CEO Report

Brian P. Kelly, CEO
February 17, 2022

Overview | San Jose – Merced FEIR/EIS Update | Tunneling Workshop | Change Order Report | Contract Extensions | Relevant Materials


  • San Jose to Merced Project Section Final EIR/EIS Update
  • Tunneling Workshop
  • Change Order Report – CP 1
  • Contract Extensions


Friday, February 25 the Final EIR/EIS will be publicly released for the San Jose to Merced project section.

  • NEPA requires a 30-day waiting period prior to considering certification or approval of the document.

At the April 2022 Board meeting the following will be considered:

  • Certifying the Final EIR/EIS as California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Lead Agency
  • Approving the Preferred Alternative and related CEQA Decision Documents
  • Directing the Authority Chief Executive Officer to issue the Record of Decision (ROD) under the Authority’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Assignment

Approximately 90 miles

  • Upgrades to existing rail corridor between San Jose and Gilroy, including the Diridon Design Variant
  • Dedicated HSR infrastructure through Pacheco Pass and San Joaquin Valley connecting to Central Valley Wye
  • Two tunnels (13.5 miles and 1.6 miles) in the Pacheco Pass, including the Tunnel Design Variant
  • Two Stations
    • San Jose Diridon Station
    • Downtown Gilroy Station
  • Two Maintenance Facilities
    • South Gilroy Maintenance-of-Way Facility
    • Maintenance-of-Way Siding near Turner Island Road


We have also scheduled a two-day workshop specifically focused on tunneling. The reason we think this is important discuss is because the three segments in California in the phase 1 segment that have tunnels account for about half of the program cost. Some $45 to $50 billion are in segments where there is tunneling. We have significant tunneling between Palmdale to Burbank, Bakersfield, and Palmdale, and about 58 miles of tunneling between Merced and San Jose. The idea is to bring in tunneling experts.

  • Day two of the March Board meeting (March 16 & 17)
  • Inviting tunneling experts with experience with transportation tunneling projects from five fields:
    • Design
    • Heavy Civil Contractor
    • Tunnel Boring Machine Manufacturer
    • Public Sector
    • Academia

Primary purpose is to hear from experts on:

  • Best practices and lessons learned in tunnel construction, scheduling and cost modeling
  • Opportunities to mitigate risk and cost
  • Focus areas for near term planning


I have an update on change orders that I want to report to the board. The list of change orders you see on construction package 1 are those that have been identified that we need to negotiate.

The first two–Golden State and Belmont have been completed. We are in negotiations for McKinley which is close to approval and Guideway Construction for Caltrans SR-99.


  • Golden State North and South Road Alignment
  • Belmont Avenue Overcrossing and Grade Separation
  • McKinley Avenue / North Weber Avenue Junction (negotiated, pending approval)
  • Guideway Construction for Caltrans SR-99 between Clinton and Ashland (in negotiation)
  • Church Avenue Grade Separation Changes (expected in Q2 2022)
  • Tulare, Ventura and Fresno Streets (Downtown Fresno) (expected in Q2 2022)


  • Golden State Boulevard North
    • Cost: $19,212,645.00
    • Justification: The construction of Golden State Blvd. North roadway is a major component of the high-speed rail footprint in the area. Without completing this work specified under this Change Order, the project cannot be completed.
  • Golden State Boulevard South
    • Cost: $28,229,153.00
    • Justification: The construction of Golden State Blvd. South and the associated utility relocations are a major component of the high-speed rail footprint in the area of Golden State Blvd. Without completing this work specified under this Change Order, the project cannot be completed.
  • Time impact for past delays
    • Cost: $121,976,000 negotiated with contractor (TPZP)
    • Justification: This change order is needed to fully compensate Tutor Perini/Zachry/Parsons, Joint Venture (CP 1 Contractor) for time impact costs from May 2, 2019 through February 1, 2021.


  • Wong+Harris (PCM)
    • Cost: $27,142,821.18
    • Justification: The PCM services are critical to the successful completion of CP-1. The PCM provides Project Management and Administrative services, and oversight.
  • WSP (Rail Delivery Partner)
    • Cost: $90,000,000.00 is the estimated cost of the 12-month extension
    • Justification: The Program Delivery Support (PDS) Contract procurement is estimated to complete by mid-August 2022. The amendment for funding and time of the RDP Contract ensures an effective transition to the PDS consultant


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Board Resolutions

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Board of Directors Secretary
(916) 324-1541

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