 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for actual costs of insurance premiums pursuant to General Provisions, Section 30. | Garth Fernandez | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 139 | 7/27/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Increase in the depth of the City of Wasco's Well 13 | $46,857.09 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs for drilling and construction of Well #13 associated with the increased depth from 1250 ft to 1345 ft. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 145 | 7/27/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Changes in specs for Caltrans concrete bridge decks | $120,293.13 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional costs associated with complying with the change in the 2018 Caltrans Standard Specifications, Section 51-1.02B, for Merced Ave and McCombs Overpass structures. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 146 | 7/27/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | City of Wasco Conflict 8000 Misidentified Conflict | $223,174.20 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB and its subcontractors for additional costs incurred as a result of the water line break at around station 15548+00. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 147 | 7/27/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | NKWSD Unidentified Conflict Parallel to Conflict #5002 | $40,402.36 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for demolishing a newly identified 18-inch PVC irrigation pipe parallel to Conflict #5002 near Canal 9-22. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 67.1 | 6/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Extension of Daily Sanitizing Porter Services | $57,780.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the extension of daily sanitizing porter services beyond June 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 136 | 6/10/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | NKWSD Canal 9-22 Design Costs | $115,029.26 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for all additional costs associated with designing Canal 9-22 resulting from negotiations between North Kern Water Storage District and the CHSRA. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 137 | 6/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specificatinos | OCS Structural Connection to Type 1 Aerial Structures | $665,890.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for all costs to comply with the requirements set out in DL-00021-R1 to eliminate PVC sleeves for the Overhead Catenary System poles' structure connection at all Type 1 aerial structures and to design, supply, and install OCS structural anchor connections that are embedded into the aerial structure's deck. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 140 | 6/20/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Facilities' Design Costs | $765,534.16 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for all the design costs associated with the Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) facilities within CP4 due to impacts resulting from changes to the SWSD facilities, the Cooperative/Settlement Agreement, and ongoing SWSD coordination. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 143 | 6/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Drilling Crew Standby Costs at Poso Ave | $216,744.70 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB and its subcontractors for drilling crew standby costs between October 13 - December 15, 2021, as directed by the CAHSRA. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 148 | 6/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | CN-00093 City of Wasco Unidentified Conflict | $57,175.70 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for the additional costs associated with repairing and relocating the City of Wasco's unidentified water line at the west side of the Pedestrian Underpass. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Brian Stover |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 138 | 5/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Southern California Gas (Sempra) Additional Costs - Poso Ave Collectible Work Authorization | $1,245,552.76 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for payments to Southern California Gas Company (Sempra) for Facility Relocations within the limits of the CP4 project. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 142 | 5/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from Nov 2021 through Feb 20222 | $1,266,297.56 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional environmental monitoring costs November 2021 - February 2022, due to delays in the acquisition of project-required Right of Way | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32r2 | 4/15/2022 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Adjustment to Completion Deadlines and Contract Price due to Delays (TIA13) | $21,005,179.65 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to resolve all of California Rail Builder's claims for delays through September 30, 2021 which caused, contributed to, or resulted in the extension of the Substantial Completion Deadline to March 01, 2023 and the Final Acceptance to May 03, 2023. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 57.1 | 4/26/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Electrostatic Disinfection Services | $7,715.47 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional Electrostatic Disinfection Services costs beyond Change Order 57 approved amounts (for the period March through June 2021). | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 84.1 | 4/26/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Quality Milestone Data Pack Structure and Content | $980,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for adherence to additional Costs related to (Increase the Limit of Target Estimated Cost for Quality Milestone Data Pack (QMDP) structure and content). | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 134 | 4/25/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | SR 46 BNSF Temporary Shoofly Access Road Redesign | $43,412.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the costs of redesigning BNSF's temporary shoofly access road. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 91.4 | 3/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation Payment for the Period from October 01, 2021 through December 31, 2021 | $349,237.08 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from October 01, 2021 through December 31, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 114 | 3/10/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost – April 2021 through June 2021 | $460,984.69 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between April 2021 through June 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 119 | 3/11/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional Costs Associated with Quality Inspections and Testing (TIA 6) | $754,819.38 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to memorialize the agreement between California Rail Builders and HSR to settle and resolve all pending disputes and claims for any and all costs related to the quality testing and inspections claimed to be "additional" and unplanned resulting from the 158 Working Day extension of the Substantial Completion date to December 15, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 120 | 3/11/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional Permitting, Survey Equipment and Drone Costs Resulting from Extension of Project Completion Deadlines Pursuant to CO-0032R1 | $296,280.34 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to memorialize the agreement between California Rail Builders and HSR to settle and resolve all pending disputes and claims for any and all costs related to the provision and maintenance of surveying equipment, drone equipment, water use fees and permits, and all costs associate with the work to address or remediate water storage capacity issues of the North Kern Water Storage District (NKWSD). | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 121 | 3/11/2022 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Settlement of Claims for Costs of Technical Office, Foremen, Survey & Maintenance resulting from 158 WD Extension of Project Completion Deadlines (CO00032R1) | $848,900.28 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to memorialize the agreement between California Rail Builders and HSR to settle and resolve all pending disputes and claims for costs incurred resulting from the 158 working day extension to December 15, 2021 to maintain, support, employ, and utilize the following: technical office staff, equipment, and materials; survey staff, equipment and materials; maintenance staff, equipment and materials including, foreman, vehicles and fuel, and water truck. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 127 | 3/10/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost – June 2021 through July 2021 | $331,707.98 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between June 2021 through July 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 128 | 3/10/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost – July 2021 through August 2021 | $295,329.96 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between July 2021 through August 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 129 | 3/10/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost – August 2021 through September 2021 | $306,784.66 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between August 2021 through September 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 130 | 3/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Fees and Charges paid to North Kern Water Storage District for transactions between February 16, 2021 and November 15, 2021 | $34,143.11 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for actual and necessary costs for North Kern Water Storage Dsitrict (NKWSD) staff, outside legal counsel, and outside design and engineering consultants in conjunction with the reviews, negotiations, and execution of permit to enter, amendments to Utility Agreements, CCUA, and JUA in the period from February 16, 2021 through November 15, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 131 | 3/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs from October 2021 through November 2021 | $374,692.09 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between October 2021 through November 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 132 | 3/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Water Storage District Costs – Reimbursement and Costs | $30,620.21 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for payments made to Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) on behalf of the California High-Speed Rail Authority for payments made between July 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 133 | 3/30/2022 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost September 20, 2021 to October 24, 2021 | $411,952.84 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between September 20, 2021 through October 24, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 125 | 2/22/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | NKWSD Canal 9-22 Temporary Bypass Design Costs | $43,556.15 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional costs to design and construct a temporary bypass for Canal 9-22. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 126 | 2/24/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Temporary Retention Basin at SR46 | $848,759.33 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional costs with designing and constructing a temporary retention basin at the State Route 46 (SR46) in the City of Wasco. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 39.5 | 1/21/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Additional Costs Associated with the Remainder of the IPB Changes | $13,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the remainder of the Intrusion Protection Barrier changes initiated by CAHSRA. | Brian Kelly | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 117 | 1/5/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Wasco Avenue Detour and Pile Drilling Crew Standby | $470,160.37 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for installing and maintaining the Wasco Avenue Detour at the intersection of Wasco Avenue and Jackson Avenue in Kern County. This includes maintenance labor costs through September 17, 2021, and equipment rental costs through December 26, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 118 | 1/5/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Wasco Avenue Detour Maintenance | $190,519.44 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the time and material costs incurred for the maintenance of the Wasco Avenue Detour at the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Wasco Avenue in Kern County. This includes the labor costs incurred after September 17, 2021, and the equipment rental costs incurred after December 26, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 122 | 1/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | CPUC Formal Application Extension Peterson, Poso and Kimberlina | $33,262.96 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the costs associated with the CPUC applications for authorization to extend construction activities for Peterson Road, Poso Avenue, and Kimberlina structures. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 123 | 1/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Reimbursement for Semitropic Conflict 6014 | $765,641.16 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for payments made to Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) on behalf of the CHSRA for the relocation of SWSD Conflict 6014. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 124 | 1/31/2022 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Temporary Shoring for Pedestrian Underpass | $449,987.64 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for all temporary shoring costs associated with PG&E conflict 12058 at Pedestrian Underpass. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 91.3 | 12/2/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation Payment for the Period from July 01, 2021 through September 30, 2021 | $671,255.29 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from July 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 116 | 12/3/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional Insurance Premium Costs resulting from Extending the Cover Period to February 17, 2022 | $1,558,313.12 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for actual costs of insurance premiums as required by the Contract. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 107 | 11/4/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Reimbursement of CDFW Fees | $113,459.18 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the costs/fees paid by CRB for Incidental Take Permit (ITP) amendments charged by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 111 | 11/5/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Mitigation Measures to Reduce the Delays resulting from the Limitation of Form B's | $300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the additional costs resulting from the limited Form B's for Merced Ave grade separation in Wasco, CA. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 113 | 11/17/2021 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SR46 Get-to-Work Effort at Abutment 3 | $85,903.75 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs to continue progressing Work incrementally with extra mobilizations and demobilizations to construct the concrete for the south abutment #3 of the SR46 bridge. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 115 | 11/17/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional insurance premium costs resulting from Change Orders increasing the Contract Price | $977,069.48 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for actual costs of insurance premiums as required by the Contract. | Steven Milton | Miguel Mora | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 70.1 | 10/29/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Additional Costs to Keep Active Zones Environmentally Cleared | $1,297,254.71 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for keeping zones environmentally cleared active while waiting for property acquisition or land rights to be secured. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 109 | 10/29/2021 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Scofield Ave Roadworks Resequencing | $381,712.03 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional costs associated with the Scofield Avenue realignment resulting from delays in the right of way (ROW) acquisition. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 110 | 10/29/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Design Changes to Retention Basin Associated with the New SR-46 Roundabout | $60,814.77 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for design costs to perform the hydraulic engineering for the retention basin after the addition of a roundabout by Caltrans at the intersection of SR-46 and SR-43. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 112 | 10/14/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Hazardous Materials Abatement for Buildings | $227,261.50 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs (except markup for overhead and profit) associated with removals and disposals of all Hazardous Materials encountered during demolitions of buildings on properties required for construction of California High-Speed Rail structures. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 90 | 10/6/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Design and Construction of Well #13 | $1,400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compesnate California Rail Builders for all costs associated with the design and construction of a new well. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 91.2 | 10/5/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation Payment for the Period from April 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021 | $390,992.03 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from April 1, 2021 through June 30, 2021. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 83.1 | 9/30/2021 | California Rail Builders | Utility Relocation | Wasco Viaduct Girders Storage | $148,532.69 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the costs associated with the storage of Wasco Viaduct girders from January 1, 2021 to July 31, 2021 at the ConFab California, LLC production facility in Shafter, CA. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 91 | 9/3/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation | $- | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to provide a mechanism to grant an equitable adjustment for escalation costs associated with the 158 Working Days granted by CO-00032R1. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 93 | 9/14/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs for September 12, 2020 to November 13, 2020 | $929,921.05 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between September 12, 2020 and November 13, 2020. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 94 | 9/14/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs for November 14, 2020 to January 22, 2021 | $836,407.52 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between November 14, 2020 and January 22, 2021. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 95 | 9/14/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Semitropic Water Storage District Costs - Reimbursement and Costs/Recompense for Payment Processing | $231,317.34 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for payments made to Semitropic Water Storage District (SWSD) on behalf of the California High-Speed Rail Authority (the Authority). | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 102 | 9/17/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Additional Payment and Performance Bond Premium Costs Resulting from Extension of Time Per Change Order | $1,317,073.51 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for its actual cost of performance and payments bonds' premiums resulting from the extension of time granted by Change Order No. 00032R1 and amending the Contract Price to $595,851,920.35. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 104 | 9/21/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs for January 18, 2021 to February 20, 2021 | $395,477.60 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between January 18, 2021 and February 20, 2021. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 105 | 9/21/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs for February 15, 2021 to March 20, 2021 | $430,749.12 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between February 15, 2021 and March 20, 2021. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 106 | 9/21/2021 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs for March 20, 2021 to April 23, 2021 | $431,030.09 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs related to environmental, biological, Native American, and paleontological resource monitoring of the project site between March 20, 2021 and April 23, 2021. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 91r1 | 8/26/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Escalation Payment for the Period from August 01, 2019 through March 31, 2021 | $1,485,975.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the escalation costs due for the period from August 1, 2019 through March 31, 2021. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 96 | 7/30/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Fees and Charges Paid to North Kern Water Storage District for Transactions between October 16, 2019 and August 31, 2020 | $106,758.67 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for actual and necessary costs for NKWSD staff, outside legal counsel, and outside design and engineering consultants in conjunction with the reviews, negotiations, and execution of permit to enter, amendments to Utility Agreements, CCUA, and JUA in the period from October 16, 2019 through August 31, 2020. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 92 | 7/27/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Differential of Cost for the Construction of Realignment of Canal 9-22 | $2,632,327.07 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the difference between the cost of constructing the realignment of Canal 9-22 according to the original Contract requirements and the cost of constructing the realignment of the same canal in accordance with the North Kern Water Storage District requirements. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP4 | HSR 14-32 | 103 | 7/14/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | JLL ROW Easement Application Payments for Sempra Relocations at 6th Street and Poso Avenue | $9,771.24 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for two BNSF railroad easement application fees required for the Southern California Gas Company facility relocations to be performed at 6th Street and at Poso Avenue in the City of Wasco, CA. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 97 | 6/23/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Sempra Additional Costs to CO-0056 - SR46 Roundabout | $266,281.40 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for costs imposed by Southern California Gas Company (Sempra) related to the relocation(s) of Sempra facilities required in conjunction with the future construction of a new roundabout on SR46. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 98 | 6/23/2021 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Kern County Reimbursement to Vacate Roads | $42,800.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate CRB for the actual costs paid by CRB to Kern County associated with the processing of applications for roadway vacations. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 101 | 6/30/2021 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Insurance Premium Costs | $519,674.81 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to reimburse California Rail Builders for actual costs of insurance premiums. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 88 | 2/9/2021 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Installation of Irrigation Casings at McCombs Ave | $1,356,245.99 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the design and construction of four irrigation casings at McCombs Avenue on the western side of the grade separation. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 89 | 2/24/2021 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Landowner Reimbursement (DL-00081) | $165,357.69 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for having provided payment to Wasco Real Properties I, LLC for costs associated with modifying/reconnecting the property's (FB-15-0352) drainage to accomodate CP4. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 39R3 | 1/29/2021 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Design and Construction of Intrusion Protection Barrier (IPB) with Sheet Piling Wall from STA 15391+03.27 to STA 15414+07.27 | $5,819,801.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for all costs and expenses associated with the design and construction of the berms and partial berms for use as intrusion protection barriers on the CP4 project between stations STA 15391+03.27 and STA 15414+07.27. | Joe Hedges | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 39R4 | 1/28/2021 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Drainage for Intrusion Protection Barrier(s) located between station 15426+88.18 and station 15664+00 | $8,430,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the cost increases in the construction of the drainage system for the intrusion protection barriers between station 15426+88.18 and station 15664+00 resulting from the Authority directives altering design criteria, standards, and specifications for intrusion protection barrier(s). | Joe Hedges | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32r1 | 12/24/2020 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | Delay Damages due to Extension of Project Completion Deadlines | $11,025,974.70 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to account for delays caused by the Authority which caused, contributed to, or resulted in the extension of the substantial completion deadline to December 15, 2021 and the final acceptance deadline to February 17, 2022. | Joe Hedges | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 84 | 12/30/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Quality Milestone Data Pack Structure and Content | $1,000,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for adherence to additional requirements related to Quality Milestone Data Pack (QMDP) structure and content as applicable to construction verification and validation. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 78 | 11/30/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Poso Ave Encroachment Permit Requirements | $400,000 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the reimbursement of additional and unforeseen permit costs associated with the City of Wasco. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 82 | 11/30/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Construction Specifications and RAM Deliverable | $2,190,031.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for modifications to requirements related to the additional documents and management of technical contract requirements. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 86 | 11/30/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Sempra Additional Costs #2 | $104,349.54 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional costs imposed by Sempra and to be paid by CRB related to relocations of Sempra facilities. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 87 | 11/30/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost July - Sept | $813,357.10 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional environmental monitoring costs from July to September 2020, due to delays in the acquisition of project-required Right of Way. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 76 | 10/30/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Canal 9-26 Mitigation Measures Construction of Temporary Bypass | $469,685.88 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the construction of a temporary by-pass at Canal 9-26 and its subsequent removal upon completion of the relocation of Canal 9-26. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 81 | 10/7/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | SR46 CIDH Piling Resequencing | $250,783.60 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders to move the CIDH pile drilling operation once to SR-46 HSR Bridge Abutment 3 to perform Contract work. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 83 | 10/29/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Additional Mitigation Girders Installation | $623,712.78 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the direct costs associated with the out of sequence works related to ROW delays in delevery of PG&E Conflict 12079. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canete | Robert Kennah |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 77 | 9/29/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Merced Abutment and Earthwork Resequencing | $449,219.17 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for efforts related to the Get to Work initiative at the Merced Overpass. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 72 | 9/28/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Frontier Unknown Utility Conflict 2003 Relocation | $906,149.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders to relocate the Frontier Communications line identified as Conflict #2003. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18R5 | 9/28/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Additional Environmental Surveys & Investigations R5 | $2,100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase the Not-to-Exceed (NTE) amount of Change Order 18 to $7,222,556.20. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 80 | 9/25/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Cost February to July 2020 | $2,414,634.88 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional Environmental Monitoring Costs from February to July 2020. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 43R1 | 9/18/2020 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Landowner Reimbursement #2 | $80,250.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders to make an immediate payment to Mr. Steve Brock of Land Value Farms, Fresno, California. This payment is for additional modifications to the farm’s irrigation system made and paid for by Mr. Brock to accommodate the CP-4 and are reimbursable to Mr. Brock and Land Value Farms by the Authority. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 51R1 | 8/31/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Claim Settlement for DL-00058 Additional Dedicated Wildlife Crossing | $5,444,957.80 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to pay California Rail Builders for the installation of additional dedicated wildlife crossings as required by CDFW. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 75 | 8/28/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | PGE Conflict Out of Sequence #3 | $968,522.57 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for direct costs associated to out of sequence works related to PG&E conflicts 12030 and 12033-12036 , as part of the Get-to-Work initiative. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 74 | 8/28/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Mitigation Measures Semitropic Conflicts | $3,531,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for out of sequence works relating to 14 Semitropic conflicts, due to delays in land rights agreements and Semitropic relocation delays. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 73 | 8/27/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Kimberlina and Merced Access Road | $42,016.58 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for additional design work associated to the reconfiguration of the Kimberlina and Merced access roads. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 68 | 8/27/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Lighting at McCombs and Merced Overpassing | $1,510,728.93 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the installation of safety lighting at the McCombs and Merced overpasses and SR-43 crossings, as required by Kern County. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 71 | 8/20/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | RAM Deliverables Accelerated Costs | $36,191.65 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for the additional effort involved in the acceleration of delivery of RAM deliverables, including Maintenance Concept, Maintenance Manuals, and the Maintainability Demonstration Test Plan and Procedure. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 70 | 8/12/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Additional Costs to Keep Active Zones Environmentally Cleared | $1,171,185.66 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate California Rail Builders for keeping active zones environmentally cleared, active while waiting for property acquisition or land rights to be secured by the Authority. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 69 | 7/31/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Environmental Monitoring Additional Costs up to Jan 2020 | $2,701,092.97 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for additional environmental monitoring costs through January 2020, due to delays in the acquisition of project-required Right of Way. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 61 | 7/31/2020 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | McCombs Overpass Construction - Schedule Mitigation Measures | $2,027,317.69 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for out of sequence works/mitigation measures at McCombs overpass and other roadworks. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 64 | 7/16/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | PG&E Conflicts Out of Sequence Work #2 | $1,628,345.78 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate CRB for out of sequence works related to PG&E conflict 12077 MSE Wall and CIP Wall. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 59 | 7/16/2020 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | McCombs CIDH Piling Resequencing | $382,517.88 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is to move the CIDH pile drilling operation to McCombs Rd Bridge Abutment 4 to perform contract work for an expedite fee for hoops and revised rebar, plus stand-by charges. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 67 | 7/14/2020 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Daily Sanitizing Porter Service | $57,780.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide daily porter services for the Wasco High Speed Rail offices, as a proactive measure to protect the staff against COVID-19 | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 65 | 7/14/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | Wasco Amtrak Station Security | $10,523.92 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide security for the Wasco Amtrak station during the placement of girders. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 63 | 7/14/2020 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Parcel FB-15-0028 Iafrati Farms Landowner Reimbursement | $14,245.58 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide payment to Iafrati Farms, owner of Parcel FB-15-0028, for the cost of reconnection of their irrigation system to the Semitropic Water Storage District system. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 62 | 7/14/2020 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Poso Ave Underpass Construction - Schedule Mitigation Measures | $3,922,875.11 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for the direct costs associated with the out of sequence works/mitigation measures at the Poso Ave. underpass. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 60 | 7/6/2020 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Mitigation Measures for Wasco Viaduct - Drilled Shafts | $601,385.66 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for out of sequence work related to various PG&E conflicts. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 57 | 7/6/2020 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | Electrostatic Disinfection Services | $43,206.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to provide electrostatic disinfection services for the Wasco High Speed Rail offices, as a proactive measure to protect the staff against COVID-19. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 58 | 6/23/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third Party | PG&E Conflicts Out of Sequence | $4,368,775.71 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate CRB for out of sequence work related to various PG&E conflicts. | Steven Milton | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 56 | 5/29/2020 | California Rail Builders | Third-Party Related | So Cal Gas (Sempra) Additional Costs | $9,798,912.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to finalize negotiations of a dispute regarding So Cal Gas (Sempra) work. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18 R4 | 5/19/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Add'l Survey & Investigation | $2,147,556.20 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase the Not-to-Exceed (NTE) amount of Change Order 18, executed on June 19,2017 for $400,000, previously increased under Change Order 18R2 executed on May 2, 2018 by $700,000, by Change Order 18R3 executed on Dec. 3, 2019 for $1,875,000 and by this CO for $2,147,556.20 to $5,122,556.20. The reason for change order number 18 is a delay in the release of land to the general contractor to begin construction. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 55 | 4/21/2020 | California Rail Builders | Roadway Modifications | Peterson Road Bridge Extension Mitigation Measure | $4,998,981.43 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to redesign and construct an extension to the previously planned bridge at Peterson Road in Wasco, California. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 39 R2 | 3/5/2020 | California Rail Builders | Track Structure: At-grade track | IPB Remaining Berm Viaduct Mod Const | $15,872,287.58 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to initiate construction of a portion of the Intrusion Protection Barrier berm on the project. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 53 | 2/28/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Removal of Two Underground Storage Tank's and Two Concrete Vaults at G Street | $71,211.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to compensate for the removal of underground facilities tanks in Wasco, California. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 51 | 2/27/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Claim Settlement for DL-00058 Dedicated Wildlife Crossing | $11,938,500.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to pay California Rail Builders for the installation of Dedicated Wildlife Crossings on the project. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 11 R1 | 2/18/2020 | California Rail Builders | Contract | Upgraded Site Office Internet Bandwidth | $41,275.08 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase internet speed for the Authority's utilization.This Change Order shall fully compensate California Rail Builders (CRB) to provide an upgrade the Authority’s Wasco Office internet from 10 Mbps to 20 Mbps internet connection with fiber optic. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 52 | 2/18/2020 | California Rail Builders | Roadway Modifications | Merced CIDH Piling Resequencing | $121,364.75 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to pay California Rail Builders for mitigation costs due to PG&E delays. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 50 | 1/14/2020 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Mitigation Costs Reimbusement for Zones 12-15 | $1,914,162.87 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to pay California Rail Builders for mitigation costs due to right-of-way acquisition delay in Wasco. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 39 R1 | 12/10/2019 | California Rail Builders | Track Structure: At-grade track | IBP Last Mile | $13,977,559.30 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to initiate construction of a portion of the Intrusion Protection Barrier berm on the project. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 49 | 12/10/2019 | California Rail Builders | Site Utiltiies Relocation | Water Service at Parcel FB-15-00-28 | $83,978.62 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to install a 24-inch casing and 12-inch PVC water line to enable existing water service restoration to a parcel in Wasco. | Elias Mahfoud | Antonio Canate Berenguer - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 48 | 12/4/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Kimberlina CIDH Piling Work Resequencing | $265,860.94 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reasons for the change is to move the pile drilling operation twice to install and remove additional CMP liners at Kimberlina Abutment 2. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18 R3 | 12/3/2019 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | Additional Environmental Surveys and Investigations | $1,875,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to increase the Not-to-Exceed (NTE) amount of Change Order 18, executed on June 19,2017 for $400,000 and previously increased under Change Order 18R2 executed on May 2, 2018 by $700,000. The NTE ceiling is now increased by $1,875,000 to $2,875,000. The reason for change order number 18 is a delay in the release of land to the general contractor to begin construction. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 47 | 11/22/2019 | California Rail Builders | Utility Relocation | Sempra Relocation at State Route 46 Conflict 10003 Design | $459,722.86 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders for the design of the relocation of utility conflict #10003, a gas line at State Route 46 owned by Sempra Energy, (“Sempra”, also known as SoCalGas). | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 46 | 11/5/2019 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Mitigation Cost Reimburse Zones 1-5 | $2,800,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is mitigation costs incurred due to the delay in right-of-way (ROW) acquisition in the north area of CP-4 (Zones 1-5). | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 45 | 10/28/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Intrusion Protection Barrier Design Modifications | $1,300,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is required design revisions due to updates to the Intrusion Protection Barrier standards ordered under Directive Letters (DL) 0007, 0024, 0024R1, 0024R3, and 0024R4. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 44 | 10/8/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Work Separation of HSR Alignment from State Route 46 at BNSF Crossing | $68,821.33 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This reason for the change is to fully compensate the Contractor for work performed under Directive Letter (DL)-00054 of April 8, 2019, Separation of Work of HSR Alignment form SR 46 at BNSF Crossing. This work includes evaluations of conceptual options to resolve the conflict between the current BSNF shoofly design at SR 46 and the requirement of DL-00054 to finish the construction of the HSR Alignment by the Substantial Completion Date and then complete the other work of SR 46 at BNSF Crossing at a date to be determined. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 43 | 10/8/2019 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | Landowner Reimbursement | $125,688.67 | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to compensate California Rail Builders to make an immediate payment to Mr. Steve Brock of Land Value Farms, Fresno, California. This payment is for modifications to the farm’s irrigation system made and paid for by Mr. Brock to accommodate the CP-4 and are reimbursable to Mr. Brock and Land Value Farms by the Authority. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 42 | 10/3/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Resume Original Merced Avenue Alignment Design | $601,641.77 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders to cease all design work for the Merced Avenue Overhead and Roadway Realignment as defined in Directive Letter (DL) DL-00025, DL-00025R1, and Change Order (CO) CO-00021, and to resume and complete the design work for the original Contract alignment. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 41 | 9/24/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | Revise Realignment of Canal 9-22 Design | $180,657.04 | This is a change to a contract for design services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to fully compensate California Rail Builders to revise the design of the realignment of Canal 922. | Elias Mahfoud - State Senior Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Robert Kennah - DB Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 39 | 8/29/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | IPB Last Mile | $5,500,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order is to construct a protective barrier to separate the high-speed rail alignment from the adjacent freight railroad as modified by the Authority’s Directive Letter 24R3. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Stephen Lowry - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 27 R1 | 8/28/2019 | California Rail Builders | Utility Relocation | Design SR-46 Pumping Station to RFC | $242,102.40 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order is to design a replacement for the Caltrans pumping station at State Route 46 to move it out of the way of the high-speed rail alignment. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Stephen Lowry - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 40 | 8/26/2019 | California Rail Builders | Utility Relocation | Un-ID'd Frontier Utility Conflicts | $25,879.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order moves Frontier Communications facilities out of the way of the high-speed rail alignment. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Stephen Lowry - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 38 | 8/15/2019 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CO 38 BNSF Access Roads | $3,717,579.65 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order is to design and construct BNSF access roads where access is impacted by the high-speed rail project. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Stephen Lowry - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 35 | 8/6/2019 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | CO 35 Reimburse Specific CDFW Fees | $73,053.62 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order allows for the acquisition of the required environmental permits for construction at 5 locations on the high-speed rail right of way. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 37 | 7/25/2019 | California Rail Builders | Utility Relocation | SoCal Edison Relocation at Peterson Road | $324,862.51 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order moves Edison Overhead Distribution line out of the way of the future high-speed rail system at Peterson Road in Kern County. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 36 | 7/25/2019 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | City of Wasco Additional Utility Casings-Increase Amount | $4,998,220.99 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The change order pays for installation of 9 utility casings and design of 1 utility casing for the City of Wasco. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversignt Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 34 | 5/20/2019 | California Rail Builders | Differing Site Conditions | City of Wasco Well #13 Test Well | $297,900.28 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay the City of Wasco, the local governing body, to move its services out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. This work is coordinated by the general contractor in Wasco responsible for designing and constructing the future high-speed rail system. | Elias Mahfoud - Senior State Contract Manager | Antonio Canete, Project Director and CEO of CRP | Mike Barbour, Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 33 | 3/21/2019 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 33 Un-ID Frontier Con 2000-2002 | $190,962.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to pay Frontier Communications, a telecomunications company, to move its services out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. This work is coordinated by the general contractor in Wasco responsible for designing and constructing the future system. | William Grimsley, Acting Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete, Project Director and CEO of CRP | Mike Barbour, Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 32 | 3/4/2019 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | CO 32 Settlement/ Release/Wavier | $40,459,152.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is to account for delays caused by the Authority from the start of work until January 31, 2019. This change order allows the general contractor more time and additional budget to complete the delayed work (as documented in Time Impact Analyses 1 through 5). In addition to the additional budget, a contract extension of 525 working days was given to the contractor. | Joe Hedges - Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 28 | 2/8/2019 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | CO 28 Dispute Review-Executive | $- | This is a change to a contract for construction services in the Central Valley. This change eliminates the Dipute Resolution Board from the dispute resolution procedures. The reason for the change is to improve dispute resolution process. | Joe Hedges, Chief Operating Officer | Antonio Canete, Project Director and CEO of CRP | Mike Barbour, Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 30 | 11/28/2018 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | CO 30 BNSF ROE Permits Renewal-2018 | $17,988.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to secure permits to enter BNSF proprety to conduct work. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 29 | 10/31/2018 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | CO 29 Privately-Own Irrigation Line | $1,819,676.47 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to relocate private irrigation lines to move them out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | William Grimsley - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 27 | 9/5/2018 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 27 SR46 @ BNSF Crossing Design | $1,158,550.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design the BNSF bridge at State Route 46 and the State Route 46 roadway. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18 R2 | 6/26/2018 | California Rail Builders | Environmental | CO 18R2 Enviro Surveys & Invest R2 | $700,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. This is a supplemental to change order number 18 to increase the cost for the work by an additional $700,000 taking the total to $1,100,000. The reason for change order number 18 is a delay in the release of land to the general contractor to begin construction. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 26 | 6/21/2018 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 26 Pile Rig Standby Costs | $171,200.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct pile load tests and to pay for unused equipment due to lack of land on which to conduct the tests. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 25 | 6/21/2018 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 25 Kimberlina Crossing @BNSF&SR43 | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to incorporate the revised design to the Kimberlina Avenue crossing. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 24 | 5/9/2018 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 24 MultiMonth Schedule 12/17-3/18 | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the requirements for updates to the schedule from December 2017 through March 2018. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 23 | 4/17/2018 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 23 Caltrans Reimbursement | $- | Change Order (CO) 23 was issued as a unilateral deductive CO in April 2018 to implement the agreement between the Authority and Caltrans for Caltrans to bill their design and construction services on the project directly to the Authority. It was later determined the deductive in CO 23 was included in CO 32 (Global Settlement), and should therefore be reversed. As of February 2022, this reversal has been formalized. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 22 | 1/31/2018 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 22 BNSF ROE Insurance Renewal | $26,165.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to extend insurance policies required by BNSF for entry onto their property. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 21 | 1/31/2018 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 21 Merced Ave Realignment Design | $300,199.06 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to design a bridge alternative at the Merced Avenue overpass. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 20 | 8/15/2017 | California Rail Builders | Changes to Plans and Specifications | CO 20 Ductbank Ext. to System Site | $296,356.31 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to construct underground duct banks for the future high-speed rail system. | Benjamin Camarena - Design & Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 19 | 7/31/2017 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 19 McCombs Avenue Options Study | $40,732.72 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to study three options for the design at McCombs Avenue. | Benjamin Camarena - Design & Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Mike Barbour - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 12 | 6/20/2017 | California Rail Builders | Differing Site Conditions | CO 12 Prelim Enviro&Geotech Inv Work | $100,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to complete the remaining environmental and geotechnical investigations. | Benjamin Camarena - Design & Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 18 | 6/1/2017 | California Rail Builders | Differing Site Conditions | CO 18 Add'l Survey & Investigation | $400,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for this change is a delay in the release of land to the general contractor to begin construction. | Benjamin Camarena - Design & Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 15 | 5/15/2017 | California Rail Builders | Right-of-Way (ROW) Related | CO 15 ROW Delay Notices & TIA Sub. | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to clarify the Right-of-Way delay notification and time impact analysis processes in the contract. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 13 | 4/13/2017 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 13 Multimonth Progress Updates | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to revise the requirements for updates to the schedule to bring the schedule baseline up to date. | Benjamin Camarena - Design & Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 11 | 3/17/2017 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 11 Authority Wasco Internet Upgra | $32,492.88 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to install an internet connection to the Authority office in Wasco. | Benjamin Camarena - Design & Construction Manager | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 10 | 2/17/2017 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 10 Admin Correction to CO No. 02 | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to correct an error on change order number 2. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Directo and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - Design-Build Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 9 | 2/7/2017 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 9 Additional BNSF Insurance | $3,450.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to obtain right of entry permits from BNSF. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 8 | 1/17/2017 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 8 Partnering Services-Ongoing | $237,150.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to establish a fund for partnering costs, which are shared between the Authority and the contractor. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 7 | 11/14/2016 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | CO 7 Disputes Resolution Board | $250,000.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to establish a fund for the Dispute Resolution Board and dispute resolution training. Costs are shared between the Authority and the contractor. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 6 | 10/17/2016 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 6 Partnering Services | $9,900.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct partnering workshops between the Authority and the contractor. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 2 | 8/22/2016 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | CO 2 Tribal Monitoring | $74,557.60 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to conduct tribal monitoring as part of the Authrities environmental requirements. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 5 | 8/12/2016 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO 5 Addition of Griffith to Bonds | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to modify the contract with Griffith Company becoming a 20% member of the general contractor. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 4 | 7/19/2016 | California Rail Builders | Dispute Resolution | CO4 BNSF Timeframe Clarification | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to record a new commitment regarding work to be completed by BNSF from 24 to 12 months. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 3 | 7/19/2016 | California Rail Builders | Administrative | CO3 Form I Update | $- | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to modify the contract based on updated data regarding bonding, insurance and mobilization costs. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Antonio Canete - Project Director and CEO of CRB | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
CP 4 | HSR 14-32 | 1 | 3/24/2016 | California Rail Builders | Third-party Related | CO 1 Bonding and Insurance Increase | $1,359,570.00 | This is a change to a contract for design and construction services in the Central Valley. The reason for the change is to cover increases in bonding and insurance costs associated with an increase in work related to moving public utilities out of the way of the future high-speed rail system. | Terry Ogle - Director of Design & Construction | Jose Baraja - Authorized Representative | Claudio Dallavalle - PCM Oversight Manager |
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