High-Speed Rail Authority Names Northern California Regional Director

Aug 17 2018 | Sacramento

SACRAMENTO, Calif.– The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) today announced the appointment of Boris Lipkin as the Northern California Regional Director.

“Boris’s appointment to this position continues the excellent work he has done as the Acting Northern California Regional Director to prepare us for future Silicon Valley to Central Valley high-speed rail service,” said Authority CEO Brian Kelly. “His experience with the high-speed rail program and his familiarity with the issues in the region are invaluable.”

This spring, Boris Lipkin was appointed Acting Northern California Regional Director, where he has already been playing a pivotal role in leading the delivery of the Silicon Valley to Central Valley line in the Northern California region. Lipkin has previously served in several roles with the high-speed rail program since 2011, and prior to his Acting position, he served as the Authority’s Deputy Director of Strategic Planning as appointed by Governor Brown. In that role, Lipkin helped negotiate key agreements with Caltrain and other partners.

As the Northern California Regional Director, he will continue his focus on engaging regional stakeholders on developing the program and bringing the benefits of improved transportation and mobility to Northern California. His start date is August 17, 2018. The compensation is $170,004.



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