CEO Report

Brian P. Kelly, CEO
March 17, 2022

Overview | Cap and Trade Update | April Board Meeting | Future In-Person Meetings | Relevant Materials


  • Cap and Trade Auction Update
  • Update on Future Board Meetings
  • Spring Construction Update


  • February Cap-and-Trade Auction Results:
  • Preliminary results suggest the Authority will receive about $244 million from the February auction.
  • Annualizing the quarters, the past four auctions have generated about $1.047 billion for the Authority – this is the highest level of revenue for any one-year period since the auctions started.
  • The graph shows the market is stabilizing after the pandemic, and the market is robust. Should continue to be a vibrant program.
  • The primary driver of higher auction proceeds is auction settlement prices significantly above the reserve price – in February the auction settlement price was $29.15 per allowance versus the reserve price of $19.70.
  • The Final 2022 Business Plan will be updated to include the February auction.

Graphic is a bar graph, showing (y axis) quarterly auction proceeds in dollars by (x axis) quarter from the cap-and-trade auctions. The first quarter shown is August of 2017, and the most recent quarter is February 2022. The last four quarters show approximately $1 billion in funds to the High-Speed Rail Authority. Two lines are present superimposed over and across all bars showing two funding levels where quarterly bars need to reach each quarter to the Authority to receive $500 million and $750 million dollars per year. A severe dip in funding is marked by the start of the covid-19 pandemic.

  • Graphic is a bar graph, showing (y axis) quarterly auction proceeds in dollars by (x axis) quarter from the cap-and-trade auctions. The first quarter shown is August of 2017, and the most recent quarter is February 2022.
  • The last four quarters show approximately $1 billion in funds to the High-Speed Rail Authority.
  • Two lines are present superimposed over and across all bars showing two funding levels where quarterly bars need to reach each quarter to the Authority to receive $500 million and $750 million dollars per year.
  • A severe dip in funding is marked by the start of the covid-19 pandemic.


  • Upcoming April Board Meeting:
  • Reminder: the upcoming April meeting will be a two-day Board meeting. Pre-covid practices and protocol.
    • Wednesday, April 20 and Thursday, April 21
  • The meeting will be in-person in Sacramento
  • Expected Action Items:
    • EIR/EIS for San Jose to Merced
    • Draft 2022 Business Plan considered for adoption.


  • Future In Person Meetings:
    • Authority must include a physical teleconference location for board members not participating in person on the agenda.
    • Locations must be accessible to the public.
    • Ensure equipment is sufficient.
    • Post agenda at all teleconference locations.
    • Members of the public attending at teleconference locations must be able to address the governing body in the same manner as those attending in person.
    • All votes taken at meetings with teleconference must be with a roll call vote.
    • We have to go back to the prior rules.


Board of directors

Board Resolutions

View the Board Resolutions


Board of Directors Secretary
(916) 324-1541

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